July 13, 2004, 8:09 pm
In real life the M79 grenade has to travel a distance and rotate before the impact detonation device is activated (see:
[URL]) . So if this were to be implemented in soldat, very close range M79 kills would be impossible, because the grenade would not explode. So if a grenade hits a person/object/ground before it is armed it would behave as if it was thrown and just bounce off. This would discourage many M79 assaulters.
July 13, 2004, 8:17 pm
Heh, I don't find M79 abuse much of a problem. I can usually take M79ers out from a distance, but sometimes they do come close, yes....but its nothing widespread or even that bad...
July 13, 2004, 8:35 pm
yeah, let's leave the m79ers totally defenseless in close range.
July 13, 2004, 8:42 pm
quote:yeah, let's leave the m79ers totally defenseless in close range.
that's what secondary weapons are for...
July 13, 2004, 8:46 pm
*somone's sarchash detector's arent working*
Yes, the M-79 should do damage at close range, the 40mmHE round has an exit muzzle velocity of 79m/sec that roughly translates to 240ft/sec ANYTHING going that fast,hits you...it's done..... at that speed, a bb ( .06mm ) would kill you at 300 yds..... insofact, I feel the total opposite should happen, yes, include a distance fuse, but if a person is hit before said distance is aquired, the shell kill's them, and keeps traveling ( much like the ruger shell will) just at a slower velocity, and still explode..... it isnt abuse, they're just getting a surprise on you, wanna hint, keep away from '79ers, you'll be fine
July 13, 2004, 9:07 pm
Wouldn't that give the m79 an advantage an encourage m79 assaulters instead of discouraging....
And the m72 LAW has that feature in to the warhead arms after 10 meter.
July 13, 2004, 9:15 pm
would that NOT still kill a person? a 66mm HEAT round,traveling 475feet/second would STILL rip a sizeable hole in your sorry "rectal cavity" regardless of wether or not it's armed, it'd go through you like a "hot knife through butter"....
July 13, 2004, 9:17 pm
That would mean bye-bye to M79 jumps and it sounds pointless in general imho.
close range M79ers are not a problem.
July 13, 2004, 9:18 pm
@noobile: first of all, they don't make .06mm bbs. 2nd of all, stock airsoft guns shoot 275 fps, and people don't die playing. It would not kill anyone. I own an airgun (4.5mm)that shoots 265 fps and sometimes it can't even penetrate both sides of a soda can at 10 feet. Man noobile, u should learn stuff before you post.
July 13, 2004, 9:33 pm
Michal, I am former USMC, I know what the hell I'm talking about, trust me, even the rubber 40mm training will mess you up if you get hit by one, I've seen it happen. Secondly .06mm was a mis-type, I meant .06cal, obviously, there is no such thing as .06mm bb, that would be like shooting sewing needles at somone ( evil thought brewing about that......) I know more about military weapons than you could hope to know...instead of trying to be hardcore, and walk in here flaming somones point, mabye YOU should use your head, and see that some things are OBVIOUSLY overlooked errors... and your bb bun shooting 275 fps, and NOT giong through a soda can at ten feet... is broken, or not shooting at 265fps as you so claimed, mabye you didnt have it cocked/pressurized enough... all that takes to fix is a new "O" ring...
July 13, 2004, 9:40 pm
Noobile the first 13y/o USMC...
Anyway, look at this link, all the airsoft guns here shoot over 260 fps
[URL]. These guns are made for recreational shooting of people. This is the great sport of airsoft. I have shot someone at ten feet, on bare skin, with a 275 fps gun, and they had a tiny welt which formed into a circle bruise.
*EDIT: and I'm sure all former USMCs have a keen interest in "The Legend of Zelda".
July 13, 2004, 9:42 pm
quote:Originally posted by b00stA
That would mean bye-bye to M79 jumps
Would be a good thing.
/runs away
July 13, 2004, 9:58 pm
You are also speaking in terms of two different sizes of ammunition...40mm ( roughly the size of your fist across, minus one finger ) and a bb, what's going to do more phyisical damage? huh? And michal, quit trying to get YOUR topic of discussion into the bash pit, by flaming, and trying to draw me into an arguement. it's not gonna happen.
Your complaint is that the M-79 has an arming fuse, My re-buttal was that regardless of the fuse, it's still gonna seriously incapacitate somone if hit before the fuse goes reaches is programmed limitations. I've seen it happen during training for the M-203. Pvt. Horowitz got a serious concussion, and I had to answer to my Sgt. why his marine, is in the Navy Hospital. In all sense, (since there is a lack of a third deminsion in this game, for the shell to deflect transversely) the shell should kill you. if you dont belive me, go get your FFL3 permit, buy yourself an m-79, or m-209, either way, and have somone shoot you dead on in the gut from 30 yds out with a blue rubber training shell (before said fuse would explode) after your hospital stay, tell me I was wrong.....
EDIT: Yes, actually,the legend of zelda still remains one of my favorite video games to this day, Myself, and my (former) entire squad would play it on sunday's after our haircuts. ( can you TRY any harder to be juvinile?? )
July 13, 2004, 10:07 pm
quote:( roughly the size of your fist across, minus one finger )
Yeah, maybe your little 13 y/o fist.
that fuking sniper
July 13, 2004, 10:07 pm
My god!
Would people just STFU for one [:-censored]ing month and try to play the game as it is?
July 13, 2004, 10:14 pm
Noobile: quote:I know more about military weapons than you could hope to know
quote:I've seen it happen during training for the M-209
quote:or m-209, either way
It's called an M203, little boy.
July 13, 2004, 10:19 pm
that howstuffworks site is neat. :D
Deleted User
July 13, 2004, 10:23 pm
And michal who cares what its called? And noobile is over 20 he said himself that it was a spelling mistake. So you act quite stupidly calling him little boy. Who cares if you know the names of the guns better? He sure knows everything else better than you.
Tha Doggfather
July 13, 2004, 10:28 pm
i played americas army (supposed to be very realistic), and when you would shoot an m203 from up close to an enemy, the shell would impale him, causing instant death. so maybe in soldat, the shell shouldnt explode, but just fly through the victim as well.
July 13, 2004, 10:45 pm
Hmm, I'm thinking that this idea could still be used, just not on the M79.
Mortars anyone?
July 13, 2004, 10:49 pm
Noobile: quote:the 40mmHE round has an exit muzzle velocity of 79m/sec that roughly translates to 240ft/sec ANYTHING going that fast,hits you...it's done..... at that speed, a bb ( .06mm ) would kill you at 300 yds.....
The M16A2 has an effective range of 550m with a muzzle velocity of 975 metres per second.
You are saying that at 240 fps(73 m/s) a 6mm (metal) BB will kill at 274 metres range.
Do the math, it is impossible even if air resistance is neglected.
And if that were possible, don't you think more people would die due to BB guns?
btw. If you were a marine, they really need to raise their standards.
July 13, 2004, 11:14 pm
Plenty of people die from bb guns * gets the statistics for that one....* "in 1998, non-powder gun-related injuries (for example, BB guns or pellet guns) sent more than 10,000 children to hospital emergency rooms for treatment."
source: http://www.lpch.org/DiseaseHealthInfo/HealthLibrary/safety/frarmsta.html
"in 1999, 3,385 kids ages 0-19 years were killed with a gun. This includes homicides, suicides, and unintentional injuries.
This is equivalent to about 9 deaths per day, a figure commonly used by journalists.
The 3,385 firearms-related deaths for age group 0-19 years breaks down to:
214 unintentional
1,078 suicides
* 1,990 homicides
* 83 for which the intent could not be determined
* 20 due to legal intervention
# Of the total firearms-related deaths:
* 73 were of children under five years old
* 416 were children 5-14 years old
* 2,896 were 15-19 years old"
source: http://www.med.umich.edu/1libr/yourchild/guns.htm
There...plenty of people Die each year from bb guns
And the M16A4 (which we used, and were trained on) has an effective range of 600m, (if qualified as "rifleman" and 900m if qualified as "rifle expert",no scope) and has an exit muzzle velocity to 948m/s (3110feet/sec)
they have insane standards, I'd like to see you finish "the crucible" now. would you stop TRYING to force me to argue with you? I've asked nicely twice now...and stop trying to change YOUR OWN topic of discussion.....
July 13, 2004, 11:27 pm
quote:Originally posted by Michal
In real life the M79 grenade has to travel a distBLAH BLAH BLAH
July 13, 2004, 11:43 pm
quote:Plenty of people die from bb guns * gets the statistics for that one....* "in 1998, non-powder gun-related injuries (for example, BB guns or pellet guns) sent more than 10,000 children to hospital emergency rooms for treatment."
source: http://www.lpch.org/DiseaseHealthInfo/HealthLibrary/safety/frarmsta.html
"in 1999, 3,385 kids ages 0-19 years were killed with a gun. This includes homicides, suicides, and unintentional injuries.
This is equivalent to about 9 deaths per day, a figure commonly used by journalists.
The 3,385 firearms-related deaths for age group 0-19 years breaks down to:
214 unintentional
1,078 suicides
* 1,990 homicides
* 83 for which the intent could not be determined
* 20 due to legal intervention
# Of the total firearms-related deaths:
* 73 were of children under five years old
* 416 were children 5-14 years old
* 2,896 were 15-19 years old"
source: http://www.med.umich.edu/1libr/yourchild/guns.htm
There...plenty of people Die each year from bb guns
And the M16A4 (which we used, and were trained on) has an effective range of 600m, (if qualified as "rifleman" and 900m if qualified as "rifle expert",no scope) and has an exit muzzle velocity to 948m/s (3110feet/sec)
they have insane standards, I'd like to see you finish "the crucible" now. would you stop TRYING to force me to argue with you? I've asked nicely twice now...and stop trying to change YOUR OWN topic of discussion.....
All that you just said proves nothing, and is mostly irrelevant to what I said. There is nothing about BB gun related deaths(just injuries) in your sources (bb/pellet guns are not fire-arms). And what you say about muzzle velocity is irrelevant to the fact that a bb would not kill at 300 yards when fired at 260 fps.
July 14, 2004, 12:04 am
ok, here comes the bad guy to lock the thread.
Did i mention that..
- I lock weapons balance threads for a reason (see rules)
- Soldat is not realistic. If you need names, i don't see people flying outside of my window with a barret right now.
- Where the [:-censored] do bbs come in?
- I am a m79er.
( and no i didn't lock the thread because i use it (sometimes..) but because i do it with all the threads of this kind )