[^]Just thought i'd put another 2 cents in [^]
::A different bullet for each gun would make it much easier for modders to make better mods.
::The ability to have 2 different mods going for 2 different teams.
OR: 1 mod with 2 of everything, like mordaA and mordaB. (this way you could make stuff like predator vs alien, both of kairi's henchin mods, etc.)
::ability to alter or create a new game mode(INF becomes kill hitler, RM becomes Michael Jackson Moonwalk Monkey Match[old archade game where Mr. Jackson saves children[:-crazy]]
::Map downloader
::Gun amounts(1 barret, 3 deagles...)
::No _____'s can enter(those darn Soldiers)
::% to kick someone
::V.I.P(the IP of a VIP[friends]is recorded, so that when they want in and it's full, the person with lowest score gets kicked)
::Idle kick(if you dont move on your own for varied amount of time after any respawn, you get kicked. if you need to do/get something, move a little bit then do it. if someone decides to be a turd aobut it, and moves a little, then goes to watch TV, it could be chosen for after every map and or respawn[:(!]
::language filter(call me a noob, i dare ya [^])
*1-way-polys(i couldnt resist)(you've heard it all before, if not, welcome to the forums[:-moptop])
::invisible polys(yea, sure, you can go through there, go ahead)
::magnet polys(your gun, nades, and tag drops, you cant get them back! ah!)
::bumper points(can't camp here, *BUMP*)
::mud polys(slows you down, stand too long, you sink, nades stay, MIGHT expolde, might not[booby trap]
::XM29(again, yes, it's awsome)
::water(jets=flippers, health=O2, nades dont detonate, bullets go in a little bit, then dissapear)
::female charicters(for all my fine sodattes)
::More bot options(mercy, blind, fast, etc.)
::flammenwerfer(like flamer, but longer reach, kills you easily, when shot/naded, you blow up)
::shoot nades(so i can practice my ruger-ing)
i know i've already said some of these, but only the good ones. i also know that some of these have been suggested before. i also know that some of these arent that good.
tell me what you think, and how you think you could improve upon some of these
Thanks for reading:
-J.V.[:-tophat]and Toast[:-toast](my invisible side-kick)
::A different bullet for each gun would make it much easier for modders to make better mods.
::The ability to have 2 different mods going for 2 different teams.
OR: 1 mod with 2 of everything, like mordaA and mordaB. (this way you could make stuff like predator vs alien, both of kairi's henchin mods, etc.)
::ability to alter or create a new game mode(INF becomes kill hitler, RM becomes Michael Jackson Moonwalk Monkey Match[old archade game where Mr. Jackson saves children[:-crazy]]
::Map downloader
::Gun amounts(1 barret, 3 deagles...)
::No _____'s can enter(those darn Soldiers)
::% to kick someone
::V.I.P(the IP of a VIP[friends]is recorded, so that when they want in and it's full, the person with lowest score gets kicked)
::Idle kick(if you dont move on your own for varied amount of time after any respawn, you get kicked. if you need to do/get something, move a little bit then do it. if someone decides to be a turd aobut it, and moves a little, then goes to watch TV, it could be chosen for after every map and or respawn[:(!]
::language filter(call me a noob, i dare ya [^])
*1-way-polys(i couldnt resist)(you've heard it all before, if not, welcome to the forums[:-moptop])
::invisible polys(yea, sure, you can go through there, go ahead)
::magnet polys(your gun, nades, and tag drops, you cant get them back! ah!)
::bumper points(can't camp here, *BUMP*)
::mud polys(slows you down, stand too long, you sink, nades stay, MIGHT expolde, might not[booby trap]
::XM29(again, yes, it's awsome)
::water(jets=flippers, health=O2, nades dont detonate, bullets go in a little bit, then dissapear)
::female charicters(for all my fine sodattes)
::More bot options(mercy, blind, fast, etc.)
::flammenwerfer(like flamer, but longer reach, kills you easily, when shot/naded, you blow up)
::shoot nades(so i can practice my ruger-ing)
i know i've already said some of these, but only the good ones. i also know that some of these have been suggested before. i also know that some of these arent that good.
tell me what you think, and how you think you could improve upon some of these
Thanks for reading:
-J.V.[:-tophat]and Toast[:-toast](my invisible side-kick)