December 15, 2003, 6:11 am
this would probably never be implimented but again like in halo (my favorite game) there are warp doors that can take you from one place to the other on a map
this would ad a fun twist and a lil chaos to the map...
do you think you would be able to shoot bullets thru them? ...
December 15, 2003, 6:26 am
shooting bullets through teleporters is always a good thing. :)
it could also be team effected. for example, if there's a portal going in the center of the map and they dead-end on both bases in a CTF game, and a red player goes into the center portal he could end up in the blue base, and the blue player taking the center portal could end up in the red base. [;)]
if bullets could pass through it'd be VERY interesting. a player standing behind a BIG portal that will take in all of his shots, and then a smaller portal in mid-air at a point that needs to be defended. a polygon that stops the player from passing but lets bullets through could be put between the player and the portal so you have a sort of "Fire here to fire way way WAY over there without much trouble."
Look at this:
@- - | - ^ #
\+\ - @ +
the @ symbols are players, the top one is red, bottom blue. | is the polygon that you can shoot through but cant pass by. # is ground. \ and - are bullets. ^ is the portal.[:D] the + is a dead body.[;)]
December 15, 2003, 3:11 pm
Halo's my favorite game too, hehe. I don't think the suggestion is very good for a 2D game, though... Or.. I change my mind, if it was an option in mapmaker you could make underground stuff or upperground stuff that can only be accessed by teleporter.. things... meh.
December 15, 2003, 5:06 pm
This Idea sucks, it would just complicate things...
December 15, 2003, 6:24 pm
Realistic mode complicates things just as much, I think this could be an option (Don't flame me for saying that!)
December 15, 2003, 9:10 pm
yea and it could lead to like a supply base or something and maybe on one map there could be a warp to the base other teams base...but i dunno..
December 15, 2003, 9:26 pm
the only way the warps would work and people not whine about them is it they randomly apeared and sent you to random points in the map
December 15, 2003, 11:49 pm
this is ok, maybe once soldat gets a even larger variety of maps, some could be like "futuristic" or something. i kno soldat isnt a very "futuristic" game but still idea is still pretty good.
hey! goto:
really funny and they got this joke about the warp doors in one of the episodes were u come out the other side hot and covered in black stuff! lol ok that shouldnt go in the game but still go to the site VERY funny stuff.
anyway, i say yes to warp gates.
December 16, 2003, 1:56 am
i think this would be pretty cool, i also like playing halo for PC
December 16, 2003, 2:20 am
Would complicate waypointing. If a bot goes through a portal that sends him back half the map, and hes still going forward, can u say "endless loop"?
December 16, 2003, 2:24 am
just disconnect that part of the waypoint.
December 16, 2003, 2:50 am
Warp doors rock. Pity you can't shoot or throw nades through in halo, but if they were in soldat they have to do that. As well as having them go out in a different way you came out, like running in and then falling out from the roof. Having one way warps and two way warps would be cool also.
December 16, 2003, 3:03 am
There's a bug in Halo.. I forget the map, but it's the one with all the banshees and the moutains and crap.. if you go where the 2 bridges are that have warps at each end, if you take the banshee up there and shoot into it, it goes out the other portal!
December 16, 2003, 5:17 pm
I still think it sucks. I don't think it will ever be put in. Plus how would they look like? They would look so out of place!
December 16, 2003, 7:13 pm
Like said before: It will never be implemented.
December 16, 2003, 11:41 pm
NANANA no too much ideas, no good idea
December 17, 2003, 12:06 am
I like this idea. Kinda like in quake III.
December 17, 2003, 7:02 am
well...here is what it should look like probably...and like steve said it could be put in like a futuristic map or somethin. ya know?
i know you like those speed fx!
December 17, 2003, 7:32 am
Oh, I know! Make them warp pads, and to activate them you have to crouch on them. That should stop botting problems.