If you want to join our clan, go to [URL]
Clan tag: SU|
PLEASE NOTE: The site is currently down due to updates, but feel free to visit it. Joining the clan will require a tryout, due to the site's maintenance, PM me here (you can also PM me on our clan's site) with the following informations:
2-Soldat nickname
3-Reason why you want to join
4-Weapons you use
5-Favorite game mode
Clan tag: SU|
PLEASE NOTE: The site is currently down due to updates, but feel free to visit it. Joining the clan will require a tryout, due to the site's maintenance, PM me here (you can also PM me on our clan's site) with the following informations:
2-Soldat nickname
3-Reason why you want to join
4-Weapons you use
5-Favorite game mode