Michal Marcinkowski
December 14, 2003, 8:04 pm
No release date yet, but I got a small preview of the new version of Soldat. Just to let you know that the time your waiting is not lost.
Selected new big things in Soldat 1.2:
- demo recording
- smooth polygon edges (look at screens below)
- spectator mode
- new options for registered players
- new special effects
- lots of new server commands
- new completely working dedicated server for linux
- greatly optimized network code
- better weapon balance (greater M79 speed, auto weapons more powerfull)
- better, more fun physics
The complete list of changes is very very long, those are just a few things that will be new. I can assure you also that all the major 1.1.x version bugs will be gone. During the past months Soldat 1.2 is being tested so it will be the best version ever (it is already the best game in the world so only a new version can beat it:)).
---added by DNA.styx----
And here are two screenshots from version 1.2 (click on them to expand, notice the smoothness of the poligon edges - it is an effect similar to antialiasing or cell shading).
[img]http://www.soldat.pl/thumb15.jpg" style="color: blue;">[IMAGE]
December 14, 2003, 8:22 pm
IT'S ALIVE!!!!![:-devil]
But wtf is demo recording???
December 14, 2003, 8:43 pm
Droopy, it's like some kinda replay function :)
You can record your games to SMALL files, play them again or send them to friends to show off or something..
December 14, 2003, 8:46 pm
I hope it works fine and not so much lag when recording.
December 14, 2003, 8:47 pm
Now then:
Does it actually record everything, or does it record the physics and button presses etc then recreate them?
i should think the latter would be waaay smaller.
December 14, 2003, 8:52 pm
When you say 'SMALL' files does that mean that there is a limit for how long you can record for?
December 14, 2003, 8:53 pm
o yeah new options for registred users!
December 14, 2003, 8:54 pm
About bloody time michal!
Typical bloody god, always keeping you waiting.
December 14, 2003, 8:56 pm
quote:Originally posted by Hitman
When you say 'SMALL' files does that mean that there is a limit for how long you can record for?
They're small because they're not recorded in a movie format like AVI or MPEG.
Afaik it's just the data sent between you and the server, so Soldat recreates the game.
I haven't heard about a general length limit. Oh, and the beta testers aren't able to test it right now.
December 14, 2003, 8:56 pm
Finally, hope...
After I read the list of stuff thats new for 1.2, I take back whatever I said, whining and all. This will definatly be the best ever. sorry hehe :P
December 14, 2003, 10:17 pm
That sounds very Nazi like CBW...
Anyway, Long live Michal!
December 14, 2003, 10:22 pm
Oh lol, Michal you're killin us with this long wait. please please please, i've knot to the neck! what should i do, throw myself down the chair? I DO IT I DO IT, STAY AWAY!
sorry, i'm schizophrenic.
December 14, 2003, 11:13 pm
Those smoothe edges look damn pretty
December 14, 2003, 11:18 pm
...buh...muh..wha?...yuh?YEA!!! HaZaAaA!!!!
December 14, 2003, 11:29 pm
OH god OH GOD! CTF_Death is back. :)
December 14, 2003, 11:29 pm
fuc kin' great about new info, but i've 2 questions:
will demos include audio (not wav/mp3 files but (i don't know) maybe cordinates to files in Sfx dir (or something like this:))
will those "smooth polygon edges" make soldat working slower, and will it be an option?
December 14, 2003, 11:48 pm
Aww.. I kant wait to see what the new "options" for registerd users will be!
December 15, 2003, 12:13 am
Thanks for the update, i really hope it comes out soon. Im really liking the idea of smooth edges and a spectator mode. GJ.
Ive heard conflicting reports on what the new Net Code will actually mean in real terms so, yeah, will i really be gettin better pings or not?
El Toddissimo
December 15, 2003, 12:15 am
w00t is 1.2 you have to uninstall 1.1.5 or just install it to the directory?
December 15, 2003, 2:06 am
I'm pretty sure there will be a update from 1.1.5-1.2 and also 1.2 full.
Thanks Michal for giving us an update we needed something to keep us waiting, and i really like the smooth edged polygons :)
December 15, 2003, 2:34 am
I'd assume the style of demo recording will be much like that of Starcraft replays. What I want to know is if the recordings will include the messages sent by the players/server or if it will be strictly gameplay.
December 15, 2003, 2:34 am
noooooooooo that means i have to pay!!! i am the anti payying!! and what kind of options am i missing out on with the 1.2?
December 15, 2003, 3:03 am
good very good but i hope than I don't have to wait 2 months again because you give information
December 15, 2003, 3:05 am
demo recording - cool, it is possible to write down a movie with nice kills :)
December 15, 2003, 3:37 am
yep 1.2 will be pretty tight cant wait to beta test this later on
Hercule Poirot
December 15, 2003, 7:57 am
yay lest wait couple months then we can have new version or not
December 15, 2003, 8:46 am
Maybe you could take the screenies from a better map... like a CTF map, one with plants an stuff. WHat are the physics changes??? I assume warp hackers will be dealt with - theyre everywhere.
December 15, 2003, 8:46 am
Yeah, i have questions to...
1. What about languages? How meny will be there? English and only Polish?
2. What about the MapMaker and InterfaceMaker? Any changes?
3. Is it gonna be till Xmas?
December 15, 2003, 10:46 am
quote:Originally posted by Loki
I'd assume the style of demo recording will be much like that of Starcraft replays.
i thought exactly the same; Starcraft replays are comparatively small, so there should be no problem in uploading them. Of course possibility of demo recording and spectator mode will (should) eliminate cheating problem and any misunderstandings in official interclans and leagues matches.
btw. Death is back!! [^]
December 15, 2003, 1:18 pm
w00t w00t !
That new stuff what will be in that next version will make gameplay much better. :D New special effects & better physics , this is worth of waiting.
i am ahab
December 15, 2003, 3:15 pm
December 15, 2003, 3:26 pm
- new completely working dedicated server for linux
yeah go on, keep making fun of the linux community, we dont need to play soldat, keep using us, feh
the game isnt even working on wine because of antihack and this is all i read after 4 months of being promised to get a wine working soldat version
December 15, 2003, 4:10 pm
"keep making fun of the linux community"
"using us" it's not like we're abusing YOUR linux server or something ffs
"being promised" by who?
December 15, 2003, 4:23 pm
Just 1 question.. with this new spectator mode can you watch any game, even ones with passwords? And will it cause any extra lag?
December 15, 2003, 5:18 pm
thanks for the info :)
and most important, take as much time as u need to make it great :D
December 15, 2003, 6:32 pm
I dont think you'll be able to whatch passworded games. Thats why they're passworded. I gues before you enter teh game you will have to choose (in CTF or INF) red, blue or spectator. I guess..
Oh and as asked before: What's teh faith of barret?
December 15, 2003, 8:01 pm
Oh and as asked before: What's teh faith of barret?
-bye bye
December 16, 2003, 12:10 am
No hailing Michal till he's actually finished.
December 16, 2003, 2:40 am
Warp hackers are the biggest problem atm.
December 16, 2003, 1:07 pm
Nah, the WMV and weapon loss bug are the biggest ones. Those'll probably get fixed for 1.2, though.
December 16, 2003, 2:21 pm
Warp hack? Sometimes when i play it just jumps to different part of map for no actual reason.
December 16, 2003, 6:10 pm
I thank you VERY VERY much for giving me a taste of what to hope for michal (btw, i have registered already, so i get the goodies right off the bat, MWAHAHAHA). Not to sound like I'm complaining, cuz I'm not, but one question stands out in my mind. Why is it taking so long? Is it still the lobby, or is it bug fixes, or is it (*gasp*, I hope) new features? Also, how does this poly rounding work from the point of view of the map maker?
Mr G
December 16, 2003, 7:21 pm
hey oh! lets go!
they're forming in straight line
they're going through a tight wind
the kids are losing their minds
soldat 1.2 is coming
great features
December 17, 2003, 12:37 am
Spectator mode is probably what im lookin forward the most. But the lag thing is a question of mine to, with spectator mode.
December 17, 2003, 3:03 am
why does everyone like spectator mode... its so boring... you just watch other people fight?!?! and i am still curious to at ctf_death is..and can some one send to me please!!
December 17, 2003, 3:34 am
is not boring when you spectate a tournament or a playoff league or some crazy clan match
December 17, 2003, 11:45 am
If you watching a Public Server, that is boring, watch a Soldat Match is fun if a league match.
Remember HLTV, 200 players in a Server only watching a Match!
Bugs Revenge
December 17, 2003, 9:12 pm
10x for updating and.....
what's about adding teamspeak? :)
December 17, 2003, 10:38 pm
i must agree to evil laugh... i say no praising b4 i have teh patch...
December 17, 2003, 11:25 pm
Well we should hail him for what he has done so far! Then we can unleash teh Hailing when 1.2 comes out
December 17, 2003, 11:41 pm
Hey you know that map hes playing on? That happens to be new...
You guys should notice these things. And that the smoothness is not JUST soldat... ITS ME! YEHAW!
So that map is CTF_Death i remade that. And right now the new beta version is not out YET so I cannot predict what demo is like etc but ill try to keep in touch here. Thats no crime?
December 17, 2003, 11:49 pm
Oh here we go; NuZZ is gloating about the map he made *Sigh*...Anyway thanks for doing it, Can't wait to play it, good old Cft_Death...*Drools*
December 17, 2003, 11:54 pm
Im not gloating, im just informing you about it... YEHAW!!
lol.. Erhum
December 18, 2003, 12:05 am
its not like you made that map out of scratch.. evryone couldve remaked it :p
sweet! demo recording.
gj michal. you deserve evry feedback you will get (including this one ;).
December 18, 2003, 1:50 am
Im so excited, Sounds AWSOME man!!!
December 18, 2003, 2:13 am
trudat koil :P
And I think michal didn't really use yours, I think he kinda changed the color around and etc.
But nonetheless you did kinda reborn ctf_death. So good job both you and michal :P
December 18, 2003, 4:41 am
Whats this i didnt make from scratch? I happened to actaully do just that! He modded it with some of the colours and bots fixed, poly bugs... thats about it, the scenery still stands. I made it. Its now Michals. I still take credit, lol. Cus theres nothing. Els. To. Talk about. Cus tha map rules. Cough.
GO MICHAL! Your the best map modder there is :D
December 18, 2003, 4:50 am
Dude I seriously like the old ctf_death tha nthe new one, the new one is too colourful -_-
Michal Marcinkowski
December 18, 2003, 12:58 pm
>> What about languages?
English and Polish on the start. After the release I hope there will be new translations within days available for download.
>>What about the MapMaker and InterfaceMaker? Any changes?
Nope. I'll have time for that after the release.
>>skythe : I never promised anything
>>with this new spectator mode can you watch any game, even ones with passwords?
ee no?:) That would destroy the whole point of passworded server.
>>What's the faith of barret?
The Barret will require more skill to use since the auto weapons will be more powered. Also the scope will change, it will not zoom instantly but slowly. This will add more variety to the gameplay.
December 18, 2003, 1:23 pm
the spectator mode gives option for judges to work in the next SCTFL :D
that way there will be no place for whining ;)
December 18, 2003, 5:07 pm
yay on Soldat! Why not make Soldat more... popular? Maybe some commercials on TV? [;)] Or registered versions in computer magazines? What do you expect from us to do whit Soldat? Only to play?
Btw. I have more songs for Soldat in the Impulse Tracker format. I was playing whit them on Soldat... it was kewl! [:D] Can you add them, if i send you? Of course not [;)]... I just wanted to ask.
December 18, 2003, 6:48 pm
>Maybe some commercials on TV?
lol, maybe u buy some advertisement on tvp1 or polsat?
>Or registered versions in computer magazines?
second BIG lol, it would destroyed conception of registering soldat - everybody would have version registered on eg. CDAction (tfu! nienawidze ich...)
December 18, 2003, 8:30 pm
yay! I hate Cd-Action to! They are sending mails to them self! That's just an idiotic magazine... Maybe a commercial like Medal of Honor: Rising sun?
December 18, 2003, 10:35 pm
quote:Originally posted by Michal Marcinkowskiee no?:) That would destroy the whole point of passworded server.
>>What's the faith of barret?
The Barret will require more skill to use since the auto weapons will be more powered. Also the scope will change, it will not zoom instantly but slowly. This will add more variety to the gameplay.
yay! Time to get those [:-censored]s!
December 19, 2003, 8:48 pm
I just would like to see more maps served. There are so many good maps that noone plays online. They are pretty small files in general, couldn't there be a menu choice to download for a particular server?
Looking forward to 1.2.
December 19, 2003, 10:54 pm
That is... That is my favourite map... Reborn! Michal I bow to you! And I also clean your shoes!
December 20, 2003, 4:14 am
I also want auto-download system for Soldat.
Without this, I can only listup the maps from default for the server.
December 20, 2003, 5:50 pm
Sobchan, and the modemers would love you for that :D
December 21, 2003, 8:48 pm
How long do we need to wait untill the new pacth or game? I know its says he dont know when it gonna hes release the pacth, but how long have we waited for this patch?
December 21, 2003, 8:55 pm
Let's ask the manual!
quote:1.1.5 (13.07.2003)
Today is 21.12.2003, so let's do the math. hmm....We've been waiting exactly 161 days for this new patch! w00t for us!
December 21, 2003, 9:14 pm
if michal didnt lied to us about the spectator and (low sized) demo recorder, then i'm willing to wait another 161 days ;)
December 22, 2003, 10:16 am
ill ride koil's wave
as i said before, take as long as u need to make it cool and great :D
December 22, 2003, 5:35 pm
I'm not riding that wave. I think it's a bad thing for it to take almost a year to get out a new version of soldat. 3 months isn't too bad tho.
December 22, 2003, 7:03 pm
was there this much beta testing with the other versions? It seemed like there was less testing before the release and more patches to fix the problems. It was almost like all of us were the beta testers on the earlier versions.
December 22, 2003, 8:21 pm
not quite. but this is getting insane if he's not putting in all sorts of new features.
December 23, 2003, 10:22 pm
I WANT NO BERRETAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
December 23, 2003, 10:35 pm
I hope there will be some drastic changes in the "intelligent" bot's AI for those of us, who don't have the stable and reliable connection to play soldat online, nor in the LAN.
How about making the AI in a separate file (e.g. a .dll file) if it's not done ATM, and then after the release of the game spending some time (uhm... maybe less than 3 months?) to upgrade it?
And hurry up! I'm getting nervous so I can't sleep at nights :D
Happy Camper
December 24, 2003, 1:29 am
quote:Originally posted by Bugs Revenge
10x for updating and.....
what's about adding teamspeak? :)
is this a joke??
December 24, 2003, 2:30 am
what the........ are you guys talking about
Bugs Revenge
December 24, 2003, 6:25 pm
quote:Originally posted by Happy Camper
quote:Originally posted by Bugs Revenge
10x for updating and.....
what's about adding teamspeak? :)
is this a joke??
not realy..
it can be great adding an option of teamspeak :P
Happy Camper
December 24, 2003, 9:31 pm
just press, Y, that is the team chat thingy, it is alredy in there
December 24, 2003, 10:09 pm
Happy Camper, he wants to be able to talk with your VOICE, not just typing.
If you really want to talk to other Soldiers use an external program.. imho it's just plain useless because there are nice programs for that. Michal has already enough to do :)
December 24, 2003, 10:25 pm
yeh u can keep msn on while playing soldat and start a voice covnersation with somone and then play soldat :P
December 25, 2003, 2:41 am
Merry Xmas and no 1.2!
Im totally disappointed to 1.2...
I will start playing new game, bye!
Mr G
December 25, 2003, 3:15 am
sobchan: you are doing the soldat community a big favour...
December 25, 2003, 3:29 am
sobchan: go ahead, We don't need some unloyal member in this soldat community. We will live without him :P
December 25, 2003, 1:33 pm
Whatever the changes may be, I'm starting to get sick of all you, and I mean all Barret/LAW Rok only combo players.
For gods sake, don't you feel a bit stupid playing this repetitive style over and over and over and over again?
Kills the game, kills the style, and quite frankly, if someone were to remove the Barret completely, you would lose every single game. Please, hurry up with weapon changes and better balance.
Little suggestion, remove the Barret for a few months, see how the players handle their incompetence and put them in their rightful place, bottom of the chart.
I can bet that at least 75% of the people posting here play the Barret as their main weapon. When you ask them what other tricks they can do, they type "/kill" quickly for the respawn and "8" click.
If those players play any other shooter game I bet they click "8" too at respawn.
Do yourselves a favor kiddies, try clicking other numbers before parading in your underpants and yelling "I OWNS U!".
I especially love those people who join servers and immediately say "do Rok!" "Change to Rok!" etc. I know you all think Rok is such a Gosu map but unfortunately it's probably one of the worst maps this game has to offer, aside from certain flat maps who fall in the same category.
That's my 30 seconds (probably takes you Barret users longer to read this) of Do's and Don'ts of Soldat.
Hurry up with the 1.2 release.
Tha Doggfather
December 25, 2003, 2:24 pm
thx ripsta, we didnt have a barret whining post yet
December 25, 2003, 6:31 pm
Nice purple sig, did I ever tell you how much I like your manners?
I know you are a Barret user, and I know you like the phrase "I own you", you might be one of those I mentioned above... wait a sec! You are!
Hush up and wise up, internet wannabe thugsta.
December 25, 2003, 6:50 pm
Anyways, this is a topic about the upcoming version of soldat. There are plenty of other pointless topics regarding barret.
December 25, 2003, 6:54 pm
*looks under tree* 'O.o I got a lump of coal..
Tha Doggfather
December 25, 2003, 8:00 pm
how about you shut the [:-censored] up, i am NOT a barret user, i mostly use m79 and ak47. who are you to judge me, you dont even know me. and what the [:-censored] is wrong with my purple sig you homophobe.
December 25, 2003, 8:41 pm
You need to use the spellcheck more... lil bowow
learn some manners whigger.
Tha Doggfather
December 25, 2003, 9:21 pm
as i said: you dont know me: who are you to call me a whigger, im not one. and what the [:-censored] are you whining about manners.
December 25, 2003, 9:48 pm
Hey IDF-RIPsta, let me get my bag of I give a crap...OH WAIT!!I DON'T HAVE ONE!!Seriously man, if all you have to offer on these forums is your needless bitching and moaning of things already said then get a life. I am sure there are lots of people who do not like the barret, WHOOP DEE DOO! Hey, I got a really wicked idea, lets take all the weapons out except for one!!YEA!!*coSARCASIMugh* Needless postings from you are a complete waste of bandwidth, and oh yea, oxygen.
December 25, 2003, 10:59 pm
funny how bitching wasn't censor :\
December 26, 2003, 12:53 am
guys, clam it down a bit...you're making Santa cry...
December 26, 2003, 1:00 am
Watch, this topic is going to end up getting lock :/
December 26, 2003, 1:22 am
uh-oh, that wouldnt be good now, would it? Let's let ripsta and dogg just make a bashbin topic so they can fight each other there, not in a good thread like this....
sounds good, michal. Keep up the good work. Can you give us any information on the changes to the physics of the game?
btw, the Muzz is back. I've been off of soldat for a while now cuz of school etc, but i hope to get on more like during vacation.
December 27, 2003, 2:38 am
though the barretards are to many... and bad shooters... i do this
*throws a bucket of [:-censored] on RIPsta*
if u dont like barretards u leave and try for hour after hour to find a game without them... OR u accept em... if they choose to shoot their [:-censored]ing gold bullets one after one so be it! learn to dodge!
and ffs dont tell michal what to do! he knows 100 times better than u!
December 27, 2003, 2:59 am
lol "barretards" good one betel
michal said that he was changing the auto weapons to favor the auto users. mebbe this will solve
our problems. what the barret users do not understand that its not very hard to convert to automatic. I have made the change myself. i think its ok if they exist; getting pissed at them isnt going to do jack sh1t to convert them. I think the only option we have right now is the release of 1.2. I agree with betel in that we should accept them.
December 27, 2003, 6:43 am
Dude, the word Barretards was something Chakara started a long time ago.... if credit for humour goes anywhere, it should be to Chaky
December 27, 2003, 7:31 am
yea but its just a word man lol doesnt matter
that fuking sniper
December 27, 2003, 8:16 am
There is a "noob word" for every single weapon in the game, both sides of this arguement have to work on competency against the thing they view overpowered, Barret for this matter, people who view themselves as more skilled because they can use other weapons than barret, good job, you get a star on your forhead, now show that youre better than "barretards" by killing them instead of saying whose better. Then for others who just argue and flame because in truth the barret is their only weapon, ones that like to spam "I own" at the end of each game they play at while only using one weapon, you get a star on your forhead too, now try to get some variety if you're so good and "1337", if I did it, I'm sure you can.
Throughout my Soldat career I've been called a barret noob, m79 noob, ruger noob, auto noob, DE noob, and spas noob with all the variations of these expressions.
There is an insult word for every single weapon and style in the game, I like to use all weapons, does that make me a Soldat noob?
Everyone can argue, guys, even if its against your opinion, you dont have to go and start flaming like the fate of the universe is resting on the outcome of who'se the winner of this arguement, arguements are only ways of discussing things, you are wasting time by flaming.
December 27, 2003, 8:19 am
quote:Originally posted by BeTeL
if u dont like barretards u leave and try for hour after hour to find a game without them... OR u accept em... if they choose to shoot their [:-censored]ing gold bullets one after one so be it! learn to dodge!
and ffs dont tell michal what to do! he knows 100 times better than u!
do you have any f.ucking idea how hard it is to dodge a barret's bullet u moron?
oh and Michal does not know as much as the players that play his game, imho Michal doesnt play soldat very much, so he doesnt know exactly how we all cope with the game, its us gamers faith to tell him whats bad and whats good, coz if we never did that soldat would hardly have all these great features it has atm... and if we never told him how to balance and un-balance weapons to a better rate then who the hell knows what woulda heppened...
holy macaroni i posted 3 seconds after tfs did :)
December 27, 2003, 11:06 am
Well said, Eyic. I mean, I've got nothing against well-rounded sniper fighters (that means not campers) but honestly, how can you dodge something that's already across the screen in less than a tenth of a second? Either they miss or they hit, the only real hope is half-assing a barrel role which is cool when it works, but is a rarity since you're in the air half the time anyways.
December 27, 2003, 1:26 pm
I use to be all of the above. Most of the time though, The snipers (Not campers) Miss. Thats why i went to d.Eagles. :) I'm glad the Barrets Zoom is going to be changed.. TAKE THAT YOU [:-censored]ING CAMPERS!
December 27, 2003, 4:20 pm
dodging barret bullets is generally impossible, but maneuvering in such a manner so that it's difficult for them to aim well at you is not.
December 27, 2003, 9:36 pm
I think that it's too easy to hit someone with a barret at long range.
December 28, 2003, 12:42 am
how about this: everyone stops complaining about the barret, and we start a new topic! arguing isnt going to change anything, nor is expressing your opinion about the issue. You can discuss how to alleviate the "barret problem" using skill, but for god's sake, I think there are enough goddamn barret-bashing threads out there already. Now, lets all be good children and stop arguing. I'm tired of hearing people's sh1t about the barret being too good, etc. I pretty much consider barret-bashing threads spam. Now, let's also not call each other "noobs" etc, just cuz we get killed by them. I know that it's human nature to try to feel better than others, but still, people, can we just try to accept that there are other ppl out there who are better than us?
December 28, 2003, 5:23 am
Here's an idea, at the end of each round, there is an award system like in enemy territory, but these awards can also be embarrasing awards like 'Barret Whore' and things like that, THEN you can prove it to people exactly who is the BEST.
Happy Camper
December 28, 2003, 4:26 pm
i like that alpha, like 3/4 of the people in evey game would be called berret hore's at the end so i would not have to yell it at them, then they would know they where berret hores and it is not just in my mind.
December 28, 2003, 5:25 pm
But then the good snipers should be barret whores just because they use barret. :(
December 28, 2003, 11:45 pm
Or how about changing the spawn system so you can't use the same gun twice in a row? Or if they use the Barret for two rounds, then they can't use it the next round... But of course, the can just do /kill. If that's the case, if someone types /kill, they should have to keep their weapon from the last round...
December 29, 2003, 12:25 am
No, that will keep people who are good with other weapons (Deagles, M79, AK74, etc) from using their favourite weapons.
December 29, 2003, 1:24 am
SHUUUUUUT......up :)
December 29, 2003, 6:16 pm
Quote-Alpha: Here's an idea, at the end of each round, there is an award system like in enemy territory, but these awards can also be embarrasing awards like 'Barret Whore' and things like that, THEN you can prove it to people exactly who is the BEST.
Barret Whore lol. This award system is a great idea,IMO. I sometimes use the SPAS-12 instead of the Steyr AUG so i can recieve an award like SPASshole.
Also, any idea when 1.2 will be released? Maybe the first day of 2004?
December 29, 2003, 6:34 pm
Bleh, how can you dodge a good minigunner
Happy Camper
December 29, 2003, 8:21 pm
shoot him in the face :), i guse that would not be dodgeing him tho,...I LOVE THAT AWARD SYSTEM!!, SPASshole, good one :)
December 29, 2003, 10:02 pm
Almost everyone complains about the barret. That's right at some point cuz the weapons are a bit unbalanced in power (at least in version 1.1.5). The barret isn't one of my favourite weap and I don't enjoy barret campers but the fact is the weapon is available to everyone. If you think that the barret is a very powerful weapon you are free to choose it.
December 30, 2003, 1:01 am
quote:Originally posted by frogboy
No, that will keep people who are good with other weapons (Deagles, M79, AK74, etc) from using their favourite weapons.
Actually, this would encourage people to use several different weapons instead of a main weapon (eg Barret). Maybe this could be an option that can be turned on or off by the person running the server. The people good with Deagles and so on could use other weapons as well, my system could apply only to the Barret. With Michal bringing in this scope thing, maybe there won't be a need to implement this.
December 30, 2003, 11:33 pm
hrmmmm this is wierd, is 1.2 on it's way out? Because it says the lobby agreement has expired...
December 31, 2003, 1:23 am
yeah, this sucks. I was counting on it as a christmas present. BUT... To keep this thread from ending up like the other, let's not get into the whole whining act. Keep it to reasonable discussion.
December 31, 2003, 2:39 am
wasn't whining was just asking what was up with lobby :D anyway, don't wanna get offtopic? ehmm, I'll stop talking :S
December 31, 2003, 4:30 am
this wait is soooo long, when will it end? But i'm willing to dea with it, just hurry up and make Soldat 1.2.
December 31, 2003, 3:40 pm
well said eyic... but barrets are pretty easy to dodge:D
hint:keep sumthing between u and the enemy barret, like a team mate or terrain
hint:its much harder shooting straight up
hint:think before he shoots not after
well said anyway
December 31, 2003, 9:04 pm
Hey guys, the barret is a SNIPER RIFLE, right?
SNIPERS are people who CAMP and SHOOT from UNKNOWN POSITIONS. I believe that the point of the barret was a sniper rifle, which you camp with and shoot ppl from far away with. Sure, they piss everyone off, but really, its what can be called "good tactics". It's not very difficult to avoid/kill a camper. That is what we must learn.
January 1, 2004, 1:56 am
Good point. If people camp, You should know how to get past them, And in a matter oh words "Hand their ass to them." that is.. if you're any good.
PS. Merry new years.
January 1, 2004, 2:50 am
I beleive that people who camp are weak. A true warrior enjoys the melee of a close combat fight, and only the truly skilled ones come out unscathed. Get in close to a camper and they are USUALLY easy to kill. Unless you have a knife in your gut...
January 1, 2004, 2:54 am
barret is for camping since it is a sniper gun and camping is just another kind of tatic. poeple who camp doesn't mean they are weak.
January 1, 2004, 2:57 am
I respect people who can find a camping spot, get a few kills and move on to another spot. People who stay in the same spot and dont move, are just annoying.
Happy Camper
January 1, 2004, 4:39 am
yes very true, a man named, Camper Legend, PWNS at camping, but any way back on topic.
you think 1.2 will be out soon, since the new beta has just came out, 1.2.0d, hopefully it will
January 1, 2004, 10:38 am
quote:since the new beta has just came out, 1.2.0d
So are you saying that the beta has been released? where do I get it?
January 1, 2004, 10:52 am
You can't, unless you're an official beta tester.
Happy Camper
January 1, 2004, 6:48 pm
you can see what the new beta is if you have ASE, it is 1.2.0e now
January 2, 2004, 12:33 pm
Is there any way to be an un-official beta tester? :P
Im joking.. I guess I'll have to wait like everyone else....
January 2, 2004, 3:24 pm
First of all, I don't think the Ak-74 needs more damage.
When I can stand and shoot, stop to reload and start shooting again without dying, and this was point blank, then it's about done.
That was my input :)
January 2, 2004, 8:10 pm
Well, I do think the AK74 needs a bit of a booster shot. I don't know how accurately powerful it is, but I still find it by far the weakest of the machine guns.
Happy Camper
January 2, 2004, 11:51 pm
i disagree, ak-74 pwns all other MG's, it is the best for me
January 3, 2004, 12:56 am
Ya, seriously, it's like the most powerful for DM. Fast reload, medium ROF, high power per shot, what more to u want?
January 3, 2004, 3:58 am
No offence everyone, but i HATE all MGs. Everyone who is smart knows that the Ruger is the best gun out of all of them. This Kruger guy I sometimes play really knows how to use it.
January 3, 2004, 4:12 am
well an MG hater is a pYso hater, die!
damn n00blet :P
January 3, 2004, 5:10 pm
I with you all on the MG's. Things just start getting dull with the barret or M79, I mean it is the same thing over and over. I play on a server with the barret, shoot-kill-wait-shoot-kill-reload-shoot-miss-die-...etc. The same is with the M79. I do use them both from time to time but it seems to be a bit repetitive. At least with the MG's you can open fire on 3 guys and possibly kill them all if you are good, with MG's it is possible to get more than one kill every 4 seconds. Im not bashing the M79 or Barret, I use them both but I think the MG's KICK THEIR ASS!
By the way. Anyone else getting the feeling that on April first there will be a post by Michael on Soldat 1.2 saying "APRIL FOOLS" and that all the anticipation for 1.2 was for nothing and that there never was a 1.2 to start with??!!!*SHUDDER*....Just a horrible disturbing thought...
January 3, 2004, 6:24 pm
gotta stay awake,, wait for soldat 1.2
Lord Graviton
January 3, 2004, 6:58 pm
I dunno, all MGs dont kick all that ass. I mean the Styer or however it is spelled, has a very high firing rate but very very low damage per bullet. The AK is the only half-way descent MG, and you have to be skilled to play with that. I mean it took me some time to get used to that weapon. Whereas, if you take a look at the Barret, its a newbs weapon. But to kill and not die immediately is no joke, only a person with experience can handle that.
January 4, 2004, 1:13 am
The MG's are for people who know how to use them. They will be more powerfull in the upcomming version which is a bonus, that will make them easier to use. As fow now in version 1.1.5 they are a weapon for the more skilled. That is why the barret is not a noob weapon but is mostly prefered by the noobs, there are skilled players that use the barret.
January 4, 2004, 1:13 am
On topic:Hopefully it comes this week..
OT:I had a good idea. What if when you pressed crouch in the air, your dude tucked his legs in and did a front flip?
January 4, 2004, 6:58 am
I like that idea, it sure would help avoiding those barret shots. People are getting too good, lol. I think there needs to be more taunts, like putting their hands across their necks like cutting someones throat, you know what im talking about. Or they should be able to MOONWALK!!!COME ON, SOMEONE SECOND THAT NOTION!!!
January 4, 2004, 7:39 am
hahaha do the moonwalk over someones bleeding body while shouting, "OHH YEAH!! RIGHT BETWEEN THE EYES!!"..
January 4, 2004, 10:51 am
ROFL, thats a good one Disciple :D
Lord Graviton
January 4, 2004, 5:59 pm
Lol, I like that idea. Maybe you can implement a taunt where the player blows the smoke from a fired gun. Now that would be awesome!!!
Just imagine youself in a one on one, you are using the D. Eagles, and kill the opponent. You could walk up to the player's dead body and... blow the smoke from your fired gun.
January 4, 2004, 6:16 pm
I would like to see much more funny small animations like pissing etc
January 5, 2004, 12:37 am
about all these MGs... try using the pistol... its very powerful...
January 5, 2004, 2:11 am
Or you could walk up to your dead opponts body, crouch down on them, and let off a huge fart... [:D] sure thing to piss them off.. lol
January 5, 2004, 12:24 pm
okay thats alil across the line... i like it:D
make the /victory command point his gun(s) UPwards... not forward
January 5, 2004, 2:43 pm
if the mg's will be more powerfull, i will change my fav to MP5, but... i like my ruger [:D]
January 5, 2004, 3:33 pm
I just found my password and haven't been in this forum for a long time, so I dont know much of 1.2. So my question is: in the final version of 1.2, will htere be 50% reduced latency???
January 5, 2004, 3:41 pm
quote:Originally posted by Donnie
I just found my password and haven't been in this forum for a long time, so I dont know much of 1.2. So my question is: in the final version of 1.2, will htere be 50% reduced latency???
The bandwidth needed will be reduced by 50%, but that doesn't directly influence your ping.
January 5, 2004, 3:55 pm
Damn!!! That was the best thing i thougt about 1.2. Becuase then it would be less whine about lag and maybe, just maybe play with normal ping across the atlantic.
Michal Marcinkowski
January 5, 2004, 7:37 pm
There is no game that you can play smoothly across the atlantic. If you want that ask Bill Gates to build a faster cable connection under the ocean or a better satelite connection. In 10 years you'll be playing every game across continents with a ping like on your LAN. But now, you better play on your home LAN:)) As for the network code in Soldat, I'm doing the best I can.
January 5, 2004, 7:45 pm
Imagine where soldat would be in 10 years... we might have soldat 1.2.1 by then....
Lord Graviton
January 5, 2004, 10:10 pm
quote:Originally posted by Yin_Starrunner
Imagine where soldat would be in 10 years... we might have soldat 1.2.1 by then....
LOL, thats one of the best I've heard in a while.
But why would you make the fully-automatics even more powerful. I didn't know about that till now!! I mean cmon!! They are powerful enough, you could kill someone with an AK with only 5-6 direct hits, with a Steyr in only about 10-12 direct hits (dunno about the hp, hk). And then the power of the one hit kill hit weapons are being reduced, this is a complete control of gameplay. Please dont do that patch developers!! [:-weepn]
I love the fully-automatics just fine, and so do I love the one hit kill weapons like the Berret, Law, M79. (you might just want to make the trajectory for a fired M79 tough to predict, and reduce the Berret sights a little but) But other than that the balance of weapon powers is fine... I dont know what everybody keeps whining about!![?][:(!]
January 5, 2004, 10:20 pm
quote:Originally posted by Yin_Starrunner
Imagine where soldat would be in 10 years... we might have soldat 1.2.1 by then....
January 5, 2004, 10:39 pm
barret only needs to be tweaked to the point where u cant move while firing unless u want to bullet to go off in a very random direction, and what i mean by that is, on the ground
January 6, 2004, 7:13 pm
It seems to already be like that, most people don't fire while moving because you have a better chance of shooting yourself than the enemy. Nothing on the Barret needs to be changed at all, im tired of people wanting to nerf it. MG's will blow the crap out of it in the new version so stop asking to nerf it.
January 6, 2004, 8:54 pm
IMO Soldat 1.15 is very playable, so it isn't so bad waiting a few months...Stop complaining people!!
January 6, 2004, 9:41 pm
No one is complaining.
Well not lately anyway, but if you do, I will come to your house, AND I WILL CUT YOU!
P.S - It will be deep too.
January 6, 2004, 10:12 pm
quote:Originally posted by Hanz
It seems to already be like that, most people don't fire while moving because you have a better chance of shooting yourself than the enemy. Nothing on the Barret needs to be changed at all, im tired of people wanting to nerf it. MG's will blow the crap out of it in the new version so stop asking to nerf it.
geez it doesnt matter how powerful the auto's are in 1.2 the point is, barret is still very easy to use, and you still get quite a lot of time to get your shot ready and shoot, its still 1 shot 1 kill and quite accurate aim in 1.2
January 6, 2004, 11:22 pm
the Autos are being powered up, and thats all i need to kill a barreter.
the only reason i can't kill them is because i have to realod with steyr when they have miniscule health left...
January 7, 2004, 12:01 am
Same here, Barret users will continue to use the barret and im fine with that. It is true that if the MG's were more powerfull then I would not get killed as much by them. Instead I will rivit them full of bullets before they can think to aim, and if they do shoot, I dodge!:)
January 7, 2004, 2:59 am
quote:Originally posted by Aquarius
quote:Originally posted by Yin_Starrunner
Imagine where soldat would be in 10 years... we might have soldat 1.2.1 by then....
January 7, 2004, 6:24 am
I saw a blue moon outside so i thought i would post something
man people gotta stop complaining about the autos being overpowered
they just want the advantage over noobs or dialupers that have a hard time with the barret
*sigh* hey mike how do ... or should I say can i ask to be a beta tester PM me wither way ... you'll probly say no with an exclaimation mark [V]
January 7, 2004, 8:09 am
quote:Originally posted by eyic
geez it doesnt matter how powerful the auto's are in 1.2 the point is, barret is still very easy to use, and you still get quite a lot of time to get your shot ready and shoot, its still 1 shot 1 kill and quite accurate aim in 1.2
Umm... actually the barrett is often NOT a 1 shot 1 kill weapon. I use barrett a lot and I'm a reasonable shot with it, but at long range, 1 shot only works about 50% of the time. [:-toast]
January 7, 2004, 5:28 pm
Woot greater mp5. Come to papa baby. *take his mp5*
January 7, 2004, 5:44 pm
Im pumped about this. My fav weapons just got better!(minimi, Mp5 and M79) Thank you Michal!!!! You are my hero!!... or something...
January 8, 2004, 12:49 am
I have a bad feeling that people are going to be whiners and complain about the shotty. It will be very powerfull in the new version and im pretty sure people will want to nerf it all over the place. I am completely syked about the power-up for the shotty, I love it. SHOTTY RULES!!!!
January 8, 2004, 1:53 am
Can't wait to pwnz some barretards. [:-bonc01]
January 8, 2004, 9:05 am
Yeah. I've been practicing with ruger and minimi, since barrett might not be such a good option for "jumping around" [:-jump2] on CTF maps anymore.
January 8, 2004, 1:53 pm
minime is the weapon with most charm... after spas-12 of course
January 9, 2004, 3:27 pm
The barret is a very strong weapon, and the use of it is called many things. But the changed scope style may have an great effect on the barret users. If the scope is kind of slow, it will take longer time to find and kill a victim. But barret players are also Soldat players, remember that when calling a barret camper bad names.
January 10, 2004, 1:25 am
Had'nt posted yet today, so here I am. I don't care what anyone says, the barret is a GOOD weapon and does not need to be changed. By the way, this is not a barret bitching thread, go to the bash pit or the suggestion threads.
In other news, what does Micheal mean by "it won't be long now"? Probably another 5 months to go, but we waited this long, whats a few more MONTHS?!!!!!!!
January 10, 2004, 1:39 am
quote:Originally posted by pseudo
quote:Originally posted by eyic
geez it doesnt matter how powerful the auto's are in 1.2 the point is, barret is still very easy to use, and you still get quite a lot of time to get your shot ready and shoot, its still 1 shot 1 kill and quite accurate aim in 1.2
Umm... actually the barrett is often NOT a 1 shot 1 kill weapon. I use barrett a lot and I'm a reasonable shot with it, but at long range, 1 shot only works about 50% of the time. [:-toast]
Heh, the tellytubby has a bad aim.
January 10, 2004, 1:52 am
SG's in 1.2 suck...except you cant camp on them anymore, hint hint. ;)
January 10, 2004, 2:09 am
quote:Originally posted by frogboy
quote:Originally posted by pseudo
quote:Originally posted by eyic
geez it doesnt matter how powerful the auto's are in 1.2 the point is, barret is still very easy to use, and you still get quite a lot of time to get your shot ready and shoot, its still 1 shot 1 kill and quite accurate aim in 1.2
Umm... actually the barrett is often NOT a 1 shot 1 kill weapon. I use barrett a lot and I'm a reasonable shot with it, but at long range, 1 shot only works about 50% of the time. [:-toast]
Heh, the tellytubby has a bad aim.
I wish... that would be easy to fix. Sometimes the guy you hit just bleeds a bit and that's it. Happens mostly at long range, though.
January 10, 2004, 5:51 am
It is lagg, there is no possible way to survive a shot from the Barret. It is a one shot one kill weapon. Now I do know in the new version bullets will penetrate other players and are able to sink into another player behind them. The Barret shot may only wound the person being hit second, and not kill. Thats all I know about 1.2.....maybe.....
January 10, 2004, 7:10 am
arg the barret is a one shot kill weapon the problem is lagg yes
alot of people dont understand how it works so ill try to help you understand better
its all about the data tranfer the person you see on your screen will almost always be a split second ahead of where he appears to be
the reason is that you see the person on your screen but his coordanates data has to go through a handful of servers satilite and endless amounds of cable to finally reach your home and then when it does the coordanates of where the person is is often wrong
this is why dialuppers have a very hard time
but if you understand how the internet works then you can be more effective on soldat those who know me say im an insparation to dialuppers because im on 21.6k and can own now im not saying im the best but read this carefully and think about it it makes sence
... perhaps i should lend a hint as well its alot easyer to hit someone comming towrd you then flying vertical ... its really hard to explain but try that out for starters
January 10, 2004, 7:34 pm
Just wondering if there will be a new 'Soldat Linux Dedicated Server' when 1.2 comes out ... and if the annoying bug ( 'wrong map version' ) is removed.
Hmm and an admin-tool for commanding the linux server from Windows, may we expect this ?
January 11, 2004, 12:17 am
Re: Barretts --- one shot or not:
Thanks for the replys, but I'm not sure I buy it
If the problem is just lag, then I should just be missing the shot.
So if that's the case, why does the target soldier bleed? (or is that just eye candy [:-cyclops].)
January 11, 2004, 12:20 am
Because all special effects (body explosions, flying heads, blood) are done client side.
January 11, 2004, 2:34 am
1. w00t, new registered options mean more fun for registered guys and more money for michal :D
2. the smooth edges look awesome :)
3. translations: cool, I did one with a text file from 1.2e :) (to german)
January 11, 2004, 6:34 am
OMG frog boys got it [:D]
thats right what i was geting at but he explained it better
you may see the bullet hit the person but that is client side you may see blood and everything BUT you have to hit him on your foes side just like he has to hit you on your side games like counterstike use complex code to try and reduce diffenrance in ping and lagg to ruduce this but this is soldat you have to guess where he will be in the next slip second
everyone got it now [;)]
Mr G
January 11, 2004, 6:40 pm
quote:there is no possible way to survive a shot from the Barret
bulletproof :P
January 11, 2004, 6:44 pm
Lol, what idiot wrote that?... (Can't be bothered to look for it)
January 12, 2004, 3:53 pm
god me need 1.2 man i need it
u dont get it if i dont get it soon
ill... ill... KILL MYSELF
January 12, 2004, 7:40 pm
Hey, everyone makes some mistakes. Let me slide on that bit of info. :)
January 12, 2004, 10:14 pm
Why have I been hearing that 1.2 will be out in Feb?
January 12, 2004, 10:20 pm
*preps for 1.2 release by installing a toilet into his chair*
January 13, 2004, 12:28 am
Because it won't be out in Feb. Or anytime that anyone says. I am sticking with my theory, on April 1st Michael will post saying APRIL FOOLS DAY! 1.2 DOES NOT EXIST!!That would be a sad day for Soldat, a sad day indeed....
January 13, 2004, 2:31 pm
Well still I wait 1.2 :) still checking everyday soldat website if it has come [:D] but had you problems to go to soldat.pl today? i can't visit there [:O]
January 13, 2004, 2:55 pm
quote:Originally posted by Toumaz
The barret is a very strong weapon, and the use of it is called many things. But the changed scope style may have an great effect on the barret users. If the scope is kind of slow, it will take longer time to find and kill a victim. But barret players are also Soldat players, remember that when calling a barret camper bad names.
Minimizing the scope range would be good to keep campers less succesful.BUT, i dont use the scope so u still have to deal with me!
January 13, 2004, 3:07 pm
quote:Originally posted by Jounaz
Well still I wait 1.2 :) still checking everyday soldat website if it has come [:D] but had you problems to go to soldat.pl today? i can't visit there [:O]
I can't connect there either. Maybe this means 1.2?
January 13, 2004, 3:18 pm
this is maybe the moment we have waiting looong time [:-shades]
Bugs Revenge
January 13, 2004, 3:22 pm
quote:Originally posted by kevith
quote:Originally posted by Jounaz
Well still I wait 1.2 :) still checking everyday soldat website if it has come [:D] but had you problems to go to soldat.pl today? i can't visit there [:O]
I can't connect there either. Maybe this means 1.2?
Noop, the 1.2 don't come yet and me either can't.
anyway i think the 1.2 it's only a fantasy that won't come ever [B)]
the 1.2 is persponing little 2 much and the forum of the betatester isn't updated lately so it means no more bugs.. and that means the 1.2 have to come soon, but still... it dont [:(]
January 13, 2004, 4:03 pm
hey.. think positively :) and last time they updated websites i could'n visit there too :)
January 13, 2004, 4:21 pm
Well, I don't think it's a update of the website, it must be some server problems or something...
Hehe, thanks HellRaider, the first time I got quoted...
January 13, 2004, 4:32 pm
Like Jounaz said... think positively! Every time they release a new version the website goes down for a day or so before... then all of a sudden you can connect and there's the new version!
January 13, 2004, 4:41 pm
Great post kevith! We all need to think like that!
January 13, 2004, 8:22 pm
Im sticking with the April Fools Theory on this one. The site has been down before like this, people thought it was 1.2 but it just got their hopes up. It's probably just a server issue or something, hopefully not!!!
January 13, 2004, 9:03 pm
Well, seeing as the Beta Testing forum has only has one Active Topic entitled
'Any news on the 1.2 Michal' I think that most of the Beta Testing is now over, and I'm guessing that it should be about a week or 2 until its released, if not sooner.
January 13, 2004, 9:24 pm
And...whats new? Is the beta Testing over?
January 13, 2004, 10:52 pm
Hopefully so. BTW, there is a link that I went into on the site that comes up when you try soldat.pl. It says something about harddrive failure and that a lot of things were lost. I have no idea if this has anything to do with Soldat.pl, but I was just throwing it in here. And oh yea, Inform us on 1.2 Ninja, is all the beta testing over?
January 14, 2004, 5:12 am
Well as long as Iam back I wanet to say. WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. 1.2 rulz I hope it will com out soon!
January 14, 2004, 3:04 pm
Hmm.. Today i tried to visit there but now it went to some strange site [:)] but i didn't read what it sayed but... well.. it can't be long when 1.2 comes [:D] well i hope so
January 14, 2004, 4:29 pm
It'll come out, just wait and be patient...I WANT IT ALREADY!!!
Scuba Steve
January 14, 2004, 5:58 pm
Yea i wonder if they are gonna make it where u can have two secondaries lol
Scuba Steve
January 14, 2004, 10:01 pm
no i meant if u can chose a secondary as a primary but now it seems kinda stupid :P
January 15, 2004, 1:51 pm
January 15, 2004, 8:09 pm
How much longer can it possible be?! Im not one to complain but this is friggan rediculous. I remember when someone said "maybe its going to be a christmas gift" and that was a joke. HERE IT IS IN JANUARY!!!!!WHEN WILL THIS MADNESS END!!!!WHYYYYYYYYY??!!
Im going to kill a man soon...or fly to Poland and ring Michael's neck. Actually no, I love him too much. BUT THIS IS INSANE!!!
January 15, 2004, 11:02 pm
i really dont care when it comes out. all these people complaining is making the whole soldat community far too anxious.
Phoenix Star of PBC
January 15, 2004, 11:18 pm
I even have two comps with completely different specs, too.
January 15, 2004, 11:45 pm
Have some patience all of you. If you want 1.2 to be good, wait for some more time.
January 16, 2004, 8:21 am
man o man some people dont realize how hard it is to make a game ... let alone by your self ... let alone ... fix the bugs tooo and have a life
people are pushy and they cant even begin to comprehend what is gonna be in the next soldat i know some details BUT IM NAT TELLING *evil laugh*
why do you think they call me punishment im one evil dude [:-devil]
no but seriously dont go dissin mike like that
*puts hand on mikes shoulder* i'll be your friend mike, dont worry
January 16, 2004, 9:55 am
I don't think u should be too excited over the next version. Personally Im not quite happy with the beta as far as it is developed.
Some things are improved and better and some things are not as good as in 115.
Although , its fun with some changes from now and then and I guess u get used to them.
January 17, 2004, 8:28 am
o common stop b!tchin' theres a great deal of things fixed
the autos are fairer
the barret is way fairer and more realistic not to mention
the shotty overpowered HA shotguns in real life are overkill
admit that you cant come up with a problem with the newest version
... then again i have little info on make D but still stop wineing it hard to make a game that EVERYONE likes
mike mike mike PLS PLS PLS PLS PLS can you PLS incorperate some kinda way to download the maps from the host server if you are missing the map
i would register soldat witha 100 dollar bill [^]
it would be then cooler then counterstike in everyway
you would revelutionize the way people die online
nothing kewler will be out this century
... and you know im not gonna stop buggin you about it lol [:D]
January 17, 2004, 11:48 am
hey michal... please gimme a update on whats left doing and... expected time left if u can...
Happy Camper
January 17, 2004, 1:55 pm
i want to be abel to pick, Knife and socom for my wepons, that would pwn
January 17, 2004, 5:04 pm
it would be nice to know what is going on.. but i'll be patient :) Happy Camper nice idea ;D
January 17, 2004, 8:43 pm
Soldat will be great in the day everyone has a broadband connection. [;)]
January 17, 2004, 10:10 pm
All weapons fine in 1.1.5, Barret isnt fine in 1.1.5..
1.2 just NEEDED a tiny nerf on the barret, I dont understand why Michal powered up all the other weapons 0.o
Cold Fusion
January 17, 2004, 10:28 pm
Powering up all weaps == BAD
We shall see what the Soldat public has to say about that, anyway. =\
January 17, 2004, 10:59 pm
Public will say nothing... BECAUSE WE WILL NEVER SEE IT!!! Its hopeless....
January 18, 2004, 11:04 pm
hey michal, in version 1.2 we can play search and destroy???? or maybe in onother version??
January 18, 2004, 11:15 pm
Can somebody send me a private message with the list of the features for registered users? I'm really psyched about 1.2!
January 19, 2004, 2:50 am
I don't think so sudden..that would ruin the whole HOAX behind it all...*Sigh*. Yea I know, I have abandoned hope...
Death Angel
January 19, 2004, 4:14 am
i hope that the new options fer registered users are worth waiting this long
January 19, 2004, 1:23 pm
Yea. I'ts been a long time Michal, can't you just send out a version and fix some bugs and send out a fix?
Lord Graviton
January 19, 2004, 9:02 pm
NO WAY!! I've been waiting way too long for that to be done!!
January 19, 2004, 10:19 pm
OMG!!! How long will we wait? You shouldn't talk about 1.2 as fast as you've done it Michal. Now we are hot as KFC chicken... (yesterday they gave me cold chicken so i won't eat anything else in that f**** restaurant - cold chicken - madda f*****s!!)
Lord Graviton
January 19, 2004, 11:40 pm
Michal, whereever you are [:P], I will always be there for you [:P].
No matter what everybody else says, I'll back u up and say,
Besides everybody has the right to slack off... [:P]"
But Seriously, everybody has been waiting a very long for this update,
and it wont hurt if we wait a few more days cause you want a finished
product that looks good and also feels good, and not something crappy,
so we must wait! So let the team do their work on their pace and lets not rush them, but be supportive, say "Thanks for this new version Michal, without you, my girlfriend would not have left me, and without you I would not have been able to relieve the stress of my day by killing strangers with such awesome weapons like the Law(sweeeeet), DEagles(rock), Ruger(awesome), M79(nub [:P]), Socom(lol), Knife(meh), Chainsaw(meh), Minime(meh), Berret(grr...), ak-47(meh), nades(coudn't have done it without u buddy), flamers(meh), bows(meh), hp(that [:-censored]ty minigun), spas(sucks), and hands(that have helped me in my lonely times).
Let us all join hands [:P], and praise the oh so mighty Soldat Team!!
OH Soldat Team... blah blah blah ... OH Soldat Team...
Once again, thanks for everything Michal. I'll be there for u [:P]
Edit - ... Not Soldat Team, but just Mike, thx for correcting me...
*whispers to himself* wow!! mike works by himself on this game!! THATS FREAKING AWESOME!! DUDE MICHEAL, U DESERVE A LOT MORE THAN WHAT YOU RECIEVE. he works all by himself on the whole game design, THATS FREAKING AWESOME... mumble mumble mumble
January 20, 2004, 12:18 am
Maybe we should write song for michal... Maybe "I want Candy"... i mean "I want Soldat". BTW in which of Polish cities does micha³ live? I will send him a flowers or maybe pay a visit? Maybe to less ppl send him this f*** 9$?
January 20, 2004, 7:40 am
...man i feel sorry for mike getting yelled at to hurry up [V]
[:(!] you guys are big jerks leave mike alone all your posts are probley putting him in a vilolently depressive state of some sort
you know mike probly has school too and work you should not demand things like that what if he said screw this one day and left
deal with 1.1.5 last time I checked it still works and hasnt gone anywhere and if you dont like it go cry in the corner
*steps in front of mike*
let he who is without sin cast the first stone
.....thats right you better walk away hard ass
January 20, 2004, 8:41 am
Yeah, Since he works on this project alone..."or from what ive heard" Than you people have no right to bitch and complain about it. I want the new soldat just as much as everyone else. But mikes not here to tend to all your little wants and needs. Hes most likely got better things to do than sit at home a work on the new version while getting complaints left and right from people that just cant wait. Hes doing this for free... hes doing this by himself... hes provideing a great game for all the gamers in the gaming community...ALL FOR FREE. Leave him alone and quit whining about the new version. Its done WHEN ITS DONE.
January 20, 2004, 9:09 am
quote:Originally posted by Lord Graviton
Michal, whereever you are [:P], I will always be there for you [:P].
No matter what everybody else says, I'll back u up and say,
Besides everybody has the right to slack off... [:P]"
But Seriously, everybody has been waiting a very long for this update,
and it wont hurt if we wait a few more days cause you want a finished
product that looks good and also feels good, and not something crappy,
so we must wait! So let the team do their work on their pace and lets not rush them, but be supportive, say "Thanks for this new version Michal, without you, my girlfriend would not have left me, and without you I would not have been able to relieve the stress of my day by killing strangers with such awesome weapons like the Law(sweeeeet), DEagles(rock), Ruger(awesome), M79(nub [:P]), Socom(lol), Knife(meh), Chainsaw(meh), Minime(meh), Berret(grr...), ak-47(meh), nades(coudn't have done it without u buddy), flamers(meh), bows(meh), hp(that [:-censored]ty minigun), spas(sucks), and hands(that have helped me in my lonely times).
Let us all join hands [:P], and praise the oh so mighty Soldat Team!!
OH Soldat Team... blah blah blah ... OH Soldat Team...
Once again, thanks for everything Michal. I'll be there for u [:P]
ur an idiot....
btw the mp5 pwns u :D oh and theres no such thing as a soldat team, Michal works on soldat by him self, so I dont think you know what the hell your talking about..
January 20, 2004, 11:26 am
I think all the patience will be worthwhile, because from the looks of it, a lot of effort is being put into fixing bugs found in beta-testing. And it's hard to know how long it will take to find + fix bugs, that's probably why there's no release date yet.
I'll happily wait a bit longer if I never have to see "wrong map version" again. [;)] (I got knocked off 10 times in 15 minutes on one server today bacause of that bug.) [}:)]
January 20, 2004, 12:15 pm
quote:Originally posted by eyic
quote:Originally posted by Lord Graviton
Michal, whereever you are [:P], I will always be there for you [:P].
No matter what everybody else says, I'll back u up and say,
Besides everybody has the right to slack off... [:P]"
But Seriously, everybody has been waiting a very long for this update,
and it wont hurt if we wait a few more days cause you want a finished
product that looks good and also feels good, and not something crappy,
so we must wait! So let the team do their work on their pace and lets not rush them, but be supportive, say "Thanks for this new version Michal, without you, my girlfriend would not have left me, and without you I would not have been able to relieve the stress of my day by killing strangers with such awesome weapons like the Law(sweeeeet), DEagles(rock), Ruger(awesome), M79(nub [:P]), Socom(lol), Knife(meh), Chainsaw(meh), Minime(meh), Berret(grr...), ak-47(meh), nades(coudn't have done it without u buddy), flamers(meh), bows(meh), hp(that [:-censored]ty minigun), spas(sucks), and hands(that have helped me in my lonely times).
Let us all join hands [:P], and praise the oh so mighty Soldat Team!!
OH Soldat Team... blah blah blah ... OH Soldat Team...
Once again, thanks for everything Michal. I'll be there for u [:P]
ur an idiot....
btw the mp5 pwns u :D oh and theres no such thing as a soldat team, Michal works on soldat by him self, so I dont think you know what the hell your talking about..
let him dream man, let him dream
January 20, 2004, 5:25 pm
DOn't be so mature! We love Micha³ too! He is Polish you know - Poland rulez thou... And whe are joking all the time to kill boredom. It is not so easy to wait! And I'm sure that Micha³ is not getting our annoyance wrong such as you... And don't say "ur an idiot...." It was his opinion and it [:-censored]s me up on every forum when sb is telling such things... 2271 posts do not mean ANYTHING for me if you insult people whose sense of humour you don't understand... PFfffffff... And if i say to you "stupid fag" will it change anything??? Not so mature you are indeed...
January 20, 2004, 8:07 pm
2271 posts does mean something. It means hes been around here alot longer and more than you have. Which would mean he knows alot more about soldat than you would. Thats what 2271 posts means.
[EDIT] And thats alot more posts than your "56".
January 20, 2004, 8:44 pm
I know eyic since he left his mother. he's always been a nice boy. his parents are proud of him. so pray to him and give him the [:-censored] [:-censored] [:-censored] [:-censored] [:-censored] [:-censored] [:-censored] honour that is worth of him.
January 20, 2004, 9:31 pm
Some people here really must of had a bad child hood or something...maybe never got hugged enough. Either way this seems to really be going off topic now. Lets start something new, What do you guys think will be in the new version?
This should give us all something to look foward to and make us all crawl out of out self loving holes...wow...that was deep..:)
January 20, 2004, 10:26 pm
quote:Originally posted by G2KT
2271 posts does mean something. It means hes been around here alot longer and more than you have. Which would mean he knows alot more about soldat than you would. Thats what 2271 posts means.
[EDIT] And thats alot more posts than your "56".
nah dude posts dont mean anything, heck theres people with 50 posts that have been playing for a long time, well u see im still correct coz i've been playing soldat for a long time, and i know quite a bit about soldat my self, so yes hes wrong i am teh correctzor :)
January 21, 2004, 1:33 am
I have been playing soldat since the very beggining, and look how many posts I have. I am sure if I posted every sigle day of my soldat experience then i would have well over a thousand posts. They don't really mean anything, they just look cool..and give you cool rankings...lol
Lord Graviton
January 21, 2004, 1:35 am
I think the new version is going to much better because of the new awesome maps to come. I dunno but that screenshot for the smooth graphics in the first post of this thread looks like a new map to me... lol [:P]
I cant wait for those new maps and then finding new hiding spots and then scaring the crap out of people when i just pop out of nowhere!![}:)] I can almost taste the joy of being there!!!
January 21, 2004, 4:15 am
i know what hes talking about the new ctf map ... I WANNA SO TELL but im not gonna if you only knew ... hh man if you only knew
as for this posting arguement look at me im S.Punishment on soldat and i have the least amount of posts here
Lord Graviton
January 21, 2004, 2:17 pm
no no no no no
not camping...
but just surprising people by popping out of nowhere, like hiding in nooks and crannies of the maps and when people come by just jump out and start firing at them(with my deagles... of course [^])
that is unexpected and many a time i kill them like that. but sometimes it sucks cause i have to go close to make this work and it
is a bad idea if the opponent has something like a m79 or a ruger.[B)]
i just cant wait for more maps... [;)]
January 21, 2004, 3:59 pm
i think u ppl shouls see latest news on selfkill :DDD
of on the official page too ;)
c'nom where the offilial news is?
January 21, 2004, 4:59 pm
is it just me or why doesnt anyone know about the new patch on thier homepage, it FRIKING REALESED
January 21, 2004, 5:01 pm
I won't sleep today at night!!! :)
January 21, 2004, 5:25 pm
well www.soldat.pl doesnt work for me :/
ok i downloaded it from selfkill, but i must say realising 1.2 while styx is out wasnt a good idea...
January 21, 2004, 5:44 pm
dang aquarius beat me to it. "NO SLEEP TILL, well ever!!!!"
January 21, 2004, 6:08 pm
try the other site http://www.soldat.prv.pl/