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Professional CTF Server With Pass : BioDome
Soldat Forums - Soldat Talk - General Discussions
December 7, 2003, 12:50 am
I've been in DNAGames a lot lately, and there have been MANY people who barely even know how to play! Because of this, I have decided to make a server that imitates the style of DNAGames.net. It will have a pass and it will be professional-based :P Here's the thing. The only 2 ways of getting the pass is if I give it to you or if you e-mail me and I approve of you having the password. Also, if I start finding that more "noobs" start comming in, I will change the password! Sorry if Im being too strict, I just want a place for all great players to meet. :)

Server Settings:
IP -
Name - BioDome CTF
Max Players - 10
Realistic Mode - None
Respawn Time - 3
Max Respawn - 6
Bonuses - None
Version - 1.1.5
Stationary Guns - None
Excluded Weapons - XM214 Minigun
Caps - 8
Time - 30 Minutes
Maps - ALL
Admin - Whoever I Decide :P
Ping Kick - None

My E-mail : AngryBlaze@hotmail.com

E-mail me to ask for the pass, help me out with this community of professional servers that Im making (by using a faster connection, making an Infiltration server of the same type, etc.) or to protest/give suggestions.

If you cannot enter the server, please e-mail me and I will give you an alternate IP address to the same server.

Thanks a lot.

December 7, 2003, 1:13 am
hey thats kewl....could u make the max players 8 or 10?

December 7, 2003, 1:14 am
I send u a message.. [:D]
Is this server gonna be up soon then?

December 7, 2003, 1:18 am
cool, ill contact u soon, hope it doesnt lag me -_-

Scuba Steve
December 7, 2003, 2:52 am
man great idea it would be cool to get a dm one as well like u were saying.

December 7, 2003, 3:39 am
are there try outs so you can get on the server or what?
and how do you know if the person is a n00b when they email you?!?!?

December 7, 2003, 3:41 am
if day tlk lk dis, u no itz a n00b

Isn't 200 ping a bit small?

December 7, 2003, 3:55 am
is it a windows or linux system? if it's linux, i'll pass. i hate that blasted "wrong map version" error.

December 7, 2003, 5:18 am
First, Ive played so many ppl that all of then that email me, Ill probably have heard of. Second, yes, the 200 ping will be changed. And third, its Windows :)

December 7, 2003, 7:05 am
omg ty kaz ill be imin you on aim [:D]

December 7, 2003, 7:27 am
See what I mean?

December 7, 2003, 7:31 am
mike isnt a noob, hes just new to the forums so he doesnt know what he's doing :)

December 7, 2003, 8:32 am
i think i wil lag very much if its in the USA

December 7, 2003, 8:35 am
well, this all sounds like a good idea to me. i lag on dna and have only a handful of servers that i can actually get a good game on, so i look forward to seeing another good server out there.

December 7, 2003, 10:20 am
USA.. what kind of ping would we get do you know?

December 7, 2003, 2:00 pm
Well, here's the good thing. I and 5-6 other players, mostly from AoA, played in the server and put it in a kind of test run without even knowing it :P Great news, there was no lag whatsoever! This leads me to the bad news. It will lag, however, if Im surfing the internet :( I will try to do that as little as possilble or when the server is empty :) Last thing. My computer is real packed with all kinds of programs that I use, and it may sometimes need to be restarted or my Soldat wont function properly. It only takes about a minute to restart, so if I need to restart, I will either warn everyone in the server before doing it or restart when there is no one in the server. Am I a nice guy or what? :P The server will be back up immideately after rebooting. :) Also, unlike DNAgames.net, some ppl may not be able to enter my server and their Soldat will just get stuck at "Requesting Game..." If this happens, please e-mail me, IM me on AIM or MSN; contact me in any way and I will give you a different IP to the same server, which will hopfully work for you as it did for me and Essentle.

Oh, and yes. If you disagree about anything to do with the server, like ping kick, and anything like that, please DO protest. This is the ppl's server and I want it so that everyone loves being there.

December 7, 2003, 9:38 pm
you could (possibly) surf the net and still run a pretty lag free server if you optimise your tcp/ip stack.

here's a list of reg fixes that'll do that for you, depending on the os you're running. http://www.speedguide.net/downloads.php

these files have generic values that will work with all systems, and they all do help to some degree. usually about 10 - 20% in speed increase.

or, if you send me your pc specs, i can come up with a custom setting that could possibly get you up to about a 30% speed increase.

after applying the patch, you can check your speed at http://pcpitstop.com/internet/bandwidth.asp to see how much of a difference was made.

also, there's a lot of other stuff you can do to optimise your pc for top performance. i'd go to http://www.xteq.com/downloads/ and get Xteq X-Setup. it has hundreds of little tweaks that, if applied, help system performance tremendously.

i love lag free servers, so i'll do anything to help out. just give me a yell if you need any help or have any questions about anything.

and since i forgot to email asking for the pass, i appreciate you going ahead and sending it to me anyways.

December 7, 2003, 10:36 pm
lol, Thanks Morpheus, I'll try it. And youre welcome for the pass, dude.

December 7, 2003, 11:29 pm
gimee the pass eh :P and then ill post a good review.. otherwise >:D MWAHAHA lol

December 8, 2003, 4:15 am
This brings me to my next point. You can't bribe me to give you the pass ;)

December 8, 2003, 5:26 am

Nifty, glad to see more servers going up =) Even if I technically can't play in it cuz of my ping, ha ha. It's well under 400, but when things get a little hectic, it spikes up quite a bit and I get kicked. Himitsukichi serve worked until they put that damn Ping restriction on it, now I can only get in about 15 mins before I'm kicked =( God I hate it, I hate having that be the only server I can rely on >< Just one more month 'till I can finally buy my damn cable connection, one more month....*plots evily*

December 8, 2003, 5:48 am
Hey the server only appears in the lobby and you make it appear in ASE as well?

Oh btw I get a good ping on it, around 200 =)
not bad for an aussie

December 8, 2003, 1:45 pm
Glad to see its getting popular already =D Well, yeah, its a problem, my server doesnt appear in ASE. In the Setup, the little box is checked and in the Soldat. ini File ASE_register=1. I don't why it doesnt register with ASE. Can anyone help me with this problem?

Jimbo, you should try it man! =D Who knows? I mean, we had like 5 ppl from AoA and me in there and our average ping was 110! But if not, then guess you'll just have to wait. Its always empty anyway =( So it's not worth playing in yet. By the time you get your cable, it will be good to go.

December 8, 2003, 7:47 pm
quote:Originally posted by eyic
Hey the server only appears in the lobby and you make it appear in ASE as well?

Oh btw I get a good ping on it, around 200 =)
not bad for an aussie

yay, good [:D]
I loove that server [:P]

December 9, 2003, 1:43 pm
There is also the problem of people not being able to get into my server. Their Soldat just gets stuck at Requesting Game or Forwarding Through Lobby... Please Wait. I really need this to be fixed, can anyone help me with that as well?

December 9, 2003, 2:39 pm
Well when it do that to me, I just.. got it work, eh [:D] Like I put *Join game*, it got stuck, I put *disconnect*, I press *Join game*, it got stuck and then I go exit and open soldat again, then there is already that ip of your server because I was trying to get in there last, so then I just write pass and put join game and usually it works.. if don't I keep doing that.. Diffrenend ways.. And I get in soon [:P]

December 9, 2003, 8:22 pm

ill try that next time ess [:-spin]

December 9, 2003, 10:00 pm
Haha! Well, hopefully that works with others as well. I know that Hiei managed to get in somehow when all of the other times it wouldn't work, when I asked him why or how he got in, he said that "It just worked." So I have no idea.

Setting Changes : Max Players is now set to 10 :(

December 10, 2003, 3:47 am
quote:Originally posted by eyic
Hey the server only appears in the lobby and you make it appear in ASE as well?

Oh btw I get a good ping on it, around 200 =)
not bad for an aussie

very nice I like the sound of that!

December 10, 2003, 4:07 am
well, my ping fluctuates a bit (100 - 200) but other than it's all good.

December 10, 2003, 1:48 pm
lol, Sorry morph. That happens when I get a popup or I start surfing the web. I dont usually do anything on the web except come here so its not much of a problem in my opinion =)

December 10, 2003, 5:53 pm
it's no biggie. you're the only one i really have a prob with killing on there anyways. kinda hard to compete with that 0 ping :)

December 10, 2003, 7:21 pm

December 10, 2003, 9:57 pm
lol, Morph :P It IS on my comp so its not really too fair that I have so little ping.

EvilLaugh, WTF?!? Skills being determined by post amount? What kind of idiotic bull is that?!

December 11, 2003, 8:41 am

December 11, 2003, 1:21 pm
That's just freakin stupid!

December 11, 2003, 1:26 pm
quote:Originally posted by EvilLaugh

so you accepted the fact that i own you?

December 11, 2003, 2:41 pm
kaz, let's switch computers next time ;)

anyways, what type of connection are you running?

December 11, 2003, 7:11 pm
Your server works great for me...my ping is usually <100. My only complaint is that there never seems to be anybody in there when I'm looking for a game :P When it comes up in the lobby it always says the ping is "??" and usually that means I can't connect to it, but I connect to your server and the ping is great. What are the bonuses set at? Seemed kinda high last time I was in there.

December 11, 2003, 10:01 pm
Oh.. O.O There arnt supposed to be any bonuses. Yeah, Im sorry, its still pretty unpopular. Ill be in there sometimes, trying to start a game, but I cant promise much :\

Morph, wadda ya mean switch comps? lol You wanna host the server :P I have a 256k Connection (DSL), and if youd like to host and youve got a better connection, thatd be great.

I'm glad that most of you have found my server to have good ping :)

December 12, 2003, 4:54 pm
Hmm, a 400 ping kick?

If you're going to give the pass only to people who are good and who aren't noobs then I don't really see the point of a ping kick...if it's permanantly above 400 then they would probably go to another server, and it's annoying for 56kers like me :(

December 12, 2003, 6:38 pm
Oiy, oiy... what a point, lol. Why didnt I think of that? :P Well, Im just a freakin dumbass. Ill get rid of the ping kick.

December 12, 2003, 10:04 pm
kaz, i hosted until 1.1.5 came out, then quit because it was eating up so much of my bandwidth that i couldn't host and surf at tghe same time. to many complaints of lag. if it's true about 1.2 using 50% less bandwidth then i'll probably start hosting again.

and how many people are coming in each day? i've only saw people there once. maybe it's just the times i visit.

December 12, 2003, 11:02 pm
Theres a sad fact behind that question Morph. Only about 3 ppl come in everyday, average.

December 12, 2003, 11:57 pm
i guess i'm one of those 3. for the pat couple days i've came in, with a "hello kaz... where ever you are." no response, so i leave.

so, now it looks like you've got 2 options:

1. keep it going as it is and hope that more start to join.
2. turn it into a pub and give admin powers to the ones you trust to keep the peace.

you could always turn it back into a pass protected server once it gains some popularity. just give some advance notice, or setup a mailing list for those who are interested, and then simply pick which out of those to send the pass to. maybe that could really get things going. just a thought.

December 13, 2003, 12:06 am
the password dont worl

December 13, 2003, 2:23 pm
Yes, it does Spyder, I had changed the server into a clanmatch server for AoA yesterday so the pass was temporarily changed. Its back now. Man, I have so many problems. I cant get it to register with ASE and there are some people that cant get in.

December 14, 2003, 5:37 pm
lol, Do you guys think we should have some custom maps in BioDome? Like it would run along with the custom maps, and I would post them here, and you would have to have those maps in order to enter BioDome. I think that would put a good twist to it , how about you guys?

Setting Changes : No more ping kick and no more stationary guns.

December 14, 2003, 7:24 pm
custom maps...no..

December 16, 2003, 1:30 am
Heh, afraid of changes and surprises are we? :P Just jokin, man.

December 19, 2003, 3:03 am
Eh i'm probably not aloud in......

December 20, 2003, 5:38 am
how many people have the pass? it's always empty.