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The Never-Ending Story
Soldat Forums - Misc - The Lounge
December 7, 2003, 10:42 pm
Ok... Ive got a lame idea.
Some1 write the start of a story then some1 else continue with it.
Only 3-5 words at a time.

Forum User 1:
The army was ready
Forum User 2:
to attack the other
Forum User 3:
army. Then someone
and so on...

Plz dont post anything else than the lame story here.(that includes flaming [:D])
If you want to comment anything you can:


*Story here*


Dont be extreme lame like "then every1 died when the atombomb blew them up"

The first 1 to get here will post the beginning.
Remember, only 4-5 words and dont be extreme lame.