here is my suggestion:
you all know quake rocket arena ???
well i amvery interested to make something similar to soldat, i suggested it so:
the map is 2-splittet, the mod to play the map is CTF.
u can crap the flag directly on the start (or something else) and have to get it to the top of the map.
but the thing is: u have no fuel for your jet pack (or almost nothing), so to get there up, u need the minigun and granates and so on ...
so here are my questions:
how can i make these deadly spikes, i have seen in some maps (jungle for example) ???
can i make a teleporter ?
can i place more than 1 flag ?
can i place traps or make some rockets fall down by a trigger ?
can i make ventilators ?
can i change the amount of damage of weapons to 0 ?
you all know quake rocket arena ???
well i amvery interested to make something similar to soldat, i suggested it so:
the map is 2-splittet, the mod to play the map is CTF.
u can crap the flag directly on the start (or something else) and have to get it to the top of the map.
but the thing is: u have no fuel for your jet pack (or almost nothing), so to get there up, u need the minigun and granates and so on ...
so here are my questions:
how can i make these deadly spikes, i have seen in some maps (jungle for example) ???
can i make a teleporter ?
can i place more than 1 flag ?
can i place traps or make some rockets fall down by a trigger ?
can i make ventilators ?
can i change the amount of damage of weapons to 0 ?