June 21, 2004, 4:27 pm
Why not allow the Steyer AUG a amall degree of "scoping" ability ( that witch the barret gets ) they come standard with a 2x optical scope, wich ( in my head) is somthing akin to about half of the crouched "scoping" ability that the barret gets... it would make an effective tool against barrets, although not a powerful "sniping" ability as a barret, good for counter-barrettards.... just a thought
June 21, 2004, 5:16 pm
not a bad idea, after all, the steyr seems to have a scope...
June 21, 2004, 7:11 pm
I think it would be better with the AK74, because it has better range.
Svirin Kerath
June 21, 2004, 7:29 pm
but do you see a little scope on the AK 74?! NO!!
i like the idea. awesomeness.
June 21, 2004, 7:29 pm
you don't zoom in no mutha fuking Ak 74, unless you add a scope to it. learn your guns before you talk.
June 21, 2004, 8:43 pm
I like this idea.But it shouldn't be too big: the steyr has good fire power.(P.S.: change the topic's name to begin with C, so Kazuki will see it ;))
June 21, 2004, 10:45 pm
Exactly my point Demonic.. I think it would add depth to an already useful weapon, and give somthing for those barrettards to be afraid of...Marine, stfu, unless you have somthing intelligent to say, is the AK manufactured with a scope? No. Was the AK the topic of discussion? No. When a topic is being discussed, try and stick to it.... wanna start your own topic?
hit that and type your merry ass away, motivator..... " Marine"....
Deleted User
June 21, 2004, 11:10 pm
Little scope on Steyr Aug eh?
June 22, 2004, 5:43 am
You guys are the biggest [:-censored]ing idiots EVER.
The AK74 is an improved model of the 47, which allows the mounting of a scope.
You little kids should shut the [:-censored] up unless you have any [:-censored]ing clue about what the [:-censored] your talking about.
Don't [:-censored]ing try to tell ME about my guns. I know my [:-censored]ing guns.
June 22, 2004, 5:44 am
Shut the [:-censored] up Noobile, you know nothing.
June 22, 2004, 6:27 am
quote: Why not allow the Steyer AUG
Was this topic about the AK74? NO. I know nothing? obviously you need to go back to kindergarten and learn to read, Little boy.
quote:Don't ing try to tell ME about my guns. I know my ing guns.'ve proved that you are a motivated " Marine...." ( points to the topic at hand... the steyer AUG )
anyhow, regardless of the so-called "marine"'s ignorance.....anyone else with me?
p.s. the original ak 47 ( no, not the 74 ) CAN be fitted with a scope, the 74 fires SMALLER ( 5.45mm as opposed to the 47's 7.62mm ) ammunition as the Steyer Aug, but it's made out of stamped steel ( obvious piece of garbage imho )
I know nothing...stfu tard, and whats with the "super tard" avitar, anyway? a picture of your role model? Judging from your profile picture, you're a 15 year old beach terd who's probably never seen a real rifle in his life...thats right, go cry to your daddy " Marine..."
June 22, 2004, 6:32 am
I think the Ruger should get a sight (zoom thingo) before the Steyr does..
June 22, 2004, 6:38 am
They were merly stateing the fact that the ak74 doesnt have a scope IN THE GAME. Perhaps you could suggest to add one and have both guns zoom but if thats the case only like 1/3 of a screen lenght tops and I would support such an idea
Stop the insults and maybe people wouldn't flame you and disreguard your comments as much which often by the way are half ass and not thought out well and ffs change your avatar.
June 22, 2004, 7:35 am
OK... thanks to SP we might be back on track here. Truthfully I'm rather indifferent but in the immortal words of STD... er Stalky, "Hell, why not?" I think it would be kinda nice to see some more variety with the guns.
June 22, 2004, 10:07 am
And the Desert Eagles should have lasersights >_>
June 22, 2004, 2:00 pm
enough with the lasersights please, I already have a damn sniper line, stop suggesting this [:-censored]
June 22, 2004, 5:25 pm
p.s. the original ak 47 ( no, not the 74 ) CAN be fitted with a scope, the 74 fires SMALLER ( 5.45mm as opposed to the 47's 7.62mm ) ammunition as the Steyer Aug, but it's made out of stamped steel ( obvious piece of garbage imho )
Why are you telling me something I've known for years....?
AJudging from your profile picture, you're a 15 year old beach terd who's probably never seen a real rifle in his life...thats right, go cry to your daddy " Marine..."
User Name: Noobile
Age: 12
Total Posts: 51
I'm willing to bet you're a 12 year old R tard who thinks hes tough because he likes to start fights on the internet, where hes safely behind his computer screen.
I'm old enough to be your dad, you tard, and I've fired more weapons than you ever will.
By the way:
quote:I think it would be better with the AK74, because it has better range.
This is the [:-censored]ing NEW IDEAS AND SUGGESTION forums. I had a SUGGESTION to make the IDEA better. But you tards are so closed minded, you have to resort to flaming me.
June 22, 2004, 5:37 pm
quote:Originally posted by Marine
p.s. the original ak 47 ( no, not the 74 ) CAN be fitted with a scope, the 74 fires SMALLER ( 5.45mm as opposed to the 47's 7.62mm ) ammunition as the Steyer Aug, but it's made out of stamped steel ( obvious piece of garbage imho )
Why are you telling me something I've known for years....?
AJudging from your profile picture, you're a 15 year old beach terd who's probably never seen a real rifle in his life...thats right, go cry to your daddy " Marine..."
User Name: Noobile
Age: 12
Total Posts: 51
I'm willing to bet you're a 12 year old R tard who thinks hes tough because he likes to start fights on the internet, where hes safely behind his computer screen.
I'm old enough to be your dad, you tard, and I've fired more weapons than you ever will.
By the way:
quote:I think it would be better with the AK74, because it has better range.
This is the [:-censored]ing NEW IDEAS AND SUGGESTION forums. I had a SUGGESTION to make the IDEA better. But you tards are so closed minded, you have to resort to flaming me.
Actually, Noobile is apparently 24, there is either a glitch or some other error (typo?) that screwed it up, and marine, stick to the discussion at hand, if you want to suggest an idea, make a new post altogether, you are practically ASKING for flaming if you post something completely unrelated in a diff. topic, so please, marine, do shut up about all this, who cares what gun is like what or what it isn't like, it's a game, do you actually suppose you could buy a minigun in real life? Most likely not, don't worry about getting into the specs. of real life if you are talking about a game... I doubt anyone in real life would blow himself upward with an M79, please, marine, listen to yourself... I believe if you would stay on topic and weren't such an idiot all the god-damn time, topics like
[URL] wouldn't show up, now, get your head out of the sand and look at the giant amass of flames headed straight toward you
June 22, 2004, 5:43 pm
quote:Originally posted by Marine
I'm old enough to be your dad, you tard
And still u act like a 5 year old child. You come saying "You guys are the biggest ing idiots EVER." when people said that in game ak74 does not have scope. You had shown that the US train marines replacing their intelligence with weapons knowledge.
Svirin Kerath
June 22, 2004, 5:49 pm
....reminds me. we were talking about 'paradoxes' in english... the teacher's like..." dry ice, yeah, that's a good one. military intelligence, that's a good one too." there was silence. i laughed.
June 22, 2004, 6:25 pm
wow i see your point noobile marine is a lozer but the scope is a good idea because the dam barret good enough already why it the only one with scope abilites and for the fact that the aug dose have a scope it should be able to zoom like you said not as far as the barret but still good enough and you guys have no proof of showing that you knew all that stuff about the ak you could have went to a website and copy and paste here and read it then say you knew it and I find this is very relevant toward marine so I say goo noobile im with you 100% of the way.
(im making to many enemies I think im going to get jumped one time)
Svirin Kerath
June 22, 2004, 6:30 pm
....if that was punctuated, i'd agree.
June 22, 2004, 6:58 pm
takes to much time I write to much
June 22, 2004, 7:15 pm
quote:Originally posted by Marine
p.s. the original ak 47 ( no, not the 74 ) CAN be fitted with a scope, the 74 fires SMALLER ( 5.45mm as opposed to the 47's 7.62mm ) ammunition as the Steyer Aug, but it's made out of stamped steel ( obvious piece of garbage imho )
Why are you telling me something I've known for years....?
AJudging from your profile picture, you're a 15 year old beach terd who's probably never seen a real rifle in his life...thats right, go cry to your daddy " Marine..."
User Name: Noobile
Age: 12
Total Posts: 51
I'm willing to bet you're a 12 year old R tard who thinks hes tough because he likes to start fights on the internet, where hes safely behind his computer screen.
I'm old enough to be your dad, you tard, and I've fired more weapons than you ever will.
By the way:
quote:I think it would be better with the AK74, because it has better range.
This is the [:-censored]ing NEW IDEAS AND SUGGESTION forums. I had a SUGGESTION to make the IDEA better. But you tards are so closed minded, you have to resort to flaming me.
shut the fuk up asshole, so fuking annoying
June 22, 2004, 9:49 pm
quote:don't worry about getting into the specs. of real life if you are talking about a game
Do tell that to n00bile, hes the one getting pissy because theres no scope on the AK.
To n00bile: Well [:-censored]ING MOD IT AND ADD A SCOPE you tard.
N1nj@: There is no point in having a discussion with you if you're going to resort to replies like that.
June 22, 2004, 10:32 pm
marine have you seen noobiles thread on you?
and if so why dont you respond?
June 23, 2004, 2:21 am
wow you guys take i easy... relax.. lets all sing combya
June 23, 2004, 6:48 am
Amazeing how this beckering has yet again fuked up another topic and the people that argue with him only make themselves look bad .... *tsk tsk* can we pls stay on topic now. We are talking about the steyr AUG haveing the capacity to zoom like the barret maybe not the same length but a small amount and anyone that changes this topic AGAIN should be subject to flameing.
Now continue debate......
June 23, 2004, 2:23 pm
(agrees with Societies punishment)
My biggest point of arguement comes from the fact that in the relased game, both the weapon in the menu, and the one used in game ( the AUG ), have what "looks" like it could be a scope, barring the fact that they come equipped with one in reality. Although I could be wrong, and it could be a large sight rail (??) in some version of the aug I've never seen, but michal has.... it just makes sense to me
*starts doing the "pleeease consider implimentation" dance towards the allmighty michael ( forgive me if I spell it wrong )*
June 23, 2004, 4:51 pm
If my knowledge if right on this matter, the AUG has scope because it is a bit more accurate on long ranges then the AK.That's why I believe it has scope on DEFAULT, the AK can be mounted with one also, but you couldn't use it as effectively as in the AUG..
June 23, 2004, 4:57 pm
Well it would be cool to add zooming to the AUG but it already reloads fast, fires fast and has enough ammo to be an effective weapon ... if micheal is to change the weapon he will have to balance them again and he will have to go through all the b!tching again.
I think someone quoted him on time and he said he wasn't gonna change them. If this means in the next version or ever again I don't know.
June 23, 2004, 7:01 pm
The Steyr + Scope could be a good anti-barrettard device, but if the barrett user is skilled he can probably take you out before you can kill him.
But it would give the barretters a scare, and keep them on their guard.
Svirin Kerath
June 23, 2004, 9:00 pm
...however, it might give way to a new term:
June 23, 2004, 11:31 pm
*claps* I love it when nooblets get all pissy.
tbh, I would like to see it on the MP5 but thats just because it is my Wep Of Choice. But alass it would be gay. But on the styer aug... Shweet.
+1 vote
June 23, 2004, 11:38 pm
I'm more proud to be called a styertard, than a barrettard... at least the styer takes some degree of skill.....
June 23, 2004, 11:44 pm
MP5 dosn't, Its spray and pray... so theres another reason it would suck with a scope.
Oh Oh, I hope zoom is an option in the weapons editor.
Svirin Kerath
June 25, 2004, 5:50 am
i wouldn't count on it. i would hope not. you'd be killing someone with a minigun from a whole screen away! :/
Deleted User
July 14, 2004, 8:32 am
I like this idea,
and Marine stfu iv turned u in for excessive lang and ur being off topic!
July 14, 2004, 8:49 am
Not a bad idea, it'd be better to reset the autos to the 1.1.5 (stops the whiners whining about autos) or nerf Steyr slightly, and give the Steyr a scope (which it should have).
July 14, 2004, 9:58 am
No... don't reset the Autos! Adding a scope would be kinda cool though.
And why the hell does every topic have to turn into a Marine-flaming?
Deleted User
July 14, 2004, 5:14 pm
Because that's how forums will always end up with a bunch of Soldat crazy psychos, it's how nature intended it to be, but back to the idea, I think it rocks, 'specially since that's my favorite gun
July 15, 2004, 9:14 pm
what happend to the topic really I though it was about the scopes then about age
then about guns then about who is older and knows more about guns
then about marine being a moron then about....english...
well in all it should have a scope ability and the ak shouldnt have a scope and
well dam this could go on forever the point is
hes right about everything