Ever play UT? UT2003?
They both have this option.
Not a "Bullet Time" buttin like in Max Payne, but just another game option like Survival Mode.
This will just slow down the game.
Ive always found playing FPSs in slow motion is really fun. Awesome when you manage to kill everyone around you in mid-air, to finally land while everyone else is toppling over. So satisfying.
I guess you could speed up the game too with this option, but then a lag spike is all the worse.
Slow motion would be good for newbs and good for lag. If the server is kinda laggy, with slow motion on it doesnt really matter.
Imagine dropping down on a couple of guys, picking one off with your Barret and landing in a roll while switching to your LAW and turning around to take out the other guy. Its just so much more satisfying in slow motion. Plus it gives you time to type in "pwned" and "/piss".
They both have this option.
Not a "Bullet Time" buttin like in Max Payne, but just another game option like Survival Mode.
This will just slow down the game.
Ive always found playing FPSs in slow motion is really fun. Awesome when you manage to kill everyone around you in mid-air, to finally land while everyone else is toppling over. So satisfying.
I guess you could speed up the game too with this option, but then a lag spike is all the worse.
Slow motion would be good for newbs and good for lag. If the server is kinda laggy, with slow motion on it doesnt really matter.
Imagine dropping down on a couple of guys, picking one off with your Barret and landing in a roll while switching to your LAW and turning around to take out the other guy. Its just so much more satisfying in slow motion. Plus it gives you time to type in "pwned" and "/piss".