October 12, 2003, 4:33 am
Ok i've been thinking, we seriously need NEW AND COOL admi ncommands for fun servers here are some of my ideas:
Command: /slap (player name)
What it does: This Command, would slap the player and make them fly of lol and they get hurt, I guarantee anyone, that u'd like this, I would love to get slapped by the admin lol, and plus I've seen this in some halflife mods, its really cool!!
Command: /teleport (player name)
What it does: This Command would teleport a player to a random spawn point, this would be hella funny :)
PLEASE MICHAL PLEASE, try to implement these, coz at the moment, being admin aint THAT special, and plus I bet commands like these would make more people make server, if anyoen has anymore ideas, post them here!!
October 12, 2003, 4:54 am
shut up it aint a joke, and i fregin love this idea, got a problem? then f*** off, people who r interested reply please :D
Aquillion, this is a good adition to the game, it would actually bring more people to it, believe me biach
October 12, 2003, 4:59 am
We need admins to moderate the player behavior. I think slapping and teleporting are great in hl. Punishment for bad player behavior is the best. I also think we need an admin program so we can admin outside of the game.
October 12, 2003, 5:06 am
Yeah, kicking is useless cuz the player can just rejoin, and banning is somewhat severe, maybe a slap would teach them a lesson ;)
Or maybe a command which would make the words "L00K1E ME 1'M n00b!" appear above their head. [;)]
October 12, 2003, 5:25 am
lol yeh bmanx thats a great idea, heres a new command i'd love
Command: /player (playername) say (say what u want the player to say here)
What it does: This Command would make the player say somthing, withotu them saying it...
oh and sharpshooter u can already admin the server outside of the game, make it dedicated (duh) ;)
oh and this whole thign aint a joke, these comamnds would own, and it'd make people laugh, and best of all its better than kicking and banning :D
October 12, 2003, 6:30 am
Yeah but what if your not the server owner? What I meant is we need something like Soldat Admin. In half life they have this thing called llama. It makes the player that has been llama'd not able to type regular messages. Everything comes up as llama and their name changes to llama.
October 12, 2003, 7:52 am
oh I know that, I used to play HL, yep that could be a new command..
Command: /llama (playername) and /unllama (player name) to un unllama them
What it does: This Command would effect the player and what he says, example if he says somthing, it'd turn otu as "llama" this command wont change the players name to llama, for a reason ^_^
October 12, 2003, 8:09 am
Make one that paralyses the player for 10 seconds. Or make /llama turn them into a real llama.
October 12, 2003, 8:14 am
frogboy thats another great idea!!!!
ok new command we need..
Command: /paralyze (player name)
What it does: This Command keeps the selected player frozen for 30 seconds :D
Michal please reply here, and please IMPLEMENT these, they wont do anyharm, their just new admin commands, and they'd make the game fun, no doubt about that...
October 12, 2003, 8:18 am
They take time to implement. Make another soldat admin too while your at it.
October 12, 2003, 8:31 am
i've always wanted to cahnge name in-game, by makeing it /name "soldier" or w/e and server messege says *player changed name to soldier but u would keep ur score
October 12, 2003, 8:49 am
hey this game calls soldat not magic ore something
October 12, 2003, 9:52 am
no buts itrs true, and scarecrow this aint magic, its an admins commands, and it makes admins more powerful and funneh, so come on michal, please this wont do any harm, well atleast can u start working on them ? ^^
come on lets make this topic 5 pages long!!
October 12, 2003, 10:30 am
it can be hell funny! someone is atacking you, well [:-censored] him say hello to spawn point! :D
October 12, 2003, 10:38 am
The /Slap Would Rule ! :D /Teleport was kinda dumb.. But.. LOL ! Would be kinda fun.. !
October 12, 2003, 12:25 pm
Another interesting command.
/explode player
Explodes them, randomly teleporting them somewhere.
October 12, 2003, 12:43 pm
nah but randomly telportign them somewere would be a problem, u could spawn out of the map, so i think telporting to a random spawn point would be best :D
October 12, 2003, 12:45 pm
I think that pretty much all the ideas are good. BUT, what happens if we get some twats as admins and they start abusing the commands ruining the game for everybody!
October 12, 2003, 12:48 pm
Theres always:
/votekickadmin (admin)
That way, any command abusing admin can be kicked if there are enough votes. And wouldn't the admin rather kick people off the server?
October 12, 2003, 1:24 pm
Hitman, the main point is that, u have to trust who u wanna give admin to, im giving admin to everyone who goes to my server, coz its basically no big deal if they change the map, kick a few noobs and such, and if they keep abusing those commands i'd ban their ip of the server, so its no big deal, the head admin has control of everything..
October 12, 2003, 5:30 pm
Um, Its probably not a good idea to give random people admin access. But on clan servers and stuff there should be no problem with people abusing the commands.
October 12, 2003, 9:11 pm
Wait...isn't an admin the person who is hosting the server?
October 12, 2003, 10:10 pm
Yes, but you can make people remote admins (they have the power of admin without hosting).
October 12, 2003, 11:38 pm
yeh so come on dammit, lets make this topic damn popular, so Michal works on these >:)
October 13, 2003, 4:34 am
October 14, 2003, 9:08 am
ok so anyways, any more ideas? keep makign ideas and improvements and make this damn thread huge, me is want new commands!!!
carbon kid
October 14, 2003, 9:19 am
slap is in cs
llama is in cs
both of these are alrite but like me i have enemys who would change my name to like gay [:-censored] or sumthing also paralyse is gay u cant get out and back in in les then 30 seconds
October 14, 2003, 9:47 am
well, heres some ideas (some are really bad)
/weaken (player)- makes the player weaker for 30 seconds, the reverse of bezerk and /stronger
/stronger (player)- gives player bezerk mode for 30 seconds
/annoy (player)- annoys the player with fake soldats for 10 seconds
/rambo (player)- gives the player a rambo bow (rambomatch mode only)
/snipe (player)- gives the player super sniping abilities, can see further than usual
/losearms (player)- gives the player no guns allowed, useful for fist matches/practicing with fists
and just incase theyre not implemented: /ban, /kick
October 14, 2003, 10:04 am
lol frogboy those r a bit extreme ^^
Anyways lets re-cap the admin commands we wanted, shall we? :D
Command: /slap (player name)
What it does: This Command, would slap the player and make them fly of lol and they get hurt, I guarantee anyone, that u'd like this, I would love to get slapped by the admin lol, and plus I've seen this in some halflife mods, its really cool!!
Command: /teleport (player name)
What it does: This Command would teleport a player to a random spawn point, this would be hella funny :)
Command: /player (playername) say (say what u want the player to say here)
What it does: This Command would make the player say somthing, withotu them saying it...
Command: /llama (playername) and /unllama (player name) to un unllama them
What it does: This Command would effect the player and what he says, example if he says somthing, it'd turn otu as "llama" this command wont change the players name to llama, for a reason ^_^
Command: /paralyze (player name)
What it does: This Command keeps the selected player frozen for 30 seconds :D
Arg Michal Come to this topic, and look at our ideas ^^
October 14, 2003, 2:09 pm
Nice suggestions. I have seen this also in a tribes mode. Is hell of fun when you do that to some one. He just fly's somewhere. Lol [:)]
Also there should be /takeoffweapon (playername) and you will take off his weapon.
October 14, 2003, 2:35 pm
New commands are always funny...
But if theres a annoying noob that's the admin it wouldn't be good at all.
/paralyze ME
and he kills me...
/paralyze ME
and he kills me...
I dont really trust all noob server admins.
/voteadminkick wouldnt work coz he'll just shutdown/restart the server then.
October 14, 2003, 2:45 pm
Then don't join crappy n00b servers :/
October 14, 2003, 4:55 pm
you forgot my most useful one eyic, /name "(new name)" so you can change your name, ingame without losing your score, and in the top left it says your changed your name, just like CS o.O
October 14, 2003, 5:22 pm
/slap and /teleport only for dedicated servers. Admins would abuse power by slapping a defender.
October 14, 2003, 8:00 pm
/Surrenderbitch (playername)
That will make the playername do a drop gun and a surrender animation.
/Kickass (playername)
That will kcik the playuers ass and will fly away with loosing his weapon.
/Givecondom (playername)
This will give a condom to the player name and the player can fu.ck dead body's
/Makepiss (playername)
This will make the playername piss.
This will make the player to drop out shi.t.
October 14, 2003, 11:30 pm
arC /name aint a admin command lol, oh and M urs r crap oh and Vibrant, it wotn matter, itd be the admin n control, so u could always join a different server and i doubt a good admin would slap a defender ^^
October 14, 2003, 11:57 pm
haha i think it would be funny
October 15, 2003, 7:10 am
any more ideas? come on lets make this topic reach 5 damn pages, so we get more and more ideas on it and so that Michal will look here, coz i fregin want these command ^_^
October 15, 2003, 7:15 am
/timeout command
if they're misbehaving, they get sent to a little corner for time out
October 15, 2003, 7:26 am
i think /paralyze is good enuf :D
October 15, 2003, 7:38 am
/beer (playername)- reverses their controls
/n00badmin (adminname)- disables resetting the server, if three /n00badmin's are used, the n00badmin is kicked
October 15, 2003, 8:46 am
Some usefull commands for team controlling:
/moveplayer (playername) (team) - move a player to another team.
/swapteams - swap red and blue team (usefull for infiltration or on ctf with maps like ctf_kampf)
/lockteams - now players cannot change teams
/unlockteams - ...
/lockteam (team) - lock a team, so noone can join it now.
and more commands for fun [;)]
/lightning (player) - Player is punished by a lightning from sky - it should left him about 5% of health [:-devil]
/jail (player) (time) - player is moved to separated area (a jail) for x seconds, and he cannot get out or kill himself or change team when in jail. If map doesn't have a jail, admin cannot use this command.
October 15, 2003, 9:06 am
nice ideas dude, but we dont need the lightning one, slap is good enuf ^_^
October 16, 2003, 8:33 am
/selfdestructmap- destroys everything on the map, flags fly everywhere, plants burn off, etc.
/respawnall- Destroys all then instantly respawns them
/lockserver- stops anyone from joining, they can only be spectator
If Spectator mode doesn't exist:
/spectator (player)- makes spectator
/despectator (player)- makes player
/spectator and /despectator do the opposite.
/matrix- goes slo-mo for 10 seconds, anyone can call it, but it only affects the person who calls it's screen. E.G.
I call /matrix. It only affects my screen. A bot calls it, and they go slow motion. It doesn't affect anyone else.
3 pages :D
October 16, 2003, 2:02 pm
/baloon (player) - admin hands a small baloon to a player. Player begins to hover with the ballon. To get rid of this, someone has to shot the baloon. [:-jester]
October 16, 2003, 11:33 pm
lol aqua thats would give more work for mod makers but its still ok, a bit weird :P
October 17, 2003, 7:32 pm
Here are if you want to include cheats. Its better this way then to use trainers. But i am only suggesting.
/sv_cheats on
Turns on the cheats.
/sv_cheats off
Turns off the cheats.
This will give the player armor.
This will give the player health.
THis will be hell of a cheat. It will use all of the weapons in same time.
/Giveweapon (Weapon name)
This will spawn a weapon next to you.
This will give you full ammo.
This will make a false dummy player so it can fool the other players.
Here are some pointless ones
/Burn (playername)
This will burn the player.
/Acidpiss (On/Off)
This will make the piss acid so it can damage other players.
This will make all of the guns that the players has to be dropped.
This will kill everyone.
October 17, 2003, 11:50 pm
I like your "pointless ones" so scrub out all the cheat code ones..
October 18, 2003, 6:55 am
quote:Originally posted by frogboy
Theres always:
/votekickadmin (admin)
That way, any command abusing admin can be kicked if there are enough votes.
That wont work, people will get really pissed off, then if the admin is gone and ur still using his game, ur using HIS internet, busting HIS limiter. Not right.
All the ideas are good, exept for the random spawn point thing and the explosion one
The admin would never be killed, if u try he will spawn you away.
the slaping idea sound verry funny, id love to see a guy fly across my screen!!
October 18, 2003, 6:59 am
the rando mspawn point telportign thing is cool, and it wont matter if the admin keeps telporting himself, coz hes the admin, if u wanna kill him but cant then u could always leave :D (plus its his server)