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Specifying Server Config File
Soldat Forums - Soldat Talk - Server Help
December 3, 2003, 8:53 pm
Is there any way to specify the server config file on the command line, for example:

./soldatserver -config config1.ini
./soldatserver -config config2.ini

Or in our situation:

./soldatserver -config 1234/server.ini
./soldatserver -config 1235/server.ini

If this isn't possible now, is it on the to do list?

December 5, 2003, 2:15 am
i've never heard of this an a commmandline option, and i have just read over all the documentation [for the ~100th time =P]
what you could do is create a hard link [i dont know how to do this using linux] but i know that NTFS filesystems support this feature.
other than you can just hope its implemented in the next version. once you've read this, respond and i'll move the topic over to the suggestions forum.

Hardlink explained
Manual hardlink creation
Hard Link Magic neat program to create hardlinks for all you lazy people =)