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Weapon bug!
Soldat Forums - Soldat Talk - Need Help? Report Bugs!
August 21, 2003, 6:34 am
I found quite an interesting little bug in v 1.1.5. I was playing a Rambo Match against the John, Stevie, and Admiral bots. As well as one of my own custom creations as well. Anyway. I had the bow and I was close quarters with Stevie and John. The bow was knocked out of my hands and John had it. As I moved back and forth frantically to get a weapon somehow I got the bow again. But it had flaming arrows-so after I killed John and Stevie I went to switch back to normal arrows and ended up with none other than the FN Minimi!! My rambo do was gone and in its place my trusty hat! The bots stopped firing on me when I had the minimi-I looked just like a normal guy-then I would switch back to flaming arrows and kill mwa ha! Needless to say-this bug would give someone quite an advantage in multi player.

I've found another bug with the FN Minimi as well. A bunch of times now when I had a M72 LAW equipped and fire-when I switched back to the FN minimi I couldn't reload-but I found if I tap e I can reload just fine. If this happened to anyone else-just tap e fellas.

August 21, 2003, 9:48 am
'e' being your grenade key?

The nade key usually fixes the reload bug.

There was a bug where you could run up to a rambo and punch him and get a bow, but you would get both bows, and usually a hat.

But not only the flame bow.

lol - so many rambo bugs ^_^

thanx for the report

August 21, 2003, 4:40 pm
The same happens With Badass Lagg or sometimes for no perticular reason.. U pick up only 1 of the bows... Once I played on a serv were I had the Flame Bow and some other dude the regular

August 22, 2003, 9:57 am
lol - we'll have to get rid of that one then :)

Can anyone tell me if it used to happen before 1.1.5?

I have never encountered it before.