August 22, 2003, 7:34 pm
that would be nice if some1 creat a 1.05b mod :)
like only copy~past the old thing over the new :)
easy and cool :)
December 2, 2003, 8:15 pm
I don't know why no one replied here- so I will.
I like this idea very much. But there are so many things that would have to be changed, especially the gun stats and all. So it wouldn't really work well, because you can't change those things. But you can go see my post and download 1.0.5b if you want!;)
The only way I see this happening is if Michal makes a mod. So...
January 7, 2004, 8:34 pm
dude u can install other mods 2 man from different versions just replace the right folders :)