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Soldat Forums - Soldat Talk - Game Improvements / Suggestions
December 22, 2003, 10:59 pm
why not have a pic button 1 for team talk another for normal talk. it would b alot better than typing.

plz post what u think (btw for those of us who play CS know what i am talking about)[:D]

December 22, 2003, 11:48 pm
The talk option in CS is annoying... VERY ANNOYING. Please dont add this! If you want to talk to your team, use teamspeak in the background!

December 22, 2003, 11:57 pm
i dont like that thing

December 23, 2003, 12:57 am
taunts are enough

December 23, 2003, 1:00 am
How the fuc.k are you supposed to properly communicate to your team via taunts?!?! I love the idea of the Talk option. It would make things much easier!

December 23, 2003, 1:19 am
ok lets say ur in a game time is every thing u kno what i meen ok when u have 6 eneimes flying around u u r gonna take the time to type something or find the right taunt. It would be alot easier to have a team talk and a out loud talk. So u tell me Type or search for the right taunt or Hit a button talk while u can play while talking. it would make the game a lil better. Dont u think? but there is the draw backs. They = people being J A C K A S S E S , ppl that r drunk (lol), and ppl who never shut up. Other than these 3 reasons it is a cool idea.

juice _ box
December 23, 2003, 5:18 am

December 23, 2003, 5:24 am
I rarely have problems using taunts, especially in clan matches when there's only usually 3 enemies. if there's 6 enemies flying around it's not a clan match, so i really dont care about talking to my team. If you just get used to which buttons to press, it's not a problem.

December 23, 2003, 5:36 am
It would waste extra upload and download, and some of us have to pay for bandwidth, and we don't want to hear a drunken moron telling us how to play poker in the middle of a clanmatch.

December 23, 2003, 6:02 am
I like that idea.

December 23, 2003, 6:18 am
soldat isnt CS, get it for once and for all!

December 23, 2003, 6:26 am
Just use teamspeak and if your playing with the public you don't need to talk to them.

December 23, 2003, 9:59 am
use a program outside of soldat!!!!
i personally call vernon if i need to tell him somethin

December 23, 2003, 10:30 am
On a public server you don't use team speak because no one will listen. On clan servers how much do you really need to say? "top", "mid", "low"? It seems development time would be better spent working on things like netcode and, well, netcode. Especially when there seem to be viable solutions for this already. [B)]

December 23, 2003, 3:34 pm
OK so i admit this isnt a very good idea it just poped into my head. But ty for ur opinions.