December 28, 2003, 1:48 pm
Umm.. is there a good way to make a bot use MG? Can't put it camp there or all of the bots will also do that :/
In my map SOMETIMES it goes and uses it (their waypoint goes over the MG), but not enough. The MG is in a big role, it should be always in action :/
The map is called inf_Combatfield, you gotta have it when it's rdy, it has some new features in soldat and it needs no extra scenery [^][^]
December 28, 2003, 4:00 pm
Maybe put a bot waypoint thingy on the SG (as u say MG) and give them a command wait (is there such?)
December 28, 2003, 4:28 pm
Well there's Wait 1 sec, 3 sec, 5 sec and so on..
Maybe I'll just fix the other bugs and release it, there's no botproblem when there are only players playing it [:D]
Keep your eyes at the New maps, this is my first map but I think it's GREAT.. [^]
December 29, 2003, 5:38 pm
Well.. if you're so proud and full of yourself it must be good, right? :|
December 29, 2003, 5:47 pm
i guess well see, when its going to be ready?
December 29, 2003, 6:26 pm
Lol I'm pretty proud because this is my first map and my many testers have said it's very nice [:D]
I'm not full of myself [B)] that was kind of rude thing to say
It's ready now, but I'm just gonna play it with friends now and test everything, I don't want to make lots of new versions just because of the bugs :/ But I'll release it pretty soon.
Things in this map:
+Grenades bounce from barrels and boxes
+You can walk ON the bunkers
+Bullet/grenadeproof bunkers (grenades may get in sometimes, so luck is important :D)
+Easy and very hard parts
I also made some bots for this map, simply called Attackers and Defenders.
I hope you like it [8)]