September 7, 2003, 2:20 am
i would found it interesting if soldat get a more realistic touch by adding evironment that can be destroyed by grenades or endless gun fire but not as big as worms. it's enough to see were big battles were fought ^^
September 7, 2003, 3:05 am
Well, this has been suggested before, but it wouldn't really work with the polygonal levels... you can't just blow a hole in a polygon.
September 7, 2003, 3:51 am
I knew a man who once tried to blow a hole in a polygon...
No one's seen him since. [:O]
September 7, 2003, 4:22 am
wot u walking wout eyic, well wi wont wo, wugger wit wan, wim wored wit da crap ey lol COULD WORK, ANY1 EVERY PLAYED RED FACTION, LOVE THAT GAME!
September 7, 2003, 4:24 am
it would be cool if the flame god powerup set fire to the surrounding environment...
at least then it wouldnt be such a [:-censored] powerup.
September 8, 2003, 1:20 am
Unfortunately, Soldat's code does not support deformable terrain.
However, individual objects could be made that react cosmetically to gunfire -- leaves that blow away, wood that gets a scarred appearance, etc, etc, etc. If it was kept to a purely cosmetic level, it wouldn't even have to be tracked or stored on the server; sure, different people might have different sets of bulletmarks on the ground, but who cares?
The flame god mode could likewise blacken things it hits, though that wouldn't make it any less pathetic. That would require other changes.
September 9, 2003, 7:56 am
yeh just some burnt terrain when the LAW hits. how bout some dirt you can dig away like in liero in a seperate game mode, Liero mode? lol
September 9, 2003, 12:12 pm
It is quite possible to make deformable terrain with Soldat's polygons... however it may be difficult because of the way it has already been programmed...
But basically the technique involves drawing the terrain all of a single colour onto a temporary screen, and then saving that as a layer. As a grenade (or whateva) blows up on the terrain, pixels are removed (or coloured differently - set to the background colour) and thus terrain no longer exists there. If a pixel is found to have terrain in it, then your Soldat won't fall through, if it does not, then it will.
Similar to how Liero / Worms works in many ways =D
September 10, 2003, 1:34 am
I Second this suggestion! just dont make holes in the ground..... just make dents and [:-censored] u can trp on lol..
September 10, 2003, 3:08 am
Dark skull, haven't seen you here for a while, where u banned or what?
September 10, 2003, 9:15 pm
yeah just for looks thats a good idea, but i doubt that michal will do it =/
Mr G
September 10, 2003, 11:41 pm
I dont like this idea...
and there are better things for Michal to spend time instead of this
September 11, 2003, 4:43 pm
quote:Originally posted by Mr G
I dont like this idea...
and there are better things for Michal to spend time instead of this
Me too. However, it would be nice to have bullets and explosions darken the polygon vertices, which fade to normal colour over time. Then you can see where the battles had been fought without complicated coding.
September 11, 2003, 5:19 pm
Or maybe you could make a new game type called GEO or something where all the air outside the map is a huge polygon so no matter how much you shot you will newer be able to fall out side of the map
September 11, 2003, 5:42 pm
i really doubt this feature is ever gonna make it into soldat (not that it needs to).
soldat is just not the same as liero -- that had a world that was raster-based (i.e collision/etc. EVERYTHING was based on a a grid of pixels), whereas soldat is vector-based (i.e tris). yes, as in red faction you COULD do some csg stuff to deform the tris, but.. that has huge problems like:
-the way collision response works right now (as far as i can figure) required a human to hand-tweak things (i.e it's easy to make poorly-behaved world geometry if you're not careful, and so arbitrary world-geometry (due to arbitrary-destruction of it) would probably result in a lot of collision problems
-it would SERIOUSLY complicate the net code. i don't think ANY game (yet) has multiplayer w/ a fully-deformable physics-based world, mostly because it makes things like lag REALLY hard to fix.
let's say i shoot (which blows a hole in the ground right in front of you). but that "shoot" packet arrives AFTER your packet (which tells the server you want to run forward), even though my packet (according to the timestamp) happened before yours. what should happen?! it's a huuuuuge problem. even huge teams (like valve) haven't got this 100%, and that's only for objects (i.e not even the world).. so let's be a bit realistic please -- michal's only one person, and i think soldat is innovative enough!