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Soldat Forums - Soldat Maps & Map Making - New Maps
November 20, 2002, 1:22 am
Is there a map for CTF that has 2 fortresses or bunkers with a nomans land between, or any kind of WWI type deals? i made one but its all crappy cause of waypoint problems and a few polygon problems

November 20, 2002, 1:32 am
ctf_2fort... actually i have no idea but that map name came to mind for some strange reason

November 20, 2002, 1:40 am
ctf_twofort as well... both should be found on soldataction.tk very good maps i recommend to all...however as for your no mans land...theres some of it, not much...not very world war one ish but very good none the less...maybe you could try ctf_swamp too...thats on the forums until disco OK's letting some1 host it...i should ask him :)

November 20, 2002, 3:09 am
http://archive.forums.soldat.pl/topic.php?topic_id=867 This has two areas with "no mans land" in the middle, :) Disco's is probably more of what you are looking for though.

November 20, 2002, 3:22 am
which map of Discos? or where?

November 20, 2002, 3:26 am
another question...i wanted to incude my map for any critisizm or tips but i cant cant seem to attach the file how?

November 20, 2002, 3:27 am
zip it.

November 20, 2002, 3:32 am

ahhh heres my map tell me what i can do to make it better as far as Bots go or any other problem...
Download Attachment: [IMAGE] ctf_trenches.zip15.86 KB

November 20, 2002, 3:52 am
please post screen shots w/ ur maps :)

November 20, 2002, 5:31 am
Pope, this is your second warning to post screens with your maps, if you don't know how, ask someone for detailed instructions, then get the screens before you post, but don't post without screens. Do it again, and you will be banned from this forum, or punsihed somehow.

I am not amused. (Gruff pouty face)

November 20, 2002, 7:44 pm
ahh here are screenshots of the map i made but im looking for a similar or better one then mine with no mans land between.

Download Attachment: [IMAGE] screenshot7.jpg28.47 KB
blue fortress with foward trench

Download Attachment: [IMAGE] screenshot8.jpg29.54 KB

Download Attachment: [IMAGE] screenshot9.jpg29.6 KB
other side tunnel entrence

Download Attachment: [IMAGE] screenshot10.jpg27.49 KB
red fortress with forward trench