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October 12, 2003, 9:01 pm
I have been here for longer than a year, I have about 1400 posts.

Yet I only just found out how to view the damn archives!!

For those who don't know, you find the forum you want to view the archives of, then you look along the column to the end, where there is the 'new topic' icon (pink folder) and the one beside it is 'view the archives'.

I'm truly dumb.

October 12, 2003, 10:05 pm
You're not dumb, I never knew how to view the archives either, although I knew they existed. (The search can locate archived posts). That said, I never actually needed to find an archived post :P.

October 12, 2003, 10:18 pm
sauron, i knew that you were truly dumb for a while now. I just didnt know how to break it to you. I am sorry you found out this way, i should have at least prepared you.

Fix your sig buddy, because a screwed up sig makes you a complete idiot.

October 13, 2003, 12:22 am
[/center] =)

October 13, 2003, 7:54 am
well ppl always learn st :P