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Taunts, please help
Soldat Forums - Soldat Talk - Need Help? Report Bugs!
September 15, 2003, 8:58 pm
Oke i know that i can use taunts from the taunts .txt file.
now it's easy to edit that one, but i have a question...
in the manual it says you can acces these by pressing ALT + alpha numeric key, now i take it/know that the nuber corresponds with the line...but how come that my taunt file has more lines than i have alpha keys ?..... what comes after 0 ? the - and + keys ? and then...please advise ![:-weepn]

thnx ! [;)]

September 16, 2003, 2:13 pm
Alt + 0 Stick around!
Alt + 1 /smoke
Alt + 2 /tabac
Alt + 3 /takeoff
Alt + 4 /victory
Alt + 5 What the hell are you?
Alt + 6 If it bleeds, we can kill it
Alt + 7 I'm gonna have me some fun!
Alt + 8 Bleed, [:-censored].
Alt + 9 Medic!
Alt + A Die!
Alt + B Son of a bitch!
Alt + C It's over Johnny
Alt + D Anytime...
Alt + E No!
Alt + F Yes, Sir!
Alt + G I'll be back!
Alt + H Get the flag!
Alt + I OK
Alt + J Help!
Alt + K Sniper!
Alt + L Heavy Machine Gun ahead!
Alt + M Take Cover!
Alt + N I need backup!
Alt + O Follow me!
Alt + P Kiss the ground soldier!
Alt + Q On your feet soldier!
Alt + R Come'on!
Alt + S Yeah
Alt + T Return the flag!
Alt + U Hurraaaa!!!
Alt + V I am the law!
Alt + W Engage at will!!!
Alt + X I ain't got time to bleed!
Alt + Y You're one ugly mother [:-censored]er!
Alt + Z Got it!

These are all the Bindings as far as I kno..

September 16, 2003, 2:16 pm
found it out myself :)

alt + any key on your keyboard !