November 9, 2003, 12:44 am
Since Threads die after some while I gonna resuggest things :D
1. Change the Fav_server.txt (Give it some formating and add /addfavserver CMD)
2. 2 new polygons: Invisible that U cannot see but hit. and 1 way Polygons. (Rite Peemonkey?)
3. Law spawn reload time, I dun normaly spawnkill. but nowadays U gott ! Coz If U dont U get a M72 missil up ur arse!
4. Autokick Idlers after 1 min or so !
5. Spawn protection: Eighter, after spawning Ure invounrable untill U choose a weapon. Or U have a invounrability shield for 2 - 3 sec after spawning as long as U dont fire.
6. Split up RM !! Make it many options !! maybe add somthing :D
7. Do somthing bout the taunts.. make it so U can Autosend or somthing.. The time U use reaching for The enter btn is enough to get U killed !! http://archive.forums.soldat.pl/topic.php?topic_id=8723
Well Thats what I can remember now anyway...
November 9, 2003, 3:25 am
youve got to be the smartest man alive Dark. those poylgon ideas are awsome!
the auto kick is also mine!! hahaha!!!
no need to be invinsable after respawn if you got 1-way polys! yay!!
November 9, 2003, 6:42 am
2: Three more polygons- those 2 and water.
November 9, 2003, 2:03 pm
2: Four more polygons- Those 3 and team specific polies. (If the wrong team touches them, they either get killed or just cannot go in)
November 9, 2003, 3:51 pm
water-too weak. might get put in against my will(like SG's)
team-specific-might make CTF and INF maps too-unfair.
invisible polys-these would be 1337! no more ground above you like in most maps!
**behind polygons-so i can make the kinds of maps i want-me,me,me!
Michal Marcinkowski
November 10, 2003, 8:44 pm
1. If I find the time for stuff like this.
2. hm? could think about it.
3. I might add this in 1.2
4. What if you go for a piss? (that's longer than one minute)
5. That would be useful for cheaters. You'd just wait without choosing a weapon and select it when you have a chance to kill someone.
November 10, 2003, 8:47 pm
"4. What if you go for a piss? (that's longer than one minute)"
ppl can piss before they start, after or simply leave the map to do it...
November 10, 2003, 9:28 pm
Yea, if you wanna piss during a game just /piss, if you wanna do it IRL simply leave the server or be kicked after ~1 minute.
November 11, 2003, 12:51 am
4 - Personally, I think that there should be an AFK kick of around 2 mins. 2 mins is good, coz it give u enuf time to take a piss, but also won't ruin a CTF game (eg. a team with 3 AFKers makes it hard to win ^^)
2 - Invisible that U cannot see but hit (would be good)
1 way Polygons (would be bad - confusion for all! :)
3 - Law spawn reload time - Hell yeah!! LAW ruins too many games :)
Especially Rambo on a small map lol ;) poor, poor rambo :/
November 11, 2003, 3:34 pm
Good point bout the Cheaters Michal, question tho.. is there anything like this in 12 ? I played the beta. (I know I'm not supposed to have it, sorry) and the host went away, but it wasnt a dedicated so he was in the game.. I fired 5 barretshots 20 secs off Flamegod, bunche of nades. Etc. at him.. other ppl helped out to! he just didnt die... he had been killed 1ce and was standing without a gun.. was it lag/bug or intended ?
U could make it so U gotta die 1ce before spawning.. (Gun reloaded) and then if U spawn again U get som sorta shield. or ppl just have to get theyre nades up :D
November 12, 2003, 11:22 am
i dont know if the shield would be a good idea, but maybe a static shield, that u cant get killed while on it (the plcae u respawn, it stands there for 2 secs, or after u choose the wep) and u also cant shoot while on it (like standing inside a polygon that dissapiers after 1-2 secs) cuz u would get killed. or maybe something like a 1/2 second flame god just without the flamer... and without the funky colours :D
November 12, 2003, 10:48 pm
"2. 2 new polygons: Invisible that U cannot see but hit. and 1 way Polygons. (Rite Peemonkey?)"
welcome to my world i can't see any polygons anymore!
November 13, 2003, 5:48 am
5- How about this: There's a shield that protects you as long as you're there, but you cannot fire until after 2 seconds of being outside it, and if you return, you either: a) die; b) cannot pass; or c) aren't protected.
4- there's always laptops.
3- How about reload for all secondary weapons?
2- Already suggested about this
1- Its a good idea.
November 15, 2003, 12:53 am
i rally want the 1-way polys to be implemented!
more uses:
ladders(up and down)
inf_ with many ways in, 1 way out
special areas in game
different game modes?(kant think of any....)
behind(so you can see ppl in ladders, etc.)
invisible(so you can make labyrinths/confuse people)
directionnal("only out door" and such polys)
in front(make traps in floor that you cant see
Please Everyone! this is not n00bish @ all!!!
November 15, 2003, 5:21 am
Erm.... Anybody on this god forsaken planets considered polies that are behind player (like scenery: Infront everything/Behind Everything) HUH HUH HUH!?
Oh and is this the 1st post from Mich for like a mounth?
November 15, 2003, 8:32 am
Good idea about the taunts, annoying to have to press Alt - ..