November 3, 2003, 10:27 pm
Just had a proper bo teammatch game in one of m4d's (brilliant) servers. Somehow, despite some language barriers, we managed to organise everyone into just 2 large teams (instead of 3 or 4). Needless to say it was beautiful, as some players stuck together in squads and swept up, while others just freestyled. Either way it was enjoyed all round.
So how about giving to Teammatch the option of deciding how many teams are to play on a server? If it's one thing I love, it's having a big two sided war in lagrange. Make my dream come true, ya bastads.
November 3, 2003, 10:32 pm
Hmm yes that will be nice [:P]
By the way Chakra, I hate your avatar [:D]
November 3, 2003, 10:32 pm
Yes thats a good idea.
I used to make 2 teams by making a ctf game and then change to a dm map(with /map ..) and u have 2 teams.
But the problem was that u cant have a mapcycle then.
November 4, 2003, 12:37 am
Great idea.
BTW, Your avatar is funny. I like it.
November 4, 2003, 1:09 am
I really enjoy your avatar.
And what about the clan match option? I haven't used it, but it seems it would be just like you are suggesting.
November 4, 2003, 2:46 am
Yah but there would still be 4 teams tho, and I like that idea as well ^_^.
November 4, 2003, 11:22 am
Yeah that was a killer game Chakra [:D] I had posted something similar quite a while back actually. But mine was "Allied Team Games" You know, like red+blue team ally vs green+yellow.
"Make my dream come true, ya bastads."
November 5, 2003, 3:07 am
I'll put it to Michal.
How about just an Option, 2, 3, or 4 teams?
November 5, 2003, 11:29 pm
Chak, you do actually realise we was on the winning team every time?
November 6, 2003, 12:44 am
Well....yeah, that does help in the fun factor ^_^
*edit + bump*
Just had another fantastic 2-sided teammatch. It was one of the best games I ever had. Don't forget this suggestion michal, ya little [:-censored]!
November 16, 2003, 3:40 am
a little spawn off of this that i find to be quite interesting:
new game type: erm... cool name goes here
number of teams: 2-4
type: ctf-teammatch fusion
description: the map has one(1) or more(1+) flags. each squad, or team, tries to capture as many flags as possible, and keep the person with the flag alive. every twenty(20) or so(20+/-) seconds, five(5) or so(5+/-) points are awarded to each team for every flag they control. the first to ninty(90) or so(you know what goes here) wins. this style of gameplay promotes teamwork and uhh... yeah.