November 5, 2003, 8:52 pm
Damned![:(] I'm doing a flash movie 'bout Camping! The sh.it is, that i've made in .movie format! Any converters have anyone? I'm doing in 3d flash animator 3.72 (the best!). I want it in an animation that works in I explorer.HELP! Maybe NightCabagge knows?
November 5, 2003, 9:45 pm
i tihnk u can convert it to wmv. with windows media encoder...dont know the site though...
November 6, 2003, 3:07 pm
y0da, do you mean .MOV format (Quicktime?)
I never heard of .movie
Google is your friend
November 6, 2003, 3:14 pm
yeah it's a [:-censored]in .movie... [:-weepn]
November 8, 2003, 7:25 am
Yes, indeed I can help you :)
Personally I just use Macromedia Flash MX (standard software for Flash, much higher quality than 3dfa - but then 3dfa is good for quick little 3d text, etc.), but 3dfa isn't too bad.
When you save a movie in 3dfa, it saves it as .movie which is just a file that stores information about the movie, but it's not playable.
You need to export the movie, which can be done by clicking the export button (blue arrow).
Or, if you want to export it as something other than a .swf (which you probably won't) then you can use the Export As button (blue arrow with question mark).
That should solve your problem ^^
November 8, 2003, 7:53 am
NightCabbage, your the best in flash things!!!
Agent 007
November 8, 2003, 3:59 pm
Yeah,NightCabbage is NightCabbage,a master in soldat.