January 4, 2003, 1:42 am
Here it is, the latest stable version of my software, I didnt work on it for a few days due to the real world [:)]
[IMAGE] 160.79 KB Updated version 0.2
Nice guy with a gun
January 4, 2003, 2:03 am
what's gonna happen if you don't listen to the warning you posted? something worse that solcom itself?
January 4, 2003, 2:14 am
nice.. been waiting for this.. took you a bit longer then i expected. nice job buddy.
January 4, 2003, 2:21 am
Niceguy: You'll not be able to join any servers. It screws you if u dont listen, I just dont want 100 messages saying so [:)]
sabba: Hey, I'm an amature programmer and I have been busy.
January 4, 2003, 5:52 am
Lets replace "safe" with "safer"
BTW- new feature added, the ban/full etc. fix. I'm leaving a test server up for a while, maybe upload in the morning. Who knows, by then I might have added the remote admin module again. If I can track down these last few bugs.
January 4, 2003, 5:58 am
ah, what is the ip of this test server? i wanna check it out.
January 4, 2003, 6:02 am
Its fun to watch the output to the debug console. Watching dumbasses get temporary bans for trying to join a full server. Watching as the ban file slowly grows one IP at a time. Well no not really, its pretty boring ;) join, leave, join, leave, join, leave, kick, join, leave, etc.
BTW I've found a bug that causes it to occasionally freeze up. I've never seen this happen but in theory it could. Will be fixed (I hope) next release.
January 5, 2003, 5:52 am
you are god!
now go and make an anti cheat program or ill eat you!
January 5, 2003, 6:47 am
This is an anti cheat program [:p]
I assume you mean anti-rapidfire. Thats yet to come. First remote admin.
January 5, 2003, 8:56 am
Updated version with the ban/password/full protection Uploaded, the above link has been updated.
Here for those too lazy to scroll up. A few more bugs fixed.
January 7, 2003, 3:38 pm
Yes it can. My code for that is buggy but it can be fixed.
January 8, 2003, 2:08 am
heh.. just a hint.. beware of "god" :)
January 8, 2003, 2:22 am
Dont tell me "god" has returned? Speaking of that I forgot to include the team protection code. I know how much "god" loves abusing that bug [;)]
Yah, if anyone knows of any bugs please tell me. I'm thinking I'll release the remote admin version this week. It adds/fixes:
-Prevents duplicate names.
-Prevents names with illegal characters.
-Sends a server message if u have an invalid name or are banned or kicked (a kick is like a 10 second ban, disconnecting counts as a kick to prevent those people who repeatedly join and quit)
-Saves the list of banned users to file.
-Loads an admin file.
-Allows remote admin commands: /ban /kick /servermsg.
I'm also thinking of adding 3 more commands, /next /bansel and /kicksel. so instead of typing /kick [name] you type /next till the servermessage contains the name of the sucker u want gone then /kicksel.
Oh and as a final point it can be installed on a game playing as client. Since some people are too lazy to copy the directory and do all that difficult clicking of the mouse button. So I built this feature in. Some of the server protection does not kick in until a client connects. After a client is connected it does not shut off until you connect to a server. The side effects: you can only run one copy of the game at once. if its client its client. if its server its server. END OF STORY. If you want to run a client and a dedicated server off one machine (not a good idea anyway) you hafta copy the directory and run the client without the dll.
January 8, 2003, 5:41 am
Is that the myg 0 t god? Because he is the head leader of myg 0 t.
January 8, 2003, 5:52 am
I dont think we are talking about a fyg0t member. I think we are talking about a... well lets call it a bot.
January 9, 2003, 6:57 am
Any idea what this error is?
Title: Soldat.exe - Ordinal Not Found
Message: "The ordinal 111 could not be located in the dynamic link library WSOCK32.DLL."
Button(s): OK Only
Occurs: On starting a server session by clicking "Start Game"
Comments: Have to click OK twice to make the error go away.
Operating System: Windows 2000 Service Pack 2
Computer: PII 233Mhz /w 32mb RAM (Not running game on this system, just server)
When I run Soldat Dedicated on my Windows XP system this error does not appear. Perhaps there's something 2000 doesn't like in the .dll?
January 9, 2003, 7:22 am
Thats very likely. I have xp and developed the program on xp. I'll look into supporting 2000. Thanx for the feedback :)
[edit] I believe I've fixed that issue (and cleaned the export table up a bit.) The next version should work fine on both xp and 2000. I haven't tested on 2000 or 9x/me so I have nooo clue.
Thanx again for the feedback [:)] [/edit]
January 9, 2003, 8:24 am
No problem, glad to be of assistance. :) I can test for you on 2000 if necessary, but I think 9x will be a problem since i've (finally) gotten rid of that old rag.
Also i'm very interested in the remote admin version, will make it a LOT easier to ban people when i've got the server running on another computer. No more Terminal Console/VNC into the other computer just to type /ban t3h1337h4x0r. :P
Let us know once you get that new version uploaded. And thank YOU for the great work. :) Hopefull once the bugs are fixed in 1.1.0 some of the features you've provided with this will also be implemented. I was thinking to myself a little while back that there needs to be some alternative way of banning without actually typing the name to ban. I was thinking index numbers of players on the server console, but your idea works just as well. :D
Also, i'm successfully running both server + client on the same computer. Two copies of game (seperate folders), server with WSOCK32.DLL and client without. I've got the server running at Above Normal CPU Priority and the Client at Normal to offset Foreground Application Priority so the Server still gets the cpu time it deserves.
Oh and by the way, you sure replied fast! :P 5 star service. HAHA. ;)
January 9, 2003, 2:52 pm
Yup. I'm looking into making the server client thing even easier. The remote admin generally works. The program just needs a few bugs to be fixed mainly to let the server run faster.
January 10, 2003, 6:15 am
and some added functions <cough> map changing <cough>
January 10, 2003, 1:56 pm
LOL, yes I will give you some credit. Thank you for making my life a bit easier when I was lazy [;)]
January 22, 2003, 2:46 pm
Hi! Im testing this on a 800mhz 192RAM and Windows ME.
I dont really know how to use it, id be glad to be a tester of this software if u tell me how to use it. I extracted the file into my soldat directory D:\soldat
And then i started a dedicated server on this computer and joined on my other comp. I can kick ppl with /KICK (Player Name)
but if i type /SERVERMSG Hi
nothing nothing happens. Am i doing it wrong or didnt i extract it proporly? Plz reply ASAP
----- [SwE] Target ----- Server -----
January 22, 2003, 5:24 pm
Umm, I haven't publicly released the remote admin part yet...
January 22, 2003, 10:31 pm
Whatcha mean? Isnt that beta ment to work? (That cant be so..)
or do you mean that you do not want me to test the software for you on my server?
I thought that you needed testers on diffrent systems and you wrote earlier that you hadnt tested it on ME before, thats why I wanned to test it.
But if you dont want me to, i cant do much about it can i? :)
Just tell me if ya need testers..
January 24, 2003, 9:02 pm
I'm having some problems with my coding skills, once I figure out what I'm doing wrong I'll fix the remaining bugs and release it. As it currently is it crashes after about an hour.
January 26, 2003, 7:10 am
Yah, its almost like someone has a new crash exploit and is abusing it instead of nicely reporting it [:p]
Linky linky:
January 26, 2003, 8:02 pm
well they can't report it as dna.styx has banned _pusher_ =P
January 26, 2003, 9:33 pm
Yes well if pusher listens to Ardaen that problem could be solved without too much conflict [:p]
January 31, 2003, 4:32 am
Would love to beta test this. But just want to clarify something. I run this by putting it my soldat folder and running dedicated right? thats it? Any other instructional info available?
February 2, 2003, 2:54 pm
i know some cpp, but i cant help ya...
for help
for hosting
oh, is meant for open source projects, but i think u can keep it there anyway (once i found a BOOK from there)
April 25, 2003, 11:21 pm
I cannot download the .zip which make me wonder if this project is dead. Or is it completed and hosted someplace else?