Social Poison
August 28, 2003, 11:35 am
Anyone else pick this up for their system of choice? It came out in the US yesterday (well... technically two days ago... it's very late), I just got it this morning.
What character(s) do you use? What do you think of the load of modes the game has.
I'm good with Kilik and am learning Cervantes (cuz he's cool... two swords always better than one ^_^)
And this game's 1 player mode is going to take me forever to beat... omfg... sooooo much stuff to collect :)
August 28, 2003, 12:06 pm
nightmare will always own.
is this one better then the first?
August 28, 2003, 2:13 pm
I agree with Theknightofthemare . Nightmare rockzors.
August 28, 2003, 3:16 pm
I personally use Mitsurugi, but I wanna learn Astaroth!
A friend of mine is an Astaroth master. The thing is, no one ever expects the beat down coming from Asteroth because they think he's a slow, lumbering character. Well, that's why he delivers a beat down so well. In fighting games, the slow lumbering characters deal the most damage, pound for pound. Not to mention that Asteroth can throw you from any position in the game!
He can throw you when you're standing, he can throw you when you're crouching,
he can throw you when you jump at him, he can throw you off a juggle,
he can throw you when you're on the ground, and even when you roll!
Even worse, he can chain his throws! Like throw you in the air, catch you from the air, throw you onto the ground, pick you up from the ground, and *SMASH* you into the ground! That's not even considering how many moves he has that do over 25% damage!
A lot of people don't even know about Astaroth's many throws because either they overlooked the character, or the computer has never used them in a fight.
So basically what I'm saying is, not only is Astaroth one of the most powerful fighters in the game, he's also the most underlooked. So, if you're planning on mastering anyone, give Astaroth a try! I promise his evil will not infect you (unless you get a mean winning streak!)
August 28, 2003, 4:05 pm
i suppose i could get it but i hear it aint very good for PS2, longo loading times and bad framerate and crap
August 28, 2003, 6:52 pm
first off, OMFG STRIKER how do u turn a small convo on who u use into such a long post? man ur insane. not in a bad way, not in a good. W/e just kinda crazy that's all. o and I GOT SOUL CALIBUR 2 YESTERDAY FOR GC!! w00t.
Ok and for who i use. I don't have a favourite yet but a couple i like r;
Maxi (OMFG he does his own thing i don't even do anything and i win :D)
Link (His grab throws u off if ur back is to the edge, VERY EASILY)
Ancid (not sure if that's his name but its the new default charecter, BIG, has an orb in his chest.)
O and Wormdundee i don't care what system u have im sure its just a slight difference so i suggest buying the game it ROXXORS!
Social Poison
August 28, 2003, 8:04 pm
I have the PS2 version and I can't stop playing it.
And apparantly there is some debate about Hiashi. I thought it was pretty universal that he sucked ballz, but apparantly Tekken pros keep on coming in and doing very well with him.
And I can contest, he is a B.ITCH if he gets close
August 28, 2003, 8:16 pm
quote:Originally posted by TIR_Blade
first off, OMFG STRIKER how do u turn a small convo on who u use into such a long post? man ur insane.
Yeah man, I get enthused, real easily. How it really works is simple; take any topic or detail, and no matter how insignificant, trivial, or minor it is, if you mix it up with the right amount of enthusiasm and you'll have enough to say for hours on end. It's even better when you use it in real life.
August 28, 2003, 9:23 pm
thats pretty genius.
Speaking of special charecters, Link is super good if u no how to use him, In fact so is every Soul Calibur character.
some examples;
Some1 uses Voldo and u think he sux. He whoops ur ass because the player MASTERED voldo. Altho Voldo may suck in ur hands he may be a lethal weapon in the hands of others.
Just like Maxi for that matter. My brother thinks he's going to own maxi cuz he uses Mitsurugi and he has the length advantage. Well i put a bit of combo's on his ass and got a perfect.
Same with Astaroth. That guy can deal out damage like nobody i've ever seen b4. If U use him right. I mean i was against my friend with Astaroth and I completely Crush him cuz he just can't deal the damage that i do.
Also, Ivy, She sux for almost every1 i no but then when i played with her for like 2 days i started KILLING! I mean ask psycho i faced him and got Perfect almost everytime against him. I use here whip to my advantage BIG TIME. When my opponent backs up i whip em and then start swinging it around. Then when they get up close i move and start the combo's
So just because u suck with him don't be surprised if some1 comes in and completely Rapes u with ur worst Character. It's all memorization(of the moves) and Skill(of the player) and Prefrence(which charactar u choose) And of course brains(what to perform and when). So if u can't use a character give urself a goal to become skilled with that certain character.
This is the best i could do striker :(
August 28, 2003, 11:58 pm
My god, this game is awesome. I'm hooked on Nightmare, but I'm also using Maxi, Astaroth, Raphael and Cervantes. When I get some time away from the other characters, I'm gonna try to work on Link.
August 29, 2003, 12:35 am
I want to get Soul Caliber 2 but no money right now lol good thang my parents ow me some money lol.
August 29, 2003, 2:48 am
omg guys, you have the [:-censored]in game and you cant even get the characters names right! its NECRID not ancrid, and HEIHACHI not..well i wont dare repeat what SP said, it was too awful
and this was from memory, i did not look the names up so ha, o yeh, i read somewhere about this guy who beat the original Soul Calibur using the fishing rod attachment thingo, he used Cervantes
August 29, 2003, 3:20 am
OK well i've only had it for a day and i dont use the Rancid guy. :P
August 29, 2003, 4:03 am
I might go buy it when i get a chance. If you guys could rate this for me, what would you rate it out of 10?
August 29, 2003, 5:18 am
Soul Calibur 2 has been out in Japan for months now, and a friend of mine named (for the purposes of this post) Nevin figured out how to download it onto his X-boxes' hard drive a long time ago. (If you open up your X-box, you can remove the 6 GB hard drive and replace it with a larger one. He upped it to a 60 GB, if my memory serves me.)
Anyway, I've played it extensibly since then, and I can't give it less than a 10 out 10. The fighting engine's top notch, all of the characters are cool and sophisticated beyond belief(right down to the name of their sword and the master they trained under!), and the home versions of Soul Calibur 2 offer a HUGE amount of extras.
That's not even mentioning how Todd McFarlane (the creator of Spawn) had a hand in creating Necrid, or Edge Master mode, or the plethora of secret characters in the game. Hell, even Sophitia managed to make it this time, despite her being replaced by a similiarly styled fighter.
To finalize, Soul Calibur 2 is the complete fighting game package. Similiar 3D fighters rarely even match up to this level of quality.
10 out of 10, no [:-censored].
Hey, and speaking of X-Box...
I was pretty amazed to find that not only can you install Windows onto your X-Box, but philanthropist programmers have also gone so far as to create a whole operating system for it!
Last I checked, it allows you to save whole games onto your hard drive and run them from there. What's weird about it is that Nevin sometimes likes to use an emulator to play old Super Nintendo games on his X-box...Which is in a lot of ways, an absolute waste of processing power. But hell, he's old skool all the way, so I don't bother him about it. Much.
August 29, 2003, 5:42 am
I saw that on a show ppl hacking the x-box putting in 120 gb harddrive, changing the os with one similar to Windows but for x-box, it can even store music, pictures, and videos as well as back up the games so no more losing discs and they even could stream video/music from a computer linked to the x-box that's all that I really thing is good about x-box.
August 29, 2003, 11:02 pm
nightmare will pwnz 4ll!!!!!!!!!!1[:D]
Social Poison
August 30, 2003, 1:57 am
The magazines (which have infinate wisdom over me of course) gave it around 9/10 or 10/10.
Personally I think it's a must own for anyone even remotly interested in fighting games.
August 30, 2003, 1:59 am
Ha im not even interested in fighting games and im addicted to this. GOD DAMIT BUY IT! 11010192321/10 so BUY IT NOW! OR U DIE!
August 30, 2003, 2:54 am
I must buy it the next time I go to the city. Or maybe convince my mom to let me order it online... I think I have a better chance at the city :/
August 30, 2003, 3:54 am
Gamespot gave it a 8.5, reader's review ranges from 7.2 to 8.7, which is also a good score. Its a solid game!!
August 30, 2003, 4:09 am
they probably didnt rate it higher because its quite similar to the original (not many new characters) but if you havent played the original (like me, cept for a coupla minutes at playdium once) get it, like im going to! and even if you have played the original, get it anyways!
August 30, 2003, 6:47 am
Alright, im convienced to get it (if thats how you spell that[:I])....but, i have all 3 consoles, which should i get it for?
August 30, 2003, 4:39 pm
ok here go the console wars. First off PS2 has the worst special character. (lets face it he doesn't even have weapons and he's not a legend like SPAWN AND LINK!)
SO the XBOX and GC war wages on. i find link to be a bit better character than spawn seeing on how he fits into the game well with his costume but his long range attacks. (only the bombs really) are quite useless but that's ok cuz u don't havta use them if u dont wanna.
Then the loading times are similar but i do believe X-Box's does load a tad faster. Not much maybe a second. Spawn however doesn't fit in the game that well with his costume. Just doesn't fit from what i've seen. And about the controllers. I've found GC's easy to use even tho PS2's is the best. i haven't tried PS2's but im gonna say the triangle button configuration works. Then there's X-BOX's but i really don't like the x-box's because there's too many buttons that are just not needed. And also when u'r playing a fighting game u tend to seize up if its close and with that sized controller u just wont be able to cope.
I'd go with GC because of the character is better than PS2's and X-BOX's also the loading is average. The controllers seem to work fine so about average because better than XBOX but worst then PS2.
here i'll rate the systems by points
2 points for beating both systems
1 point for being average, beating one losing to the other
0 for just sucking.
GC=2-Character. 1-controller 1-loading total=4
X-Box=1-character. 0-controller 2-loading total=3
PS2=0-character. 2-controller 0-loading total=2
WINNER=GC what more can i say
Social Poison
August 30, 2003, 9:33 pm
Meh, if you use the X-Box's non-loaf-of-bread controller it's not bad.
August 31, 2003, 3:05 am i guess its GC. thanks blade and everyone else [:-propeller]
Social Poison
August 31, 2003, 4:42 am
Btw, has anyone managed to unlock Cervante's third costume (if he has one)
August 31, 2003, 8:46 am
I still didn't play soul callibur 2.
August 31, 2003, 9:07 am
this game is fantastic.
i use talim and necrid.
they can completely own anyone you're fighting if you know how to use them.
August 31, 2003, 4:07 pm
Social Poison i haven't yet unlocked their costume mostly cuz i've had it for 4 days i think and i've been playing none stop. There's just SO much to collect.
August 31, 2003, 6:30 pm
You guys are making me want to walk from my house to the store and get it(like 9 miles [estimated]). I cant get a ride..dangit.
August 31, 2003, 6:39 pm
Go for it man i swear u wont be dissapointed. 9 miles is the smallest price to pay to even play this game for one round. Man u wont be dissapointed trust me.
September 1, 2003, 3:46 am
9 miles....1 round!?! damn, k ima start walking c ya later [:-drunk].
September 3, 2003, 4:11 am
I got the game when it first came out 3 days and i unlocked every thing now im just waiting for a good battle. = \ taking forever my friends suck at the game and i personally use ivy and cervantes i know all of his moves :D
Social Poison
September 3, 2003, 4:13 am
*Drives to Carl's house and proceeds to give him a hard core schooling in SCII*
September 3, 2003, 9:41 pm
lol! o and i could SO whoop ur ass. Kinda don't matter who i am. I can use ne1 altho i do favor Maxi. I can prob whoop u guys with ur own favourite characters.
September 3, 2003, 10:19 pm
Whoa! Watch out there buddy! Lizard man's gonna steal ALL of your barbeque sandwiches! I've GOT the chicken wings! ;)
September 4, 2003, 1:19 am
I don't play fighting games.
Well, there is one I still play. Marvel vs Capcom. I have that on my computer (ROM) and also play it at the arcade when ever I have time.
Social Poison
September 4, 2003, 1:24 am
*kicks Jay out of thread for not liking SC2*
September 4, 2003, 1:32 am
I didnt say that, I just dont like fighting games in general.
Except for MvsC
September 4, 2003, 2:38 am
DUDE! get OUT! if u like a game like Marvel vs Capcom(Which is complete crap compared to SC2. Im not even [:-censored]ing kidding i don't like fighting games much either until i played SC2) SO EITHER LIKE IT OR....DIE!
September 6, 2003, 12:21 am
I still havent got it, i have no money!!!! [B)]making me drool here...