First of all: keep the screenshot function in Soldat like it is right now.
Now: some of you don't seem to understand the differences between BMP, GIF and JPEG.
Bitmap is uncompressed. It contains exact color values for every single pixel. Therefor it's quite big. Ok.
GIF (Graphics Interchange Format afair, not sure) supports transpareny, dithering and animation. The colors are limited to a 255 colors palette. So some of the colors will be lost. Gif is really good for (animated) icons, transparent stuff and screenshots from windows application (dialogs etc. don't need many colors).
JPEG is for high-quality+low file size photos with many colors. It saves a lot more color infos than GIF and if saved properly with a fitting compression rate it looks good and is small too. If you use a YUV method when saving a JPEG, then they tend to suck, yes :)
Let's compare:
Compared to the JPEG, the GIF's text is *slightly* better but both are quite easy to read. Now, have a look at the polygons in the left lower corner. The GIF loses color information (I can't describe it in english, sorry :>). Also, the JPEG is a bit smaller :)
Btw, saving screenshots directly to JPEG would be much slower than to BMP. My Soldat already freezes for a small amount of time. But JPEGs would take even more time because of the compression. And Soldat itself would become bigger because Michal would have to include the libraries for saving images to the JPEG format.
Just keep it like it is right now and convert them yourself. It's easy and if you do it right they're small+look good.