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Meat n Potatoes Maps
Soldat Forums - Soldat Maps & Map Making - New Maps
October 14, 2002, 2:05 pm
Hey everyone,

You can get two completed maps and one beta map from my website here:


Of course most of you already know this.


November 23, 2002, 5:04 pm

Killa Gorilla
November 23, 2002, 11:12 pm
yo i like your maps though! but they aren't as good as your worms maps. you should make them more playable - i.e. more free space to fight. this tower thingy is kinda silly. i fall down the whole time. maybe i'm too stupid for but that's the way it is. the other one is very very cool stylish! but again - too little free space. always these tunnels and stuff! but keep making maps! they are phat!

November 24, 2002, 12:47 am
The tower thing is there because it is a King of the Hill map, the whole idea is to dominate the hill, and making it steep sided is a way to make it hard to get to the top, but easy to defend.

November 24, 2002, 12:59 am
lol reincarnate posts from october!

Killa Gorilla
November 24, 2002, 11:13 am
i surely know what the idea was. did i say i dun understand the whole thing? i only said that i'm falling down the whole time... but who cares? that was just my opinion!