1. Additions - Really Needed
2. Shooting through walls, bug or feature?
3. m3u playlist access violation
4. lose control oO
5. Oh...joy.... (edit)
6. Replace ctf_Death with ctf_Death2..
7. Getting points by killing Rambo (suggestion)
8. Chat buffer not flushed at the end of the game
9. /addbot * ... + bug that needs to be fixed.
10. Stationary overheat bug
11. The other LAW bug
12. Flamegod
13. Avanced + no secondarys
14. invisible Bullets/LAW Rockets/grenades...
15. A quick question/point ..
16. Auto-Demo-Record Jobbie
17. Blasting knives.
18. Assigning Space Bar to button problem..
19. Admin thingy.
20. Some rather weird bug things...
21. Why doesn't Styx admin the official beta-server?
22. Drop wont work.
23. 2 nades
24. Bink effect
25. Scenerys gone after alt-tab
26. Active/Inactive? Please post if you want to stay.
27. test
28. IRC: fancy a chat michal?
29. Alpha version
30. Backflip / Flag Throw
31. The Obligatory Weapon Balance Thread (of doom)
32. Two bugs concerning bullet statistics
33. Sound Volume bug + Secondary Weapon thing
34. htf_FirstBlood
35. Modifying Weapons
36. Repeatly Choosing Secondary Weapon
37. 2ndary Weapon stuck
38. Recoil and Backflip move
39. Modded weapons
40. Minor niggle: kill log at top right of screen
41. Server w/ Fully Modified Weapons
42. flamer
43. ! Important Suggestion
44. htf_Tower
45. alt+F4
46. /game X
47. Proposal - Specialist mode
48. htf_Nuclear
49. Minigun - it's about time we did something
50. version 1.2.2a beta tests :D
51. bow-2 and m2-2 not included, +idea
52. WM bugs = no selfkill and no splash damage
53. Access Violations in Survival + HTF
54. Minor bug: Vote reason
55. Minor Problem: Random Bots
56. Beta Servers *wee, new euro serv*
57. Modify hit point power ratio
58. Limits on weapon editing
59. HTF flag captured
60. Server issues
61. htf_Futura *update*
62. A little help message by your weapons
63. Chat + Weapon drog bug..
64. M79 + Wall bug
65. Just a few things I'd like us to check out
66. Bot Team Section Missing
67. Inactive Infiltration Penalty
68. Taunts Problem
69. Time keeps running if game is paused...
70. htf_mare
71. Oddness with cluster grenade weapons
72. htf_Boxed
73. Broken cluster nades and vote map bug
74. Max FireInterval
75. Airtime/Distance/etc not shown in demos
76. Weapon-mod oddities
77. Distance & Airtime Bug
78. Modified Weapon Bugs
79. Forcematch
80. dedicated server /adminpass *thumbs down*
81. Modded weapons = kill log messed up
82. Old bugs here to stay
83. you actually looked at this post michal?
84. problems with soldat lately
85. Loading Mods (Running soldat through a batch file)
86. Suggestions for weapon editing/a bug report
87. Respawntime by Map / Spawning (Suggestions)
88. Htf_desert : another one from meh
89. Beta teams
90. summer-/wintertime bug
91. "True" free cam
92. dodge move conflicts with m79 boosting
93. Boost when opening menu @ flying
94. Another old and minor bug (/mercy and then shoot)
95. real mode and survival mode
96. Crouch-Gun-Jam-Slide bug
97. bink on the LAW
98. The HK MP5 as a spraying + blocking machine.
99. Gunning and nading
100. is it just me?
101. htf map
102. Flag tossing
103. flag returning when holder leaves
104. Ruger
105. Spas shotgun
106. Socom
107. Minimi
108. Bugs, Suggestions, and Other
109. HTF Mapslist
110. 1.2.1 weapons.ini
111. server.ini?
112. The dreaded last-shot bug
113. Ak74
114. The M79
115. Htf_arch. Again.
116. /game command
117. dedicated server file server bug
118. htf flag indicator and more
119. more registering benefits
120. Beta version
121. 1.2.2b: /adminlog shows wrong passes again
122. About the knife.
123. Freecam issue / LAW sound in 122b
124. Make ctf_Nuubia a default map already ;E
125. /realistic /survival /advanced commands don't work
126. Prancing
127. minor suggestion: /speclast
128. Bink & Barrett
129. Choosing weapon with mouseclick --> it shots.
130. Big bug and potential cheat in weapons editor
131. Guns not lined up in kill console
132. Weapons Mod
133. Having EnEsCe on the beta team
134. /Pause
135. Barret Camera
136. Minor suggestion
137. Switch on Flamegod
138. Suggestion-Fix
139. Beta testing sessions
140. Change team bug?
141. punishing servercommands
142. possible menu bug for fixing
143. Hacking in Soldat
144. Fire-Animations for each Weapon
145. A little addition to Free Camera
146. server not finding soldat.ini
147. Barret?
148. Slaughter Session 1
149. Tiny suggestion: Fix the gosteks in 1.2.2
150. The Law
151. Triangle box!
152. • Michal •
153. No respawn time bug.
154. Forcematch! New map + weapons
155. Secondary Weapon Always Change
156. /pause doesn unpause
157. I saw more bullets than I should have
158. About the net code
159. Mods folder
160. -mod + -join
161. Fixed or not
162. Another suggestion - Individual gosteks for teams
163. lobby registration
164. autodemo function suggestion
165. About the mapvoting...
166. Small graphical bug with weapons editor
167. Default (official) mods
168. I told you I'd do it, and I did it...
169. Beta version 2
170. while were at remakes... KARH!
171. server message on /kill X (important!)
172. Slaughter Session 2
173. Weapon stats text
174. LAW bug
175. Stat gun FireInterval bug
176. About the different gosteks..
177. Something small? :(
178. Something small #2
179. HTF separation
180. Possbile Cheat Kicked =(
181. Gun mods
182. Stationary gun bullet oddness
183. I know I shouldn't...
184. Weapon mod bug?
185. Gostek
186. Flag-throwing
187. /mercy bug
188. Beta version 3
189. /kill x
190. invisible powerup kits
191. Fast Forwarding bug / older versions demos
192. Tab Complete [<3]
193. There are no words
194. Desert Eagles
195. Small Things On Manual
196. htf maps -> waypointed!
197. htf_Gambit
198. GAMEMODE CTF, DM, TDM, ... [suggestion]
199. Can't play in fullscreen
200. Some small bugs
201. Slaughter Session 2.5
202. Sniper Knives Only
203. Respawn time adjustement
204. More options!
205. htf_canyon - last one, I promise :<
206. 4 team HTF
207. Weapon limit restrictions (server-side option)
208. custom maps
209. Few polygon bugs that should be fixed
210. A minor but essential request/query
211. Invisible Weapon Bug in Death Console
212. Non-dedicated server problem
213. that ringing noise
214. Shooting through maps :\
215. Advanced mode suggestion
216. So what we doing about group-auto use?
217. Slaughter Session 3.1231512514y
218. Knife sticking after deadly hit
219. Slaughter Session 3... thoughts?
220. mod loading [suggestion]
221. Another Cool Secret Command?
222. Bugs from 1.2.1
223. Beta 4
224. Slaughter Session 42
225. Weapon balance issues
226. LAW Bypass + Bug
227. Ricochet stat does not show up
228. /loadwep version2
229. Minor Cursor Bug
230. 2-in-1 Grenade Throw
231. Invisible Grenades / Explosives
232. New Voland - wee jetfuel nerf
233. M79 boosting?
234. Can't throw flamer after flamergod bonus is over
235. u13 beta server is back up
236. If I could, channnnnge the worlddddd ...
237. /ssay - elephant hunter
238. Make the public whine, and then ...
239. Weapon Mod name entry
240. Dibo's weapons mod
241. Weapons mods - show me 'em
242. A small idea
243. The next slaughter session
244. New website design for next Soldat release?
245. Blame Meandor
246. Weapon Balance Session Schedule
247. WMod list
248. Bot monsterlag
249. Change map
250. Another Arena2 update
251. Bug: Pressing F1 before joining a team.
252. Self bink? No thanks.
253. 2 or 3 bugs .
254. Mark players with admin rights
255. about modified weapons
256. Ricochets with Shotgun Bug
257. RC version
258. The dedicated grovelling for shotgun fix thread
259. Slaughter Sessions?
260. Bug in ctf_Crashed
261. Strange scenery bug
263. Mistakes in the Manual & Typos in Config
264. Add the 'Mods' Folder in Soldat as default...
265. Replacement for Storm?
266. Quick! Fix this!
267. Cluster Grenades not showing up/killing
268. Arch Tweak
269. Beta leaked
270. Crouchfloat and modified weapons
271. An idea to minimise hacking
272. R
273. Version exe says
274. Some Suggestions for next version already :P
275. Maybe it's too late, but ehh--
276. Forcematch Bug
277. Serious Spas bug
278. After-Release-Bugs 1.3
279. done with weps?
280. Weapon Exploit: Reloaded!
281. 13plus WMod
282. lobby?
283. Spas clip
284. Death by polygons = Weird Stats
285. temorary fix for missing sceneries
286. cap points
287. Something I discovered by chance..
288. Nades going through players
289. Severe soldat crash + 800x600 window suggestion
290. Flame God vs Flame God = Silly :P
291. Annoying bug with taunts
292. Flame God + Weapon menu
293. SERIOUS /pause bug ...
294. large numbers, math errors
295. First twat spotted
296. Beta forums for public viewing?
297. 4 Player HTF
298. Lucifa (noob Australian wanna-be hacker)
299. Invi LAWs
300. Player autologin as admin
301. weapons in 1.3.1
302. weapons131.ini
303. Add some maps!
304. Nerf Boosting
305. 1.3 fix
306. HK Mp5
307. Ak-74
308. Ruger..
309. M79..
310. Time for a change (but i don't know what)
311. ..ok, lets try something drastic..
312. 1.3.1b
313. please fix team changing
314. tweak backflip
315. (Minor) Text Bugs
316. Buggie bug :)
317. A thing about the autodemo function
318. Pause abuse
319. So there is nothing we can do...
320. About the weapon balance forums ...
321. Beta files
322. 1.3.1c
323. Well the balance has gone public..
324. The Knife - Michal, can you make this change?
325. Michal: Increase of delay for throwing nades
326. Well , So we've got the weapon ballance forum,
327. Serious grenade/chainsaw bug
328. Slaughter Session
329. Hmm.. Killing without killin' consol? :o
330. New balance for public testing
331. 1337 cave story avatar
332. Let's work TOGETHER on a weaponballance now....
333. Getting some more beta testers - Discuss here
334. Weapons
335. No boostability when carrying the flag
336. releasing weapons ini to the public - rediscuss
337. 1.3.1d
338. Public or not?
339. How to be an adorable Beta Tester in 3 easy steps
340. Aren't we taking one step too far?
341. MM Please make option for removing barret's scope.
342. 1.3.1 Balancing OPTIONS
343. SPAS12 + Statgun bug & another bug
344. Ok then, some bugs that I've just noticed.
345. Remake of Maps.
346. Weapon ballance, public \ beta team only?
347. Chainsaw + SG / Reminder
348. Chainsaw damage length
349. LAW Drop bug
350. Pause bug (?)
351. Problem with Map Edges
352. A possible map for the next update...
353. Few minors.
354. 2 (1?) Barret Bug(s)
355. Codename: Pyrosoldier
356. Bug, lag or cheat?
357. Automatic self vote
358. Flag bug
359. Realistic Mode Doesn't Affect Barret
360. Parachutes doesn't work sometimes?
361. The Name Game
362. Official Mappack V1?
363. Demo recorded:..
364. 1.3.1e
365. The current weaponmod
366. Last barret topic..
367. New feature or a bug ?
368. Pasting
369. Autorecord bug?
370. LAWs reload time
371. Two M79's bug
372. Release the current weapons mod
373. Uneven Teams
374. Anti-Hidecamping
375. 1.3.1f RC
376. Oi, Bugs, cut it out man.
377. Three 1.3.1f bug reports
378. The wierdest bug ever........
379. Desert Eagle Bug
380. Chainsaw balance?
381. Lags makes some strange bugs.. :
382. My final concerns about the weapons
383. Nade Jumping...
384. Flag errors.
385. Kinda late I know: VoteKick Suggestion
386. I remember the second Idea ^^
387. 1.3.1 RC (fixed 2)
388. Soldat 1.3.1 error reporting
389. Respawning bug.. :X
390. server v. 246 buggy! + another bug
391. Umlauts
392. gostek-gfx/ranny missing in 130->131 patch
393. YOU STUPID [img]http://typ356.de/c.gif[/img]
394. Bug with map(s)
395. Intro.sdm
396. Minigun: "Cooldown"-effect? (+ animation?)
397. Severe flag bug
398. Muzzle Climb in Realistic
399. Another severe bug
400. -mod + textures?
401. SERIOUS BUG- Arena2 crashes the server.
402. The Deagles in 1.3.1
403. Wrong map version more serious.
404. Spasm
405. Oppinoins about the weapon ballance now.
406. Figuring out the flag bug
407. Death Icons
408. M79 + Boosting (with flag)
409. Banner ads bugged
410. Freezing in Spectator mode
411. Various map bugs
412. Rambo bug ?
413. Its quiet on the beta front.
414. Weapon Ballance - Secondaries.
415. eww a poll
416. Maps need updating
417. Quick Question