October 9, 2003, 6:01 pm
Well, I think everyone would agree these things are overpowered, annoying, unfun, and pretty damn lame, so here is a petition to removing the Stationary Guns. I am unaware as to how the stat guns ever came to be, but i (and nearly everyone) thinks they should be removed. im hopeful there will be many signers and that Michal will take notice of this thread.
so... yeah. no more stationary guns.
October 9, 2003, 6:05 pm
Open your soldat.ini and set Stationary_Guns=1 to 0. Stationary guns removed.
Just wait for the new version.. I'm quite sure Michal won't react until you've played the new version.
Oh.. and how the hell did the stat. guns come to Soldat? Ask the MANY guys that wanted them SO BADLY.
October 9, 2003, 6:07 pm
right! noobs got them in just coz of pity! ( I think)
+ to popseed's post, they also cause heavy LAG
October 9, 2003, 6:08 pm
quote:Originally posted by b00stA
Open your soldat.ini and set Stationary_Guns=1 to 0. Stationary guns removed.
my server is stationary free. but unfortantely most servers arent.
October 9, 2003, 6:09 pm
Replace with something that's fun to use
October 9, 2003, 6:12 pm
at least nerf it with cooling times and weaker dmg
October 9, 2003, 6:14 pm
yea! make something like towers that increases sight but you can't shoot from it (to prevent camping)
October 9, 2003, 6:31 pm
SGs = Über [:-censored]! hehe I sign this Petition 100 Times
October 9, 2003, 6:38 pm
Protest as much as you want..
New version + Stationary guns = umm er.. nothing to protest about :)
October 9, 2003, 6:44 pm
1.2 has a option to remove S guns... Kthxbye!
October 9, 2003, 9:08 pm
Yeah so stop bitching you people! You can never just be SATISFIED.
Its always Barret too strong!
M79 is nerfed make it better!
Nerf Barret!
Grenades too strong!
Grenades too weak!
SGs=noob weapon!
Nerf SG!
Take out SG!
Take out Barret!
Nerf m79!
Make all weapons better!
Take out chainsaw!
Nerf chainsaw!
Nerf deagles!
Deagles=Too strong!
Make single deagle!
Make better graphics!
Too laggy!
Nerf minigun!
Minigun = noob weapon!
Take out minigun!
Make minimi better!
Nerf knife!
:Edit: Oh yes and I forgot about the countless ammounts of petitions that happened during 1.1.4!
October 9, 2003, 9:14 pm
Aaah Come on whiners learn to use the guns! and dogde the bullets!
October 9, 2003, 10:27 pm
If you got problems killing a n00b on a stationary gun you are the n00b. A Steyr, Ruger, M79, Barret, LAW, knife or nade can kill just as fast as a M2 in Soldat.. you can also move, jump and fly around. The M2'er cannot.
October 10, 2003, 4:11 am
quote:Originally posted by kkazican
Yeah so stop bitching you people! You can never just be SATISFIED.
So there shouldn't be an Improvments/Suggestions forum since everything can be considered as bitching , depending on how you see things [especially when you're betatesting and already have the advantage of knowing what's to come... ] Keep yr smart comments in the betatesting forum and let us punters complain about whatever we like.
October 10, 2003, 6:05 am
quote:Yeah so stop bitching you people! You can never just be SATISFIED.
Its always Barret too strong!
M79 is nerfed make it better!
Nerf Barret!
Grenades too strong!
Grenades too weak!
SGs=noob weapon!
Nerf SG!
Take out SG!
Take out Barret!
Nerf m79!
Make all weapons better!
Take out chainsaw!
Nerf chainsaw!
Nerf deagles!
Deagles=Too strong!
Make single deagle!
Make better graphics!
Too laggy!
Nerf minigun!
Minigun = noob weapon!
Take out minigun!
Make minimi better!
Nerf knife!
:Edit: Oh yes and I forgot about the countless ammounts of petitions that happened during 1.1.4!
Amen to that!
October 10, 2003, 8:01 am
quote:Avskum: you too will grow up to be a real man someday, but for now, as a newcomer, sure, camp!
hump the ground, yeah!
No, Amen to that! :>
October 10, 2003, 4:39 pm
Oh myu god, you people are Ubern00bs. It was me who started the thread about SG, and it was me who convinced Michal to add them. I agree though that the SGs are not quite balanced currently, but when they get their own HP, max clip and/or heatbar, they will be.
But in the mean time STFU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
And I mean it!
October 10, 2003, 9:04 pm
Bunnie Launcher? Really? I Will Shoot Some Bunnies on people and they will die from there ugly faces? :D
October 11, 2003, 3:03 am
i love the strategy of trying to take out a sg! its taking them out thats the fun part. and its also very easy, so u ppl must be n00bs. (and a big amen to kkazican's Ode to Whiners)
carbon kid
October 11, 2003, 5:21 am
haha its soo simple to kill people on sgs there not moving u dumb[:-censored]s just throw a nade or berret them pretty ez u stupid noobs
October 11, 2003, 5:34 am
The eloquence of some users, and the occasional absence of a basic form of ( grudging ) respect for others are quite disturbing . .
The truth of the issue ( as I see it ) -
With practice, it can becomes easy to kill SG users . .
Without practice, it can be difficult to not be killed during the process of killing an SG user, or to fail outright . .
As has been said many times, if you don't enjoy the element of SGs, then either start a SG-disabled server, or play on SG-disabled servers . .
October 11, 2003, 2:00 pm
bunnies? like on the holly grale? now thats what i call fun!
Deleted User
October 19, 2003, 5:32 pm
quote:Originally posted by kkazican
Yeah so stop bitching you people! You can never just be SATISFIED.
October 19, 2003, 5:43 pm
Um, this was already tried before. Most of the people were n00bs who didn't know how to disable them. It won't work. MOST people like SGs and with some work they will be even better.
The main reason why most people hate them is because they were included without any kind of restriction like a heat bar, field of movement restriction etc. But we don't need to remove them all together.
All you [:-censored]ers who hate SGs, just STFU right now and wait for 1.2
Fuck off.
October 20, 2003, 1:19 am
I think that the Sg's power should be reduced say about..5-8 hits to kill?
October 20, 2003, 3:58 am
Then what would make the SG preferable to an automatic?
October 20, 2003, 4:57 am
I think it's great that we have these topics. I think this is kind of a game that will be constantly changing with updates to ensure that the playing field is LEVEL (kinda like the updates they have for games like Warcraft III). I personally think that the stationary gun was a fun idea and it's purpose should be solely for capture the flag and infiltration missions. Makes you think twice before making a mad rush to the attack an enemy base. Whether or not it is fair is up to the map maker. Obviously if one team has a stationary gun then the other should have one too. On infiltration maps, this issue becomes a little difficult. If there is one, the stationary gun should not beable to cover all the entrances to the flag. Or else it become a little difficult.
I decline signing the petition