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New Grenades? +other ideas
Soldat Forums - Soldat Talk - Game Improvements / Suggestions
Target Practice
December 26, 2003, 1:05 am
Just having all dmg grenades is kinda boring:

WE have normal and cluster grenades, how about an option so that everyone can use different grenades like:

Incendiary: Damage over time, makes a splash of napalm?

Gas: Shakes the cursor making it harder to aim, also darkens the screen slightly. Should have large AoE.

Flash: Blinds the screen with white flash. Should have AoE of normal grenades, can be countered with looking away.

Concussion: Stuns, knocks on the ground (prone position) wobbling the coursor and makes walking "drunken style. I think this might be a little overpowered so this should have the smallest stack of all grenades, like 1 or 2 max.

How 'about tranquelizer crossbow? Those who played Deus Ex should recognise how that would work... (SECONDARY)

Nets? Sounds fun, automatic cursor lock to 30 Degrees angle and a prone position knockdown... (secondary)

And lastly on weapons, CAN THERE PLZ BE A MELEE PRIMARY WEAPON? lol

Allowing different modes of transportation? Some people might want jet pack, other might want ninja ropes, other might want a translocater like in Unreal Tournament. (mm, telefrag kills)

I dunno if these ideas are good or not, comments?


Target Practice
December 26, 2003, 1:11 am
oh yes, another alternative for transportation would be "boot boosts" which should have fuel and allow you to run faster and jump higher and walk on walls!

December 26, 2003, 1:16 am
Those different grenades are okay.

December 26, 2003, 3:14 am
hmm that are too much types of nades

would like the good old smoke-nade to hide a few seconds or to confuse ur enemy :)

would be enuff for my own ^^

December 26, 2003, 3:17 am
thats kool, we could use those nades. and we need a new map interface like
for my map d-day we need something that to play
all the red dudes have to do is get to a flag
and the blue defend it
thats the best for a invasion map like mine
(still in working but check my pics at the new map forum)

December 26, 2003, 3:56 am
ehh, what about in a map like kampf? where everybody nade spams, ur screen would be like a f*cking rainbow ffs, ill be after the pot of gold :D(flag)

also, how bout sticky grenades? stay right where u throw em, even if roof or wall. So no bouncing, rolling or moving, just sticks and blows up, maybe sticks to soldat's too, i remember that was fun with mines in perfect dark.

liquidis x snake
December 26, 2003, 6:10 am
I like the idea of different kinds of nades, but not going overboard with TOO many different kinds. But since I like creative stuff and are creative myself, here's a list of nades and/or nade powerups I would like to see (ha!).

Ultimo-Cluster: A giganto Cluster nade that breaks down three times: 1=>3=>9=>12. Has the power of a regular nade cluster.

Teh-1337-Nade: Causes you to talk in 1337 for the rest of the game, immediate death within the given range.

Pussy-nade: Sprinkles flowers within the proximity and causes you to not be able to shoot if hit by these flowers.

Nades Are Us: Infinite nades for 10 seconds.

Spider-Nades: A grenade that crawls on the ground and up walls for about 5 seconds then blows up.

Anti-Tank Nade: Works the same way as a regular one with 2x damage of the regular and causes "bloody bloody death".

Dud grenade: Does absolute nothing except pegs the guy in the head. Equivilent to a rock.

Ban Nade: Server-host/Admin use only. Chuck it at whoever you want to ban. Miss and hit the wrong target? Who cares, TEH BANZOR'd!

Kick Nade: Works the same way as a ban nade, except with a kick instead of a ban.

Michalnade: Screws up the barret and physics of every gun and Soldat player with each use. Use more to screw up more.

and last but not least...

Liquidis Grenade: You automatically win. No questions asked. Anything named after me has got to be 1338 (leet + 1). This is no exception.

December 26, 2003, 6:13 am
LxS's idea pwns all ideas, your nades would actually be a cool thing LxS :)

too bad michal wouldn't both trying to implement them :(

December 26, 2003, 6:19 am
erm... r u reading too much comics or looking too much tv?

where do u got such a crappy fantasy from?

do u want to play soldat or supermario lol
i heard a lot of different ideas in this big forum but i never heard such a damn sh.. before... really. sorry

December 26, 2003, 7:54 am
The "Gnome launcher": Launches sticky Gnomes at the enemy. (They stick!)

December 26, 2003, 9:04 am
there could be a glass grenade (or something like that)
that spreads its shards in its surrondings when it explodes

December 26, 2003, 10:16 am
I would like a Katana an melee pimary weapon! Think big swishy motions with the katana similar to saber fights in starwars.

December 26, 2003, 11:19 am
just edit the knife's look and change its name to a katana, and there u go :D

December 26, 2003, 2:31 pm
Not exactly... You could like swoosh and roll and bounce and stuff. :P And big swingy motions. Kick-Nade is the best.

December 26, 2003, 3:12 pm
STAY ON TOPIC PLZ, this post was not a joke.

December 26, 2003, 3:12 pm
There should be cow catapult (stationary), that infects soldats and they slowly die

Dark Soul
December 29, 2003, 11:10 am
quote:Originally posted by Target Practice
Just having all dmg grenades is kinda boring:

WE have normal and cluster grenades, how about an option so that everyone can use different grenades like:

Incendiary: Damage over time, makes a splash of napalm?

Gas: Shakes the cursor making it harder to aim, also darkens the screen slightly. Should have large AoE.

Flash: Blinds the screen with white flash. Should have AoE of normal grenades, can be countered with looking away.

Concussion: Stuns, knocks on the ground (prone position) wobbling the coursor and makes walking "drunken style. I think this might be a little overpowered so this should have the smallest stack of all grenades, like 1 or 2 max.

How 'about tranquelizer crossbow? Those who played Deus Ex should recognise how that would work... (SECONDARY)

Nets? Sounds fun, automatic cursor lock to 30 Degrees angle and a prone position knockdown... (secondary)

And lastly on weapons, CAN THERE PLZ BE A MELEE PRIMARY WEAPON? lol

Allowing different modes of transportation? Some people might want jet pack, other might want ninja ropes, other might want a translocater like in Unreal Tournament. (mm, telefrag kills)

I dunno if these ideas are good or not, comments?


I like incendiary nades, gas nades and tranquelizer crossbow [:P]

December 29, 2003, 6:38 pm
I like Blade's idea, only..

December 29, 2003, 6:46 pm
l0ol blade :P

Anyhow Smoke Nades could be fun with like 3x more smoke than normal nades. & you couldnt see and stuff, the screen would go darker etc. :P