September 13, 2003, 3:17 pm
The 40mm grenade launcher M203 is a lightweight, single shot, breech loaded, pump action, shoulder fired weapon attached to the M16/M16A1 rifle. It consists of a handguard and sight assembly group, receiver assembly, quadrant site assembly, and barrel assembly.
The grenade launcher uses a fixed type ammunition. There are varieties of high explosive, training, multiple projectile (Buck Shot), illuminating and signaling rounds available for the M203. ...Well they might be, but not for anything you are going to use.
-Figures & Facts-
Length of Launcher............................. 15 5/16th Inches
Length of Barrel.................................. 12 Inches
Weight (Unloaded).............................. 3 Pounds
Weight (Loaded)................................. 5 Pounds
Weight (Loaded) (M16 & M16A1).......... 11 Pounds
Trigger Pull......................................... 5 Pounds
Caliber................................................ 40mm
Weight................................................ 8 oz
Action.................................................. Pump
Maximum Range................................. 400m
Max Effective Range (Area Targets).... 350m
Max Effective Range (Point Targets)... 150m
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[IMAGE] M203.jpg25.1 KB
September 13, 2003, 5:08 pm
dude find a hobby. This gun would obviously be unfair in the world of soldat and how would u choose which to fire? nade or bullets? it just doesnt work.
September 13, 2003, 8:57 pm
Yeah you have to give him credit for being thorough though. Better than the newbs that come in saying 'id like a mobile stationarry gunn. ya id like that'.
But, then again, he IS being a geek.
September 13, 2003, 9:00 pm
I agree it's pretty stupid.. but you could use it like the rambo bow like to switch from grenades to bullets you press Q.
September 13, 2003, 9:05 pm
Thats a good idea actually. To compensate for the power, you wouldn't be able to take a secondary. Nice one FuKa.
(Rofl, this topic is OWNED by LnL)
September 13, 2003, 10:01 pm
Maybe you could make it to be a bonus lol
Deleted User
September 13, 2003, 10:48 pm
what is this???
weapon? m79 + m16?
when you fire the button right is m79 and the m16 the left?
September 13, 2003, 11:24 pm
Firstly, the M203 is NOT a shoulder fired weapon, not even when the M16/A1 or the M16. (it is even installed under the M4A1, special forces, rangers etc)
Secondly, it is not a pump action weapon (you think its some kind of shotgun or something???) it is a single shot weapon.
Thidly the maximum range IS 400m, but the hell can fire a projectile from a hand held weapon with a high tragectory with some degree of acuracy. The maximum range for harassing fire is around 280m maybe 300m.
If you think I'm wrong....too bad.[:-tophat] muhahahaha
September 14, 2003, 12:47 am
I know ometeotl he is a friend of mine, he is not a nerd at all, trust me, he just knows alot about weapons, cause his dad was in the army or something I can't remmember.
September 14, 2003, 2:55 am
um... adding an m203 to what huh are you suggesting? the styer AUG does have the capabilty of mounting the m203, the AK-74 might be able to mount a soviet blok equivalent, i'm not sure on that though. by the way, the one that you are suggesting, the m203, is exactly the same as sticking a m79 under your gun; same ammunition, therefore same performance (for those that don't know, a gun's power is not determined by the gun but by its ammunition, a glock is just as powerful shot for shot as a mp5 with 9mm rounds.)
September 14, 2003, 9:30 pm
except the mp5 is a much more acurate. Plus, its not only the amunition but the build of the gun (the firing mechanism, the barrel length etc.)But no, there is no diference between an M79 and an M203 except the M203 is much more practical since you get an assault riffle and a granade launcher.
PS: the russian equivalent is the GP30, which can be attached to the AK-74 variants
plus, the minimi can also be equiped with a granade launcher.
September 14, 2003, 9:35 pm
by the way, heres a pic of the actuall thing
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[IMAGE] m203-gl.jpg13.17 KB
September 14, 2003, 9:51 pm
You got some information about Marianne Eve, Blaster ?
The woman draws excellent M203's...
A grandmother storybook, strange.
NO, I don't want to see this gun 'pixeled'.
The bakery were they sell delicious cakes! Chocolate, caramel, vanilla and even ones with cherries. And today we'll be buying one. Lets go!
September 14, 2003, 10:04 pm
i'm not sure that a minimi can mount a grenade laucher...
and the thing about barrel length/firing mechanism is totally off. if i (theoretically) modified an aw50 for a 9mm round, and shot a guy in the chest he'd be hurting EXACTLY the same amount if i had shot him with a glock(9mm). barrel length merely improves accuracy; rifled barrels more so.
anyways, about the firing mechanism. basically all a gun does is use some sort of system to hit the percussion cap on the rear end of a bullet. the velocity of the bullet is totally dependent upon the size and type of propellent the percussion cap ignites. granted a bullet isn't gonna fly very far if i just hit the cap on the back of it, but most guns do have a barrel that keeps the bullet flying straight, and also area behind the bullet for gas expansion.
September 14, 2003, 10:23 pm
quote:Firstly, the M203 is NOT a shoulder fired weapon, not even when the M16/A1 or the M16. (it is even installed under the M4A1, special forces, rangers etc)
Secondly, it is not a pump action weapon (you think its some kind of shotgun or something???) it is a single shot weapon.
Thidly the maximum range IS 400m, but the hell can fire a projectile from a hand held weapon with a high tragectory with some degree of acuracy. The maximum range for harassing fire is around 280m maybe 300m.
If you think I'm wrong....too bad. muhahahaha
Read it here:
haha there you go *nerd [xx(]
quote:You got some information about Marianne Eve, Blaster ?
The woman draws excellent M203's...
I really don't know lol.
September 15, 2003, 9:24 pm
would you really trust a site with information about a weapon, that has hand drawn pictures of it??? and that is made for Vietnam re-enactors, collectors and living history groups..."The Vietnam Database has been written around re-enactment in the UK"
Thank you...
September 15, 2003, 9:34 pm
i hate to go into physics but.... when the cartridge explodes, the gas formed by the ignition expands at incredible speed, it therefore pushes the bullet out of the barrel, making the bullet accelerate. if you have a longer barrel, the the distance in which the gas exerts a force on the bullet is longer, and as a result, the bullet leaves the barrel much faster, and since the kinetic energy stored by a bullet is directly proportional to the speed its traveling in squared, the result is a much larger amount of momentum being transferred from the bullet to the person being shot.
and if anyone asks why a gun with a silencer (like the one the MP5 has built in) doest pack as much punch as an u-silenced one, its because the silencer extracts the gas from the end of the barrel (not the silencer) and slows it dow, the result is a bullet traveling along a metal tube without anything pushing it forward, consequently, the bullet looses speed. also, in additiong to a silencer, some people also use subsonic amunition (meaning the bullet goes slower than the speed of sound), i dont have to explain why this makes the bullet less powerfull do i?
September 15, 2003, 9:40 pm
Did you know that real or hand made doesnt really make any difference, expect real is more detailed of course lol :รพ
besides I really trust that site[^]
=M203 Positions=
The most common used firing positions are the prone, kneeling, foxhole, and standing positions. Supported positions may also add stability to the weapon. See the appropriate topics for M203 and M79 in positions and rapid fire.
read more:
September 15, 2003, 9:41 pm
[:-ouch]about the minimi, my bad, i was thinking about the FAMAS the french assault riffle
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[IMAGE] famas.gif22.53 KB
September 15, 2003, 9:42 pm
i noticed you trust that site, but anything that has anything made up should not be trusted one hundred percent
September 15, 2003, 9:50 pm
well its all true.
the range is 400 meter but it isnt effective range u cant hit a target at that range only a area(350m).quote:Maximum Range................................. 400m
Max Effective Range (Area Targets).... 350m
Max Effective Range (Point Targets)... 150m
And its pump action simply cause u have make a pump movement to fire the grenade.
[edit]Its pump action for some other reason
And it is a shoulder fired weapon cause u hold ur gun against ur shoulder
to compensate the throwback or fire more accurate.
September 15, 2003, 10:00 pm
you dont have to make a pump movement to fire the granade you have to press the M203's triger to fire the granade, and i think by pump action they mean the sliding of the base of the barrel forward to open the barrel and load the granade.
September 15, 2003, 10:21 pm
ometeotl and simpsons get in army! or yer just havin a hobby for checking up all guns to prove ppl wrong?
September 15, 2003, 10:22 pm
yeah ur right about that.
I always thought it was fired by moving it.
now that i think of it its pretty unlogic[:I].
September 15, 2003, 10:34 pm
I think this should be moved to the bash pit. But keep it here and keep arguing, when Michal sees a big post he looks in it for sure.
September 16, 2003, 1:25 pm
NIIIICE WEAPON :D Man Just add it as an Primary and stop being sissy like it would be unfair! Its great man! :P
September 16, 2003, 1:35 pm
you cant have the M203 on its own, thats the main problem, youd get an assault rifle and a granade launcher in one gun
September 16, 2003, 2:09 pm
what about an secondary u have to swith to secondary to use it?
And i think it should only be fire from crouch or prone position otherwise it would be overpowered but it wouldhave a longer range than m79.
September 17, 2003, 12:02 am
September 17, 2003, 2:30 am
Because everything in soldat doesn't have to be realistic... It's not even realistic anyway...
September 20, 2003, 7:32 pm
and, ive already gone over the fact that "EXACT SAME AMMUNITION = SAME EXACT PROPELLANT CHARGE" doest not "= EXACT SAME RANGE/PERFORMANCE"
(the range of the M203 is slighty smaller than the M79, but about smaller)
September 20, 2003, 7:52 pm
no no, no no no, no no no no, no no!
you get m79+automatic on the same gun? instead of useless (yes, lets face it, chainsaw law succom and knife are preety much useless against 'real' guns) seconderys?
*reads first line again and starting singing*
no no, no no no, no no no no, no no.
September 22, 2003, 6:18 am
lol people talking about realistic or not. nike jetpack shoes are out!!!