I tried To serach the forum for any posts with this but I Didnt KNow WTF I should search on.. So plz Dont get all pissed off If this has been posted befor..
Just wondering... Why is it When U post... and Then.. Next time U load the page ur post is gone..? Is it coz som1 else has posted while U were Writing, thus when U post The Damn .ASP file Thinks U should be post no 2. But When Sending The post the The server The Server says "WHAT THE HELL ! WE ALLREADY GOT A POST NO 2.. BAH JUST [:-censored] IT *Deleted*" ? Just Wondering !
Just wondering... Why is it When U post... and Then.. Next time U load the page ur post is gone..? Is it coz som1 else has posted while U were Writing, thus when U post The Damn .ASP file Thinks U should be post no 2. But When Sending The post the The server The Server says "WHAT THE HELL ! WE ALLREADY GOT A POST NO 2.. BAH JUST [:-censored] IT *Deleted*" ? Just Wondering !