November 18, 2003, 8:06 pm
I know it's fake but haha.
November 18, 2003, 8:39 pm
I really admire this guy, cannot understand why ppl hate him so much :|
November 18, 2003, 8:52 pm
thad, i won't start disscusion - i haven't got enough arguments ;>
November 18, 2003, 9:42 pm
And i also don't now why eveyone hates him. Thnx to him for making Windows we can play Soldat.
November 18, 2003, 9:46 pm
woot there is a version of xbill for windows:
November 18, 2003, 10:06 pm
its gonna be funny when he does die though
November 19, 2003, 4:03 am
yeah... i wonder what will happen to microsoft....if it still exists then
November 19, 2003, 6:11 am
He was also spawn camping on my roof. I pushed him off and he died half way down of a heart attack. wait, that was Santa. Well, Bill G. died of 4 broken limbs, concussion, whiplash, infection, hypothermia, and shock.
November 19, 2003, 1:17 pm
God damned! He is dead! [:-weepn] Who will make the new Windows?[;)]
November 19, 2003, 3:33 pm
Me. MOS will rull the world.
November 19, 2003, 3:49 pm
quote:Originally posted by ThaD
I really admire this guy, cannot understand why ppl hate him so much :|
November 19, 2003, 5:23 pm
hahaha mak is a comunist :D
ppl hate bill gates cuz he is so rich, that hate is caused by ppl who cant stand knowing that somoene is so rich... and by comunists.... if bill gates would live in russia in the comunist years.... he would have no money, and russia would be kinda rich :D
i love bill gates :D
November 19, 2003, 5:53 pm
quote:Originally posted by Weed
hahaha mak is a comunist :D
ppl hate bill gates cuz he is so rich, that hate is caused by ppl who cant stand knowing that somoene is so rich... and by comunists.... if bill gates would live in russia in the comunist years.... he would have no money, and russia would be kinda rich :D
i love bill gates :D
Weed, there are meny rich ppl in Russia. Those guys sell... umhhh... gas lol, or oil, don't remember.
November 26, 2003, 2:39 pm
just because he got a load of money come on he is allright :P
November 26, 2003, 3:00 pm
Bill Gates is hated around the world, due to ignorance. Just as Americans are hated out of ignorance, Bill "suffers" (I use the term loosely) through a bad image. Yet, at the same time, he quietly prospers. The factor behind racism, predjudice, and the use of extremes (always, never, everyone) are all derived from ignorance. Believe what you want, but talking about someone you don't know and saying you hate them is pretty ignorant.
Not only are you on the other side of the world, you are also writing (if you would like to call those jumbled sentences "writing") from a computer running Windows.
In case you didn't notice, that little box that Windows comes in has a little writing in the corner that says "Microsoft"...
Instead of hating Bill, why not look to him for inspiration? You're hating on a guy for embracing life and turning his dreams into a reality. You could use him as a bit of a role model, and duplicate his success with your own business.
That's the problem with Communism. It does not allow for change or thought outside of government level. Without change, a country cannot grow and prosper very much, especially when you're like the USSR was, and rely on agriculture for everything.
Don't get me wrong. I used to idolize Marx, and I read through the Manifesto of the Communist Party. I studied Soviet life. I liked all that. But I've gone back to my Capitalist roots, and decided to join the winning party. Hopefully you guys can come to the conclusion that enlightenment is better than ignorance and bias.
Alas, I'm done. Flame me, call me a dirty Capitalist. The hippies did it. You guys can follow the path of the hippies...
November 26, 2003, 3:35 pm
I jsut think he is a nerd, but i am to soooo.....
November 26, 2003, 4:09 pm
Communism is the worst political system out there (well one of the most), believe me, Poland was under the rules of communists for over 40 years and now we are (just as Slovakia, Ukraine and other) these 40 years behind France, England and so on. I was born in 1981 and still remember this time, my childhood, when you could eat an orange once in a year (oranges were imported from Cuba of course), when there were special shops in which u could buy some jeans or other unavailable in other shops stuff for amercian dollars.
In communism everyone is equal, well theoreticly, in fact there are equal and more equal, in fact there are people up there and down there, in one word it's infair. Anyway it's much more fair in capitalism where you can become a millionaire just like Gates did. In communism u can't be a millionaire, not unless you are a politcal leader.
And so on and so on, I could give you thousands of disadvantages of communism (i study a history, i know what i'm talking about).
In fact people who admire communism either don't live (or ever lived) in such country or they had a good job, lot of money and have a communist in their family.
That's all, if you still don't believe me just look at North Korea...
November 26, 2003, 7:52 pm
quote:Originally posted by ThaD
Communism is the worst political system out there (well one of the most), believe me, Poland was under the rules of communists for over 40 years
Communism has never been implemented as a government, Poland, USSR... all those systems were dictatorships. In the comunism there is no money, therefore it must be a universal system or it is just crap.
November 26, 2003, 8:43 pm
hmm dunno but most of u guys are using windows but hate bill gates. i cant really figure it out. :?
November 26, 2003, 9:14 pm
they are forced to use windows to play soldat... what about marxism?
November 26, 2003, 9:18 pm
hmm but the fake-flash is funny hrhr ;D
November 26, 2003, 9:30 pm
quote:Communism has never been implemented as a government, Poland, USSR... all those systems were dictatorships. In the comunism there is no money, therefore it must be a universal system or it is just crap.
Ah, well, you can call the USSR whatever you want. The Soviets were more Socialist Republics, as the name implies, but there is no doubt in my mind that their thoughts on government were derived from those of Marx, Engels, and two people some do not think of when thinking about communism and socialism: Erasmus Darwin and Charles Darwin. Carl Marx actually wanted to dedicate Capital Volume I to Charles Darwin, who shared his Materialistic views.
Communism in itself, if handled properly (meaning not mixing it with other philosophies like those of Socialist governments), can lead to a prosperous country. The Soviet Union was well equipped with military, yet it does no good to have such a military when your people are starving and being taken advantage of by the KGB day in and day out. That is not what Carl Marx (born a Jew, just like his fellow Communist, Jesus Christ. Read through the bible if you don't believe me) had in mind...
Anyway, I like Capitalism. Any government that has to take power like the Soviets did, with guerrila force is not good IMO...dunno why I feel pushing people is not right. :-/
There is good in all of us, and the key to prospering is enlightenment. I cannot stress enough how understanding things can help us all. If we can get rid of bias, predjudice, racism, and hate, we can grow. But not until then...which is why the USA has stopped growing. It's because of liberal Democrats, who, if they get their way, will ruin what this country stands for. They will get rid of religion, and get rid of all the rights of people. They don't care right now...they fight on both sides of issues. They don't know what the hell they're doing, because they're so far out there.
I'm unsure if you guys have left-wing activists in your countries (well, basic human nature would tell me you do), but we have too many here. Luckily, the conservatives have all offices of importance at the moment. We'll win the presidency in 2004 with George Bush, and in 2008, if the dumb Democrats can't get Hilary Clinton to run, Jeb Bush will be elected president. We're on the rise again...hopefully...
I urge you all to speak up for what is right. Note that everyone here is from a country that does not suppress your thoughts (well, mostly) and keep you from thinking. You're free from fear (mostly, once again). If you get the chance in your life, run for a political office. Help the world be a better place without hugging's easier to do than you'd think...
November 27, 2003, 7:46 am
Will burning trees down help? The hippies and treehuggers would virtually disappear, especially if they were burned off too.
November 27, 2003, 8:48 am
I do not really believe Stalin cared anything about Marx and company, he just used the only way he could to get into power and in that moment it was by telling he was communist. The communism does not say anything about letting a quarter of your population starve, specially when the ones starving were the ones producing wheal and more.
Saying that is that the same that thinking that Hitler thoughts were based on Nietzche and Adam Smith. That is all crap, it very dificult to put in the practice an idea. I prefer the Republic of Platon.
"Anyway, I like Capitalism. Any government that has to take power like the Soviets did, with guerrila force is not good IMO...dunno why I feel pushing people is not right. :-/"
Heh, man, think a little more or we would still be in the Middle Age, working all day almost dying only to let our lords living as gods.
November 27, 2003, 12:06 pm
Well as far as i know Hitler used some ideas of Nietzsche, but in fact he was too stupid or too blind to know what exactly Nietzsche thought. Nietzsche's ideas are very complicated, the way he describes them... i spent hours on reading Nietzsche and i'm not sure if i would understand him if not help of my methodology lecturer.
And yes i agree - there are many kind of communism, it evolved, that's not weird. It's now completely different from what Marx and Engels created.
November 28, 2003, 5:28 am
*j0e copy pastes most of enjoyincubus' post and uses in speech at skl
cheers bro
November 30, 2003, 6:32 am
Hehe...actually, I just used some of that in a speech at school too. :D
Glad to see someone find a use for my rants...
As long as we never give our speeches at the same school, I think we'll be safe. :P
November 30, 2003, 9:51 am
quote:Originally posted by Weed
hahaha mak is a comunist :D
But i am a communist [:D]
Enjoy: nice speech man, you are righ about the ussr being militaristic, but then again so is the current superpower, that is what makes it a superpower [:D]
Also communist parties need not necessairiy come by a revolution, north koreas party was democratically elected, and in a couple of indian states, communist parties were elected as the state goverments.