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10,000the forum member
Soldat Forums - Misc - Forum News and Support
September 3, 2003, 1:34 pm
Another milestone: the 10,000th forum member, and surprise it's someon who's actual posted [:P]

Everyone say hello to Cyclone!

September 3, 2003, 1:38 pm
Yoo wazzup Cyclone!
dont forget to try Special Force MOD at http://hem.passagen.se/rasse2002

September 3, 2003, 1:41 pm
hello to Cyclone!

: D

September 3, 2003, 2:18 pm
Iz j00 t3h 1337?

September 3, 2003, 3:16 pm
cYc10n3 I5 t4h 1337

September 3, 2003, 5:11 pm
wow, do not stop posting!;>

September 3, 2003, 9:06 pm
Hey Cyclon.

September 3, 2003, 11:37 pm
lol these whatever number they make members never actually post anything lolz.

Social Poison
September 4, 2003, 1:59 am

His only post (and he gets a cool little sig mod... lol)

September 4, 2003, 2:20 am
You know what the sad thing is?

Cyclone will never see this thread :P lol

hehe, 1 linux post :P

And he even has the magical title
"10,000th Forum Member"

September 4, 2003, 2:39 am
Why does he get a title lol why not me "Kamikaze Knifer" HARR

September 4, 2003, 7:02 am
yay go cyclone you've made this forum proud :)

that fuking sniper
September 4, 2003, 8:22 am
Damn, I didnt get that much attention when I joined :P Well, I did, people were going, "oh not him again, Ban."...

*goes with the flow* Hi Cyclone, and welcome to the forums, you will regret you even registered in a few days when you get to read what people actually post in here...Enjoy your staying :D