November 6, 2003, 8:47 am
i cant find the admin program to admin the linux dedicated server. wich is the commands i can use on my linux computer.. i.e /say /ban /kick? which works.. or post me a link to the admin program
November 7, 2003, 3:32 am
there isn't an admin program for linux. it's a admin program to control lunix based servers with windows.
quote:From /server/readme.txt :
To control the server while running:
Use the Soldat Admin that is provided with the Dedicated Server. You can connect to the server from the same
machine or from a distant machine. Soldat Admin is the only way to use server commands while running the server.
Once connected you have control of the server as on the Windows Dedicated server.
Since this is still a beta version of the software (Server and Admin) it is not very user friendly.