October 6, 2003, 10:49 pm
Hello everyone does anyone have expierience with electric guitars and can give any advice to a beginner like what kind of guitar i should get and what kind of amp. I was thinkin about gettin a stratocaster but please give your advice
October 6, 2003, 11:00 pm
I dont have any experience but my cousen dose his a rocker. So I have to call him and he lives althe way in russia. So I will try to call him. If not Sorry, and you have to wait tell someone else replyes.
October 6, 2003, 11:04 pm
eh i better call thad on this subject, but my advice is just to get a small sucky amp and sucky guitar to learn with
October 6, 2003, 11:59 pm
ALot of people that start learning the guitar quit after first year. I am one of them unfortunately. Just remember one thing - buying a guitar and learning to play are two different things.
I agree with T, go with a cheap one and learn to play. You will also have time to look around and choose a decent one to buy in a couple of years.
October 7, 2003, 12:23 am
I play guitar...
I recommend a stratocaster if and only if you are serious about it.
However, you have a beatles avatar, making me think you'd be better suited for an acoustic, like a little Gibson acoustic...or you could save about $100-200 and get a guitar that is exactly the same, except for the little Gibson sticker...
I have a Gibson look-alike, and it plays just as well as my friend's guitar that cost $150 more than mine. :P
So, only get a Stratocaster if you're really into it. I've got a few friends with them, and they're pretty fun.
I've got an Airline electric was made in the 1960's, it's pretty, and I love it. :D
October 7, 2003, 12:33 am
ok thanks i think im still gona go with a stratocaster
that fuking sniper
October 7, 2003, 6:17 am
Actually, in my opinion, dont start with a cheap one, if you have the money and you think you have the motivation, get yourself a good guitar to start with, not a piece of [:-censored] to get you disscouraged.
A generally good guitar kinds are Gibson, Squire, Fender, maybe Viper, I'm yet to actually play one of these. Fender is the more normally bought because it is a good guitar, normally world-class, and its still affordable.
About amps, I'm not sure, there are Fender amps, but I never got to see the difference. Amps, being electronic equipment, are normally priced according to quality, unlike guitars, which have their own categories and exceptions.
For accustics, go for the big spanish famlily name guitars, but, again, never let price fool you, good guitars can always be found with whatever price a shop owner can put on them.
For strings, try to get light metal strings for electric, and nylon if you want accustic, a steel string accustic is what you will end up wanting later, but its damn hard to start with a steel string. Steel strings sound the best, are most durable of strings, and they dont snap as easily.
A good solo guitar should be a light metal string, easy to strum, pluck, or pick, and the distance between the strings and the frett plat should be roughly as thick as a penny. Thats for a solo guitar, of course.
Steel string accustics are best for harmony chords, they can actually do pretty much anything, but doing fast solos on them is really hard, due to the steel strings (duh) :P
October 7, 2003, 6:24 am
hail to the master !!!
that fuking sniper knows his bussines :)
October 7, 2003, 8:24 pm
ok ima gona take the ultra guitar knowledge master's advice :P im gona get a fender yay thanks for your help :D
that fuking sniper
October 8, 2003, 12:03 am
Heh, take whatever you find. I just said Fender is the most popular manufacturer. Gibson has normally the highest quality, but highest prices, so you're the one to actually decide.
October 8, 2003, 8:36 pm
im going to avoid gibson as it is a bit out of my price range :D i still think im gona go with a stratocaster