October 22, 2003, 12:40 am
it would be cool if matrix stuff could be added to soldat.
such as: Slo-Mo, Walk on walls, Stunts, Clothing just like in the movie, etc.
AND....it is also be good if theres a bar (just like the jetpack bar) that limits how long you use the Matrix moves. If you ever played the game "Enter The Matrix" you would know what im talking about.
and one more thing...AN AGENT SMITH BOT!!! [:D]
October 22, 2003, 12:51 am
Make ur own agent smith bot and make about 32 of em in the same serve should be just like Matrix with that lag lol ^_~ anyway idea could be nice but some won't be as I bet *pauses* yes some one will say lag so I doubt it lol.
October 22, 2003, 1:34 am
c'mon, you guys know this kinda shtuff ain't never gunna be put in.
but why not let you dream? BECAUSE YOU GETPOSTS FOR IT!!!!!1111oneoneone...period
dont like the idea. not to sound cliche, but it's just way to un-soldat
October 22, 2003, 1:42 am
it would have to be a 3d game to work anyway
October 22, 2003, 3:13 am
quote:AND....it is also be good if theres a bar (just like the jetpack bar) that limits how long you use the Matrix moves. If you ever played the game "Enter The Matrix" you would know what im talking about.
dude...if you want the matrix so bad...play the game enter the matrix..dont bring this crap to soldat and ruin it even more.
October 22, 2003, 6:50 am
it would only b one player though, would be hard to do internet multiplayer for it... would be great though, jumping back shooting ur minigun, keeping going back... maybe you can already do that? jump backwards using minigun and tapping jetpack?
Oh, and if you like matrix so much use the poa editor and the interface editor and make ur own matrix mod. you should be able to put in the jumps, as someone did the cripple fly mod or whatever..
October 22, 2003, 7:02 am
dont ppl get sick of matrix slow mos?
October 22, 2003, 7:41 am
No... I happen to be a great fan of the matrix movies...
Probably the best movie ever created know to man these day, but the real blower is Matrix 3, out in AUS on 6 of NOV i think... They say the graphics are phenomanal and cost like 200 Million $...
In enter the matrix... There is a bar which carries "FOCUS" and well it rocks etc... If this was ONLY single player, happy happy joy joy :)... But it would be VERY frustrating for putting it on multiplayer.. But somehow the matrix ppl's are actually pulling it off. Check out www.matrixonline.com , it will be here for 2004 and will it be good. Thanx for your time guys (Also this is the first WARM post :).)
October 22, 2003, 8:42 am
Long time without seeing players with Matrix names.
October 22, 2003, 8:45 am
I dont think this is a good idea for Soldat but the Matrix is awesome xD Matrix-Revolutions, Thanksgiving, 2003. BTW there is rumoured to be a new Matrix Console game coming called The Matrix-Online that will be multiplayer...
October 22, 2003, 8:27 pm
quote:Originally posted by ?
it would have to be a 3d game to work anyway
No it wouldn't.Have u palyed the bullettime fighting -game?
Check this thread:
In that game the idea works pretty good so why it wouldn't work in soldat too.But not in multiplayer, but against bots yes.I like this idea.
Nuzz, you mean the Matrix revolutions.Yes it may be a very good movie if it continues the same line as in the last 2 movies.
Quackinator I totally support you, if it matters [:D]
October 22, 2003, 8:43 pm
i feel sad for anyone who bought Enter the Matrix, it is possibly the worst, most buggy game ever made...getting stuck in walls...and well, it just plain blows
October 22, 2003, 11:54 pm
since the release of reloaded on dvd, ive become a huge matrix fan once again. and i think matrix would be great in soldat. i did see a post about this a while ago, but i dont think double posting is a huge crime. anyway, although bullet time would be cool in soldat, it couldnt be in multi and wouldnt be that great in single simply because its only single so its a waste of time to implement. but if a button like space was used in unicin with w,a,s or d, then matrix moves without bullet time would be incredible. maybe on certain moves, only 25% of bullets would actually hit you, so it wouldnt be some invincible crazy thing. the matrix look just adds to the high demand for player customization (which is good). michal should whatch reloaded over and over(and so should all u cuz its friggin wicked) and look for cool moves to put in with space-wasd combos. maybe even some real complicated ones or combos like space+wsdddsawss lol.
100% support on this one.
October 23, 2003, 4:54 am
Perhaps the solution for this would be that people could be able to make their own mods beyond just replacing the existing sound a and grapics files.
October 23, 2003, 3:15 pm
It could work online if bullets fired toward somebody doing matrix moves magically slowed down when they got close... I dunno lol
October 23, 2003, 6:16 pm
If you want to have a matrix effect in Soldat, which I doubt will happen, why not just play games like Max Payne (Max Payne 2 is out now: http://www.rockstargames.com/maxpayne2/, or the actual Matrix game! However, if this mode would be an option in soldat I think it could be pretty cool, if done properly.
October 25, 2003, 2:20 am
heres something you all need to learn:
when ppl suggest something, they want it in SOLDAT. not max payne of enter the matrix or whatever. if u didnt notice, max payne is a wee bit different kind of game than soldat.
100% support to scubas ideas
October 25, 2003, 3:45 am
why are you guys all "model soldat after BLAH AND BLAH".
put in "x" like in "y".
implement "x" like in that other "y".
don't you know it "x?" put that "y" in.
shouldn't we be hoping to make Soldat a game that goes in the "x"?
we don't want Soldat being modeled after all those other games and becoming
another unoriginal conformist shooter. after all, Soldat's greatest feature
is being unique.
oh btw:
Enter the Matrix was HORRIBLE.
i myself am a die-hard fan of "tEh MaTriX" but i was truly dissapointed by the quality of the game:
1) its ridiculously easy; special moves are no more than pre-defined special attacks. Die By The Sword, a game 3+ years old had better custom move definitions and custimizations.
2) guys look VERY VERY stupid while climbing up ladders.
3) polygon interpolation bugs. ugh.
4) lack of depth: umm... why am i playing this again?
5) gameplay is... lacking. very little replay value.
IMO, if they can't make the matrix game be as fufilling as the movie, they shouldn't release one at all. Blizzard, one of, if not THE more reputable gaming company on the market, axed one of its games in the late stages and large sums of money were invested after they decided it wasn't as high quality as its others. i like matrix. just not the game.
October 25, 2003, 4:52 pm
quote:Originally posted by Quackinator
it would be cool if matrix stuff could be added to soldat.
such as: Slo-Mo, Walk on walls, Stunts, Clothing just like in the movie, etc.
AND....it is also be good if theres a bar (just like the jetpack bar) that limits how long you use the Matrix moves. If you ever played the game "Enter The Matrix" you would know what im talking about.
and one more thing...AN AGENT SMITH BOT!!! [:D]
God damned! If you're a smart guy Quakinator, do your own MOD! Use the POA editor, change the .wav files and the guys clothes but plz - in the real Soldat??? You're [:-dunce] or [:-drunk]???
October 25, 2003, 6:02 pm
no, this is a horrible idea if you mean to put it online because if youve got 5 people playing one the same server and uses the bullet time thing EVERYONE will slow and this would be horible because your no were near the battle and the whole games slow and since it is 5 people it will be constanly happending unless you put like a area affect on it or somthing but if you did that then you would know there is a close battle so you could just wait for the bullet time to stop and then you could go and wipe up the crums of who ever is left from the battle. Plus imagin all the barret whores with this it would be like a never missing barret. Yeh this slow motion is a bad idea but i guess you could put the other stuff in. Heh heh sorry if i hurt your feelings. :P
October 25, 2003, 7:42 pm
ummm...can u read? we said not to put in bullet time genious. just the moves.
October 25, 2003, 7:48 pm
God dammit I hate this topic!!
Every time I click "Game Improvements / Suggestions"
I see this BULL[:-censored]!
So do me a favor & keep soldat original...
If you want bullet time use fraps & adobe premiere ... & see the action in slow motion...
October 26, 2003, 12:52 am
its a damn suggestion, no more, no less.
At least I have ideas blaster.
Not like you yappin at topics "blah blah blah!!! this is [:-censored]in stupid! blah blah blah!!! youre stupid!!! blah blah blah!!!"