October 5, 2003, 5:56 pm
Make the Barret, Law, and M79 not one hit kill, but do like 90% damage. If this is done...then it requires skill to kill someone rather than just hitting them once. It would kind of be like other games where there is no 1 hit kill weapon, except for a "super weapon"
Headshots = 1 hit kill for these weapons...
I dunno...I think this would make weapon stats a little more even...
of course you keep m79/law splash damage...and you keep the barret bullet dealy and the long range.
I'd probably give more reasons...but i am tired.
October 5, 2003, 6:09 pm
i used to be against this whole idea of nerfing guns. but it really started to get anoying how nobody was using any of the other weapons: 80% barret 10% m79 5% other so i tried deagles and i was actually able to take on snipers but only at close range. now i use almost all the weapons. i think this idea is good. as for making the weapons not "useless" the barret should shoot faster (m79 speed) although i think the m79 is fine as is.
October 5, 2003, 6:43 pm
yea, good idea... i can just see the classic combo.. barret and mp5!
October 5, 2003, 7:32 pm
quote:Originally posted by HC_ScubaSteve
but it really started to get anoying how nobody was using any of the other weapons: 80% barret 10% m79 5% other
That is a larf. It is more like 50% barret 30% m79 10% deagle 10% other.
If you can't find a way to kill people using these types of weapons then maybe you should go to a more simplistic game. Like Doom when everyone's weapons are at least 80% weaker than yours.
October 5, 2003, 7:37 pm
NOO! Dont make the sniper worse! [:o]
October 5, 2003, 7:44 pm
Sorry but I don't like the idea. If those weapons loose power, would need to put a faster reload time to re-balance with other weapons.
October 5, 2003, 8:04 pm
In every game, there needs to be a one-hit-kill, Soldat is definetly one.
October 5, 2003, 8:12 pm
Yeah how about stop suggesting weapons nerfs.....Learn how to over power powerfull weapons with something else.
Seriously Its just poointless to complain about a weapon that people love to use because you will just get flamed.
My advice to you and all the other people who complain: If your tired of getting pwned by the a certain weapon, Dont complain. Your all whiners....get over it
If you Fuk over one weapon the game as a whole will be ruined..........SO PLEASE NO MORE OF THESE TOPICS!!! FOR GOD SAKES, PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
October 5, 2003, 10:11 pm
M79 that doesnt kill with 1 hit sounds wrong.
October 6, 2003, 12:14 am
i say just cut the barret doen to 90% damage but have body armour take no effect on its huge .50 cal bullet it just hits the soldat no matter what, leave everything else as it is, pluss the 90% would encourage co operation between auto users and snipers in team matches
October 6, 2003, 12:29 am
Honestly, though games have one hit kill weapons...and they are "special"...the following is example...
Red faction - fusion rocket launcher
There are a ton more...but I am too lazy to research the UT2003 has one...Halo has one...
Some games like SoF2 doesn't even have one.
Those games above, the one hit kill weapons are special, their sniper rifles and what not do a ton of damage, but they don't kill in one hit. The one hit kill is only if its a headshot rather than a body shot.
kkazican - There is always a way to kill people. I realize that. I have been playing for quite some time. But when the majority of the Soldat population uses 3 out of the vast amount of weapons, why not only just have 3 weapons for the game. If you have so many weapons, make them all equal. When you play any other game, people use ALL the weapons, because they are all balanced. I see an equal number of snipers as soldiers. Its not 90% snipers and 10% soldiers on a team.
Guil - All you need to do is either give soldats more health, or decrease the power of the shot from 100% or whatever number it is now to 90% or another percentage in that range. The other weapons are fine, the barret, m79, and maybe deagles are over powered just a tad. Personally I would just suggest changing the percentage of damage.
Ta-2 - If you get a is a one hit kill. As real life.
Spitzfiya - Calm down. Read above. To over power a sniper rifle or a m79 is an uphill battle. You might as well hop on the bandwagon and use a barret or a m79. As for people complaining and whining...obviously you do not understand the purpose of an input forum. It is here for people to complain, and give their input on how they feel the game should or could be improved. That is exactly what I am doing, and I encourage people to do it. Also you probably don't remember when the m79 was nerfed, from 1.05 -> how it is now. The game did not become ruined. If history repeats wont be ruined. Also, if you want, we can take this to the bash pit, I haven't had some fun in there for awhile.
qazwertred - Headshot = 1 hit kill. Other may not die, you just might lose a limb ;)
October 6, 2003, 1:16 am
This post is aimed at all the people that want the barret and m76 nerfed.
lol, I certainly dont use those weapons simply because you dont get as many kills with them.....The reload slow and most people have low health anyways. It easy to get multikills with the spaz, ruger, and deagles :) Those weapons are 1 hit kill because they have SLOW reload times Personally people who use these weapons are easy to deal with. If some sniper is camping, u see them., he shoots and misses, you have time to react and pwn his ass! I have encountered way to many of these situations and im sure everyone here has. I am fine with one hit kill weapons....if they were not people would have a VERY hard time killing me, and I dont like that :P
I Know its input, but it bothers me that people want Changes, Changes, Changes all the fricken time...They just cant accept the fact that mabye they arnt skilled enough to use a certain weapon....It takes time and practice to get used to a weapon and kick major ass with it! Belive me if the only weapon you use is the AK then you will soon become very very skilled with that weapon....
People refuse to take the time to learn a weapon and then master it, they have to jump into here whining and wanting nerfed weapons. Theres allways a way to conter-act a situation....use your melon please :D
Thankyou for your time, and sorry
October 6, 2003, 1:27 am
While it is true that a shot wouldn't kill you in real life except for headshot (usually), in soldat aiming for the head is like aiming for an eyeball in an FPS. Headshots are purely luck is soldat.
October 6, 2003, 2:11 am
Ok basically I have to agree with PsylentShadow the barret and the m79 should be 2 hit one kill wep's, and like he said it gotta be a head shot for a one shot one kill, yes it may be pure luck, but thats the point, they have to be pure luck, and somtimes u might even master gettign a head shot, and all other parts of the body would take 90% health, and even if u dont kill them with 1 shot, you can always use the socom to kill them right after you shot them, oh and if this does happen, i suggest the barret's fire rate thingo goes faster..
October 6, 2003, 2:14 am
Spitzfiya - I don't think there should be 1 hit kill weapons because the fact that they kill in 1 hit. It's the whole concept with dueling someone, if you can kill them in one hit it doesn't display much skill. Believe me, I have messed with some of the best. If any of you remember bnd86...he was one of the best snipers I have ever known, and S:S had some of the best snipers I have ever seen, I dealt with them with my standard AK. In |bt| I did OvD countless times with bnd, he has got excellent aim and would rarely miss you. The fact is that with one hit, its all it takes to kill a flagger, which makes the m79/barret so effective in retriving the flag back. Maybe I am just bias because I used to play Offence/Middle, but hey, one hit is pretty cheap, learn to use an automattic... It's like can hit them once...but can you hit them twice or three times?
Hopefully that made some sense, I am quite tired.
BManx2000 - That makes the headshot so much more difficult. I mean, if you can hit the body and still get a one hit kill, why aim for the head? I think with practice, you could get headshots down. It just makes it so the barret requires more practice, rather than being able to kill things so easily.
Again...I hope that made some sense, afterall...I am tired.
October 6, 2003, 2:28 am
Spitzfiya, its just sad to see the way you talk, the man you just 'teached' (forgot the past verb, sue me) how to use a weapon, playes more then a year then you ,and has common sence , and basicly, he can teach you how to play the game.
anyway, i heard that atleast one of the guns you mentiond (barret), will get tuned down on the next version, so that leavs you with m79, which isnt that bad.
(btw, the mistake you all did is comparing soldat into other games, like unreal tournament, red faction, etc. at those games, theres 1wep that 1shoot-1kill, at soldat theres 2).
October 6, 2003, 3:34 am
Unreal Tourney:
Sniper Rifle, head shot = death
Rocket Launcher = death
Redeemer = death
Translocator = death
that's 4 1 shot kill guns folks
Quake 3 Arena:
Rocket Launcher = death
Rail Gun = death
BFG = death
that's another 3
Barret = death
LAW = death
m79 = death
and that's 3 ^^
I don't see any problems :)
October 6, 2003, 5:16 am
on unreal tourney the rocket launcher isnt 1 hit kill i believe...maybe its just 2003?
oh...i suppose on red faction the rail driver is 1 hit kill...blah whatever...i still think we should nerf 1 hit kill people use OTHER weapons for a change. :-P
id like to point out taht on those do not get to CHOOSe your pick them up off the ground...and usually...there is only ONE on the map.
on SoF2 where you get to pick your weapons...they are all balanced...the RPG which you do not usually get to pick is 1 hit kill.
October 6, 2003, 5:42 am
if you dont want ppl using these weapons... make a closed up map with little room. then these weapons are crappy... you see. they are balanced, in some way or another
October 6, 2003, 6:02 am
Ok at the moment I find it useless to get berserker while u have the barret, and i find it useless to get a medipack while im duelign somone with a barret, why? BECAUSE THERES NO [:-censored]EN POINT, the barret is one hit one kill no matter how much health u have, if it was 2 hits one kill, it would make the person versing the guy with the barret, actually LOOK for health..
October 6, 2003, 6:13 am
Do wad you wanna do, I nevah use thos guns and I dogde them easy as s[:-censored]
October 6, 2003, 6:16 am
LOL...Darac...the map's too bad that when playing in the have a STANDARD/DEFAULT map >.<
however...that is a nifty idea... :-D
October 6, 2003, 6:52 am
Bah!, I give up.....Great Idea man
that fuking sniper
October 6, 2003, 6:54 am
Well I understand Psylentshadow's point of view, but barret cant be less than a 1-shot-kill weapon, nor can the M79.
The barret and M79 have a very long wait between shots, and if they didnt kill in 1 hit, nobody would use them, 6 and 8 seconds just to make a kill with your primary? hell no, people will never use them.
The problem today in servers is that almost everyone uses the same damn gun, barret. And whoever doesnt, gets alot of difficulty killing snipers because they have a better range, plus, barret holds the title for the ultimate 1v1 weapon: Range + instagib ability = superiority in 1v1, which is the most common encounter in Soldat. And normally is all you need since most players use it and they will take care of other enemies with the same efficient, safe, and superior method. To counter that, other people use barrets too, so what happens is that Soldat becomes monotanous, boring, and pointless.
What makes people select barret over other weapons is its scope, its main advantage, because they get a 2 in 1 deal here. Both a scope, which means increased intellegence on the battlefield, and a capability in open combat. And the barret over-use started in 1.1.0, just when the scope was added, and the M79 was nerfed.
My solution is to remove the scope on the barret, widen the M79 range (its going to happen in 1.2 :D), and increase the power of automatics, (also happening in 1.2). But even with these changes, the barret will still have its scope and will still be overused, just not as much.
Another solution that was suggested repeatedly was to make the barret a strict camping weapon. That will decrease the number of players using it, but will still be unbalanced due to the fact that campers will be able to pick you off outside of your sight range. And I dont like it.
But think about it, people wont complain about the barret if there were maybe 4 people using it in the server, but now that roughly 80% of the people use it exclusively it became a very frustraiting problem.
Mr G
October 7, 2003, 12:24 am
headshot to kill? i would like to see you getting a m79 shot in your leg and not dying instantly :P
October 7, 2003, 5:55 am
its not impossible....go to vietnam and ask an old guy that has one or no legs how it happened m79 dont have much of a fragmenting effect