Hercule Poirot
November 4, 2003, 10:02 am
Yeah there are many great topics like
Pass the flag button..
New game mode: RABBIT HUNTER
New Bonus: Binoculars
Change fire rate
male/female characters
The soldiers without weapons run quicker.
Language filter
Player editor
Replacing Chainsaw with Molotov Cocktails
and of course that Arnie game mode / vip game mode and so on... some of you like all of this some one dont
so why michal don't make any of these suggestions it should be easy to him make those for example in game is this player option where you can change name colors hairs and so on why dont he make right up preview of player where you see that what player would look on game its annoying change colors then go game dont like colors go back change it and back to game still dont like it go back and so on...
new game modes??? yeah 1 or 2 new game modes would be good in next soldat version but i'm starting to believe that michal dont even look on these suggestions as i see only 2 suggestion is changed on 1.2 version could be more fixed but i see only 2
so that is why i think that this "Game Improvements / Suggestions" area is only for spamming michal dont take these suggestions seriously or maybe he just make those what he likes/seems to be important?
we need answers NOW MR :P
November 4, 2003, 12:57 pm
he stated early somewhere that "if it isnt implemented and a lot of ppl like it, its not there only because im too busy fixing bugs, etc..."
but i mean how many bugs can there be,right?
November 4, 2003, 1:38 pm
yeah.. he should look more at them! :/
November 4, 2003, 2:28 pm
He simply doesn't have enough time to implement them.
When the bugs are fixed he should have time for stuff like that.
November 4, 2003, 5:09 pm
Yeah, but do you really think he's gonna bother to search for all these great suggestions? I mean we rack our brains thinking of improvements, but it's just a waste of time if you ask me, cos nobody seems to notice :\
November 4, 2003, 5:09 pm
I thik that he should at least reply to them![}:)] I mean than we'll at least know if it is possible in the near futue or do we have to wait!
Please respond![:(]
November 4, 2003, 9:23 pm
Yea, god-Michal could atleast copy-paste all good suggestion in notepad and save'em somewere on his god-comp.
November 5, 2003, 5:55 pm
3rd account, maybe Michal saves them somewhere.. the file would be huge.
November 6, 2003, 6:10 pm
Couse some sugestions would realy make this game cool, like players run faster if...[8]
November 6, 2003, 10:07 pm
I think Michal has other things 2 do then watching this forum and updating the game. He cant spend all of his time at Soldat or else he will get tired of it and we wont se another version in a few years.
So STOP demand answers from him.
November 7, 2003, 12:52 am
quote:Language filter yeah that was mine and i would really liek to see it put in, but i know there are bugs to work on, but hopefully michel will get teh time to do it =)
November 7, 2003, 4:34 pm
quote:Originally posted by Hercule Poirot
Yeah there are many great topics like
Pass the flag button..
Yah that was mine, just noticed it up there. I suppose it's true Michal must have a lot to do and can't answer to all our suggestions, but he should at least brows the forums more often.
November 7, 2003, 7:01 pm
I, for one, should know how this thing goes. I was the one who began the thread, which caused the implementation of Stationary guns.
So if you have a suggestion, which: 1.Has a lot of support, 2.Does not make the game too sizeable (Michal tries to keep it under 10mb) and 3.Changes the game enough to be worth of Michal´s time. If You have this kind of suggestion, then it propably will be in.
You posted (As examples):
-Pass the flag - Begin a new clean thread to gain support and provide some model ie. What key to bing and so on...
-RABBIT HUNTER - How does this work, doesn´t sound very multiplayer friendly though, and rabbits need lots if new graphics and therefore more bytes.
-Binoculars - Read the "Pass the flag" answer.
-Change fire rate - ???? You mean auto and semi and so on... What is the point really? This is no 3d ultra realistic game anyways, this game is actions, learn to deal facts or die!
-Male/female characters - And the point is? Of course it would be nice if Michal made it so that every character has a gazillion graphical options and maybe even a sexy voice, but there is no point! This is a game for gods sake! Tell me a action/shooter game which allows you to choose your sex. Name even one, other than some RPG game of course!
-Soldier without gun runs quicker - Again this is action and is not meant to be realistic. The change would be so minimal so what is the point really?
-Language filter - Someone swears after you warn him then kick him! The problem is....? Again not a needed change.
-Player editor - Yeah it is so lovely to download 10KB per every new player and soon have your harddrive filled with a gazillion player models. This is just pure BS!
-Chainsaw --> Molotovs - Molotovs need flames, flames need graphics. If molotovs are added then we need a flamethrower too. This might not be a bad idea, but again start a petition and maybe Michal will see it.
So in short: If you have a good idea, then start a petition. I did so and I got what I wanted: Stationary guns.
There are some 7 threads per day here, and Michal has a real life, you know? So why in the name of god should he read them all through. He reads most of them, though. If there is a real popular idea with no arguments against, then he will implement it, not before.
November 7, 2003, 7:40 pm
Do not change the chainsaw. Increase its power!
November 7, 2003, 10:02 pm
Palloco:the power will be increased... i can smell it....
jahuu: so you're the person who wanted stat guns? i hope you die! they make outpost and abel sooo unfair! uve ruined the fun in having to snipe downhill, now all you have to do is hold down a button and move around yer cursor. dont think that you're cool because what you wanted was implemented-because youre not. "i wanted guns,they got implemted!! YAY!!"
November 8, 2003, 3:42 am
How can u increase a chainsaw's power? one hit and splater! no need 2 improve POWER, maybe on the ammo though, try like 50 ammo. but chainsaw enough power. need more nades!
November 8, 2003, 4:03 am
-Language filter - Someone swears after you warn him then kick him! The problem is....? Again not a needed change.
No, It means that if someone says a word on your banned list, it is censored. The person being kicked is up to the admin.
Stat guns should either have to reload after a while or eventually run out of ammo, which automatically respawns 10% every 10 seconds it isn't being used. And campers can easily take out stat guns in some situations, and in CTF maps, there's usually some anti-bullet polygon behind it. Lob a grenade over, kaboom! Stat guy dead. And you can also disable them.
Chainsaws should have slightly more ammo, but an equal reload as well. Or, a lethal chainsaw throw! Like knife, except there's a 1:2-5 chance it will go through the soldier, onto others.
Grenades- 5 is enough. More types, however, could be useful, like Flash Grenades.
November 8, 2003, 11:18 am
Peemonkey and frogboy: I did not want un-balanced stationary guns. The current one´s are a prototype to see how the graphics and basic movement and so forth work. The next version should have SGs which are destroyable, reloadable and fitted with a heat bar. So if you have a problem with SGs with version 1.2 then complain otherwise: Shut the -BEEP- up!!!
Frogboy: (About my comment on language filter) I know what it meant! I only said that it would be pointless, as you could first warn him and then he would stop if he is smart otherwise kick the fool! If we add a language filter, then it will ruin the game for foreigners, whose language might have a word written excactly like an English curseword, but which has a completely different meaning. And besides what forbids you from typing things like: FU-CK!, FUC-K! F-UCK and so on. You can write the word with a gazillion ways and cheat the filter.
So even if we had a "filter" which forbids you from typing a word meaning women genetals, you could still type it "incorrect", and therefore cheat the "filter system".
So again: POINTLESS!!!!!
November 8, 2003, 11:32 am
Umm.. jahuu ur an idiot, the filter wont block out words that Michal wants blocked, you would be able to block words you want in a notepad (one word per line) heres an example
sh!t = lolly
f.uck = f00d
You see sh!t would filter to lolly and f.uck would filter to the word f00d, so one word per line, its like a personal word filter, and THERES ABSOLOUTELY NO HARM IN IMPLEMENYING IT, ffs did u even read the thread about the language filter?
Oh and for those of you that dont know, jahuu wasnt the only guy that wanted Stationary Guns, nearly everyone in the forum wanted them, the Stationary Guns thread went for around 7 pages or more...
Anyways the stat guns r a bit more fair in 1.2 :)
November 8, 2003, 3:29 pm
To eyic: There can only be one idiot on this thread, and I don´t want to steal your thunder, now do I.
If it is a personal word filter, then what the -BEEP- is it´s use? If I want to spell sh!t, I spell it. If I want to spell f.uck, I spell it. If I want to spell lolly, I spell it. If I want to spell f00d, I spell it.
So you really think that only because some hotheads write dirty words in soldat chat, then a system which makes soldat bigger and more complicated should be implemented? That is just plain stupid and nothing else! Learn to control yourself, and kick those who can´t, there is your "word filter".
You say there is no harm implementing it, but there is no advantages either! So why?
And yes I know there were others liking the SG idea, too! I didn´t say there weren´t, now did I? I was only telling these whiners that in order to get an idea implemented you need to make a clear petition thread, gain support and hope that Michal reads and implements it. That is what we did, right? And we got the SGs in, right?
So what the -BEEP- is your problem?
I only come around here seldomly and I must point out at least three (3) points about you all forum members:
1.Most of you don´t make good pointa. (B00sta and I seem to be the only non-mods who make clear posts, which have point(s) in them.)
2.Most of you spell badly. You do not even use punctuation marks.
3.Most of you have inadequate English so you do not communicate properly.
So please for the love of god: If you do not know how, what and why to post then don´t!!!!!!!
And eyic: You have often good points, but please cut the "r = are" language. Also don´t use "u" when you mean "you". Those two things make your points not only unclear, but also less credible.
November 8, 2003, 3:39 pm
omfg, do you think the internet is a goddamn spelling test or something? people write like that cuz its faster, and this spelling thing only seems to come up when someone cant think up another argument, so stop bitching about spelling, if you can understand it reasonably well, then theres no problem, and so far, i have had no problem understanding anybody on these forums (well ya know, cept for those guys who only know other languages and use translators)
o and btw, id like to see you kick someone when your not the admin of the server, since right now you need i think around a 90% vote for kick or something, o yeh, and dont just say leave the server and go to another one, cuz usually theres only a coupla good servers out there
November 8, 2003, 4:07 pm
Wormdundee: And you think "filters" would stop swearing over the net?
And besides...
Is someone bothered with other people´s spelling? Were they shocked when eyic typed sh!t? Did they shout "Mommy, Mommy a bad guy in the internet typed a bad word!!!!" Didn´t think so.
So what are the advantages of the "filter"? -None!
November 8, 2003, 10:32 pm
the filter is not to tell on someone yall, its ment for player comfort. I do not really like it when poeple start cursing in the servers and don't stop, i frankly would just like to have a little censorship in soldat, and for all you people that say "in real war people curse all the time" yes and in the real world people have opinions of what they like to here also.
November 8, 2003, 10:40 pm
And people could be killed for afk'ing. The server would just have to have 'afk' set as '/brutalkill' or '/kill'.
November 9, 2003, 12:24 am
i think the word filter would be a good idea if michal ever had time, there is nothng bad about it, i dont want my mom to come in and see any cuss words in soldat, dat wud prolly be the end of CBW. (not like damn, crap, but words like f*ck and sh!t need to be filtered...)
November 9, 2003, 6:49 am
And n00b.
There is no large downside to adding filters. A few minutes worth of coding, and the chance that someone misspelling a filtered word. And the whole 'pointlessness' of filtering swear words, and other morally bad words.
November 9, 2003, 9:25 am
Yes there is no large downside, but is there a large upside? NO!
If you can not take swearing, then how do you take blood and violence. Is your mum actually horrified when he sees the word "F_UCK" on screen? I think not. And if someone is going: "F-UCK SH!T" All the time then just kick him. Or tell him to stop.