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G&R Recruiting
Soldat Forums - Soldat Fans - Clan Recruitment
August 22, 2003, 1:02 pm
Guilt and Regret, my new clan is recruiting. We're(and i mean I) are recruiting REALLY GOOD ppl with any weapon, just be weally good :P

Post here if you wanna apply, .... the site is currently down - http://gandr.aowc.net/ but itll be back soon I hope, nothing important on it yet anyway.

You can contact ME via msn @ outcast_nejc@hotmail.com OR via irc(qnet) on #soldat.clans or #fury.soldat or #soldat.veterans or somethn, you choose am on lots of channels :P

EDIT : WE have a new mamber called Flaming Ballz, hes really good with the m79 and pretty good with the barret and some other weps, hes cool anyhow....w00t! That makes 2 of us

PS. - This is my 3rd post about this subject since my previus 2 disapeared to the unknown.

August 22, 2003, 1:12 pm
BAAAAAAAAAH! you shouldn't create a clan..join us instead u big meanie! x(

August 22, 2003, 1:13 pm
Well umm....sowwy :P

Tha Doggfather
August 22, 2003, 4:04 pm
nah join us :P

August 22, 2003, 5:11 pm
I would like to apply :D

August 22, 2003, 7:59 pm
so...how the heck do I contact you :P

August 23, 2003, 3:12 am
short but simple..very nice post there outcast

August 25, 2003, 12:42 am
uh my email is the_artist_formally_known_as_wes@hotmail.com srry bout that