June 11, 2005, 6:51 pm
1. The Dodge move should make a player more move upwards and not so much into the horizontal direction. Cause you can be faster on B2b by backflipping than running, just as an example. And as the move is ought to be used for dodging, then it should do more vertical movement, otherwise people will start backflipping instead of running.
2. Throwing the flag away:
- 1. Id recommend to invent another key for that than doing a key combination
- 2. The flag flies far too much, when you throw it away. You can throw it from the b2b spawns to the flagpit.
- 3. the function is still kinda buggy cause of the key combination thing, you often throw away your weapon rather than your flag. And: when youre moving and want to throw the flag away, the player often grabs it again.
June 11, 2005, 7:14 pm
I was just about to mention the backflip-speed increase. You can really get some gusto once you master it.
Still, the change to it that would need to be made, 'if' we'd prefer it without this advantage, is minute. Just a little, little, little more vertical, and just a little, little, little less horizontal.
June 11, 2005, 7:42 pm
quote:Originally posted by Chakra`Just a little, little, little more vertical, and just a little, little, little less horizontal.
I just thought the exact same thing while reading GD's post.
> 2.2
imho it's pretty good that the flag flies that far, but maybe it is a bit excessive. Just don't nerf it to much ;)
Sometimes I throw away my weapon *and* throw a grenade :/
Michal Marcinkowski
June 11, 2005, 7:59 pm
1. I agree.
2. What keys do you recommend? I don't want to make another key for it unless you really want to.
June 11, 2005, 8:19 pm
I say use E+Q or E+R. There should be a small consequence to passing the flag, whether it be a small delay of switching weapons or a reload, which is a varying factor.
June 11, 2005, 8:30 pm
Na for me it aint that awesome as I have nade throwing on the right mouse button and flying on E. No idea which new key to use but we certainly need to use a new key, for the sake of better customizability. I mean, it aint that often used, so there should be no comfort problem with a new key.
June 11, 2005, 9:00 pm
how about UP and DOWN?'d never press those two by accident.
Or double/triple tap reload?
prone + crouch?
A new key for it would be good for only one reason I can think of (other than simplicity): noobs.
The majority of any new player's education into Soldat is from observing others and asking questions mid-game, rather than reading the god damn manual. With a key for it waiting to be set in the Player menu, they would know the option exists....otherwise, alot of player's won't know they can drop the flag until they see someone else perform it.
June 11, 2005, 9:05 pm
hrrr you dont know my key settings for soldat, theyre quite exotic, but i like em.
Only doubletapping reload might be an alternative, which would cause less problems too, cause the current nades/throw weapon are not a good solution.
June 11, 2005, 9:25 pm
But you also need to consider that key settings of the players can vary quite much. So for some it might be impossible to do special combinations, what'd be a great disdvantage for them.. But still, a new key would be a bad idea, too, imho..
June 11, 2005, 9:31 pm
Left shift might make a good one, or Z?
June 11, 2005, 9:34 pm
For example not with my key settings. I'm moving with tfgh. So I can't reach Shift well, and Z is used for reloading. A new key for throwing the flag would be ok, but for the backflip, that would be too simple in my opinion.
June 12, 2005, 3:11 am
i just that for weapon change...and so does a lot of other people.
Left shift or ctrl would be best IMO
June 12, 2005, 5:46 am
2-space bar could work for throwing the flag...i also think the flag shouldn't fly that far...i would go with half the distance so it's more of a hand off instead of a hail mary. lol. my 2 cents
June 12, 2005, 12:05 pm
I agree with space-bar as the pass the flag button.. I don't think the distance needs to be changed at all.. I like being able to throw it so far..Think of the strategy opportunities..
To prevent people possibly using the 'dodge-move' to go faster, perhaps there should be a limit as to how much you can use it.. (not more than once every 2 seconds.. or something)
Michal Marcinkowski
June 12, 2005, 2:01 pm
Noobs don't have to know about this function, it is not critical. I think Up+Down works the best.
June 12, 2005, 2:38 pm
Wouldn't it be possible to make it be an option like with setting the keys? So that you can chose the key or key-combination yourself?
June 12, 2005, 2:59 pm
waaah, not up and down. PLEASE make it an own key + customizable in the options, most key combinations would either be problematic (like doubletapping reload making reload the weapon before throwing the flag, etc.) or would be just sucky to press, like up and down. I actually think, that this function is quite important, at least for clanwars.
So I agree with Mrx, nuff said.
June 12, 2005, 3:44 pm
Up+Down seems mighty fine to me.
Edit: N1nj@, yes.
June 12, 2005, 5:32 pm
as long as its customizable, i dont mind bout the combination :p