November 9, 2003, 10:41 am
I think it would be cool that it would matter that which part of the body you shoot. For example: to the head would kill you almost instantly. [^]
Hercule Poirot
November 9, 2003, 11:37 am
go and play realistic
November 9, 2003, 11:55 am
it does matter wich part u hit.
head 110%
body 100
legs 90%
November 9, 2003, 1:56 pm
" I think it would be cool that it would matter that which part of the body you shoot. For example: to the head would kill you almost instantly."
Harhar... did you just start playing soldat?
November 9, 2003, 4:23 pm
"" I think it would be cool that it would matter that which part of the body you shoot. For example: to the head would kill you almost instantly."
Harhar... did you just start playing soldat?"
hehehe... did you just start posting? oh,wait...thats him!
On Tonpic-no
November 9, 2003, 5:24 pm
The only thing Related to this I would like is Headshots instant kill (Barret hs) or do dammage without applaying armor (Other guns) When U got Vest. exept from that I agree with Da grand detectiv
November 11, 2003, 12:53 am
Serial Killer -
head 110%
body 100
legs 80%
head 120%
body 100
legs 90%
So Zap0tech, it's already like this ^^
November 11, 2003, 3:35 pm
1.2 + Automatics = Über !!
It ruules with Hk or Ak :D
November 11, 2003, 5:16 pm
Heres an idea related to headshots...
You know in counter strike when you kill someone by shoting them in the head, a little head with a knife through it comes up on the top right hand corner of the screen. Well I think Soldat should have something like that or maybe the word headshot should come up on your screen, just like 'You killed so and so.' I think this would be cool!
November 11, 2003, 11:36 pm
head shots already work in real mode (just incase hercule poirot's point wasn't made clear) that's the reason why you get fall damage if you just jumped off a high platform (lol it's fun try it sometime)
Edit: it would be cool if when you get shot in the leggs you can only crwal (real mode again)
November 12, 2003, 12:46 pm
i think there is a special sound for the head shot.
maybe my imagination once again....
November 12, 2003, 12:58 pm
quote:Originally posted by Weed
i think there is a special sound for the head shot.
maybe my imagination once again....
A sound accompanied by a tiny zoom-in on the head ala XIII :D
November 13, 2003, 10:14 am
quote:Originally posted by Hitman
Heres an idea related to headshots...
You know in counter strike when you kill someone by shoting them in the head, a little head with a knife through it comes up on the top right hand corner of the screen. Well I think Soldat should have something like that or maybe the word headshot should come up on your screen, just like 'You killed so and so.' I think this would be cool!
Sounds good to me!
November 13, 2003, 5:42 pm
So do I, I love getting notified about things in the game. Like "multi kill" etc. I really hope that "head shot" idea gets implemented. (If Michal ever reads this)