Im sure 75% of you play or have played Half-Life. The Tau Cannon in that game incase you didn't know is the gun that had the orange barrel and the spinning core thingy. Well one day in math class i got a tad bored and tried drawing an egon gun on my desk (the backpack gun) even though i couldn't seem to do a good job past the barrel of the gun, i decided to continue making my own gun, when i was inspired to mix it with the tau cannon. i was very pleased with my result and suffered for it in my math quiz mark. but it was worth it[;)]. after transferring my drawing onto paper, then onto my computer the TC2 has turned into exactly as i wanted it. so now i present to you my masterpiece[:D].
Download Attachment: [IMAGE] TC2.jpg15.51 KB
Now that i have explained the history behind the TC2, i should tell you about its physics and statistics. Although the TC2 has parts from the tau cannon itself, the egon gun and even abit of the rpg luncher, its nature is still that of the tau cannon. The original tau cannon was a "Hyper Particle Projection Weapon" quoted from the game itself. Meaning that the tau shoots electrically charged particles at an astonishing rate of speed, the reason why the shots could "bounce" in HL on low angled shots. So we know that this cant shoot rockets or laser beams or anything like that. I think that the best thing to do would be to make the tc2 shoot rapid fire particles and ofcourse a charged shot like the original. ofcourse, this would put guns like the minigun obsolete, so we need to think of a way to make it fair. so far the best idea i can think of is it can only be shot while crouching. if that makes the tc2 too crappy for a primary weapon (this gun would suck as a sec.[:(!]) then maybe you cant charge unless your crouching, meaning that its pretty much a minigun mixed with a law. that idea is the best i can think of and if it were used instead of the only crouch one, we would not need a sec fire button and other guns like the minigun would have to be improved (faster loading)ummmm...ya well in conclusion, give me some feedback on my idea and maybe we can get this baby in 1.21[:D]!
PLEASE read my entire post before replying. i dont want to have to re-explain details.
Download Attachment: [IMAGE] TC2.jpg15.51 KB
Now that i have explained the history behind the TC2, i should tell you about its physics and statistics. Although the TC2 has parts from the tau cannon itself, the egon gun and even abit of the rpg luncher, its nature is still that of the tau cannon. The original tau cannon was a "Hyper Particle Projection Weapon" quoted from the game itself. Meaning that the tau shoots electrically charged particles at an astonishing rate of speed, the reason why the shots could "bounce" in HL on low angled shots. So we know that this cant shoot rockets or laser beams or anything like that. I think that the best thing to do would be to make the tc2 shoot rapid fire particles and ofcourse a charged shot like the original. ofcourse, this would put guns like the minigun obsolete, so we need to think of a way to make it fair. so far the best idea i can think of is it can only be shot while crouching. if that makes the tc2 too crappy for a primary weapon (this gun would suck as a sec.[:(!]) then maybe you cant charge unless your crouching, meaning that its pretty much a minigun mixed with a law. that idea is the best i can think of and if it were used instead of the only crouch one, we would not need a sec fire button and other guns like the minigun would have to be improved (faster loading)ummmm...ya well in conclusion, give me some feedback on my idea and maybe we can get this baby in 1.21[:D]!
PLEASE read my entire post before replying. i dont want to have to re-explain details.