liquidis x snake
August 27, 2003, 7:40 pm
To the forum:
I am sorry to inform that I, Eric, otherwise known as Liquidis x Snake, have decided to leave the forums. I have also decided to cease any and all production of my comic for now. There might be a time when I will create random comics not related to Soldat. When or if I do, I will be sure to inform you guys. But, as of today, I have officially "left" the forums. I will probably check in and out several times this week to answer any questions or reply to any comments about my decision.
I realize that TAOS has come a long way. I would never imagined it would grow this popular, even obtaining a fansite along the way. It's sad, I know, to stop making these comics. I don't know why I chose this path, but I feel that my time has come.
So for anyone who knows me well, enjoys my comics, enjoys my maps. I can only apologize for walking out like this. I wish you all the best of luck, I wish the new versions to be prosperous and I hope that Soldat will continue to be the best online-2D game we are blessed to have. I thank Michal for creating such an awesome game. My fight to save 1.0.5b obviously failed, but don't get things mixed up. This decision was not influenced by my opinions on the new version.
And so I say: Goodbye forums, goodbye TAOS, goodbye Soldat.
- Eric a.k.a. Liquidis x Snake
August 27, 2003, 8:05 pm
i did enjoy looking at your comics ;P
and i'm honoured to be the first that tells you farwell ~sniff~
take care dude ;P
August 27, 2003, 8:14 pm
*sniff* it was [:-censored]ing brilliant while it lasted tho :D
Please stick around and give us some info on yr whereabouts [a webpage or something :D]
that fuking sniper
August 27, 2003, 8:55 pm
*sheds tear*, Goodbye LX Snake, the comics really were [:-censored]ing brilliant as n2j3 said...
August 27, 2003, 9:04 pm
Thanks for writing a big sentimental goodbye instead of just leaving.
August 27, 2003, 9:13 pm
Peace out and thanks for testing SF Mod :P
August 27, 2003, 11:28 pm
Cya around I love your Comics and Maps, and have fun with what other things you may be doing in the future.
August 27, 2003, 11:55 pm
did he actually give a reason for leaving or did i miss something?
August 28, 2003, 12:06 am
i never read his comics... but eh good luck with whatever you choose to do =)
liquidis x snake
August 28, 2003, 12:08 am
I'm leaving because I think it is time that I should leave. I guess you can pin it on real life. School is coming up. I need to focus on my grades, whereas last year I slacked off and did horribly. I spent alot of time here, that could've been a problem. Who knows, I might return one day. But, I guess the reason would be real life.
Social Poison
August 28, 2003, 3:20 am
Leaving an online community is never a fun ordeal.
I'm really sorry to see you go... but I know how this darn real life thing can get in the way of the ever more entertaining world of Soldat [:-bonc01]. I wish you the best of luck and truly hope to see you again some day.
Until then (should it ever come)...
August 28, 2003, 6:01 am
Adios Bro soldat was good at the start now its dieing sometimes coming back with a flare sometimes yelling at you like there is some tomarrow. but you will find a game in the future might not be a computer game might not be a board game but you will enjoy this game. The game will be the best And i will challange you to this futurist game from the hell like grip of the devil. ok?
August 28, 2003, 8:56 am
cya liquid it was real fun playing 1.05b with you :)
ah man i hope i can play it with u again, god i loved the m79 back then, funass cannon wars :)
well cya dude, u gonna still go on msn?
August 28, 2003, 2:02 pm
Bye bye.
*I hate when we looze a memebr.*
The Second One
August 28, 2003, 2:06 pm
I didn't get to know you very well but your comics kicked ass and they still do! its always a shame to see someone leave.. take care buddy! :)
August 28, 2003, 2:30 pm
Well, I'll miss u dude, and not just because of your comics or maps either ;)
Good luck! Have fun! Stay safe!
August 28, 2003, 4:38 pm
*wipes tear from his cheek*
No, no I can cope...AW GODDAMMIT! Goodbye LxS! Now that you are leaving 1.0.5b will die...but it had better go out with a bang!
*hugs the lego man in LxS's avatar*
August 28, 2003, 8:30 pm
Yeah I have left for good as well. I have lost all interest in map-making (ctf_showdown will, without a doubt, be my last map) and in Soldat. I really wished 1.05b was brought back, but it obviously will die out like the other versions. To bad. Not to mention highschool AND college classes piling up on me. 1 week and I have already had 5 papers to write, 4 tests, and 10 quizzes. Not to mention every class assigning homework and me not being able to finish it thanks to my job.
I think you took the right choice Eric. Maybe this summer we might come back and play some Soldat again. Who knows.. Anyways, good luck! Been great fun playing Soldat all these years (well, just a little over a year... but it sounds better the other way).
August 28, 2003, 8:37 pm
C'ya mate, will miss them little comics, gl with whatever you do
August 29, 2003, 9:01 am
*hugs the mutating man in Emos avatar*, see ya next year.
Hercule Poirot
August 29, 2003, 10:29 am
Goodbye from me 2 didnt get to know you better but i really really liked your maps (you're one of the best) and i liked your comics too (i even colored few of them hey i was bored then :) well i hope we see next year with brand new comics and maps maybe soldat ver 1.0.5b might come back someday who knows bye.....
August 29, 2003, 6:09 pm
Cya dude, I'll keep fighting for 1.05 man, let the dream live on!
ur comics & maps were great too!
August 30, 2003, 4:19 am
Sorry to see you go
I used to go on tons as well. But now, im not finding the forums not quite as fun, and with school and all coming up i probably wont be on tons. Still, its pretty addictive, and i still enjoy the forums and the game, so ill go on regularily (once a week/every couple of days)
I think that theres nothing wrong with going off, especially if you're on too much, but i still think that you should try to go on at least once a week or a month, to deal with important stuff.
I used to enjoy going through EVERY thread and posting my opinions and ideas--i didnt spam--but now thats pretty tedious, so i just skim through the titles, and look into promising ones, or important ones, and thats it. Maybe half an hour, if i find some good topics, wheras before i would spend hours. Maybe you should try out what im doing. It works, and its nice to mantain a presence.
Sorry for going on about just got me thinking.
August 30, 2003, 6:28 am
Wut's wrong with 1.1.5? I played since like 1.0.4 (i think) and I don't see anything wrong with the newer versions
juice _ box
August 30, 2003, 9:08 pm
1.0.5's physics were aolt better than newer versions.
August 30, 2003, 9:35 pm
come back liquidis!!!!! *sad* :(
August 31, 2003, 10:57 am
MeshBlorg: Don't bring a 1.0.5b arguement into this topic please.
Cbble: I see by your signature you have started playing well again? See you in DNAgames >:)...
September 15, 2003, 2:55 pm
ill miss him.....he gave me something to do for a few minutes or so every couple of weeks.......hes like a game that crashes all the time (lol) well cant wait till u get outa school.........too bad u lost the war of the versions too well bye
September 17, 2003, 9:00 am
Damn the way you talk about this guy it's like he was some kind of celebrity lol. I never knew him, nor did I ever read one of his comics, nor have I ever played 1.0.5b