September 13, 2003, 6:41 am
It seems like the only maps up for play are the ones that came with soldat. It would be nice to someday see some of your maps hosted everywhere. I think that soldat should come with an auto download feature for maps that you don't have, so people will actually consider playing them. So, if any of you have succesfully mainstreamed a map before, HOW TF DID YOU DO IT? Just thought this subject is often ignored here, and could spark some good conversation.
September 13, 2003, 8:17 am
My advice for now would be for everyone to continue making maps happily. Pretend there isn't a problem...
coz soon there won't be... ;)
September 13, 2003, 12:40 pm
yeah.... lets hope.... havnt they been planning to put in a auto downloader into the game for about a year now?
September 13, 2003, 2:24 pm
NC's a beta tester and he just implied that the auto downloader could be in the next few versions "w00tbix"
September 13, 2003, 3:57 pm
Really? cool. I think the main problem people had with the auto downloader idea was that it would cause lag, so maybe there could be a server where people could upload their maps, and if somebody didn't have a map, it would download it from the server?
September 14, 2003, 6:25 am
Bah, you people assume too much!
But I don't think that an auto-downloader is a viable option at the moment, the idea has been tossed around for ages now, and Michal has already said it's a nono.
Tha Doggfather
September 14, 2003, 1:22 pm
then what ARE we supposed to assume? tell us NC, tell us!