July 9, 2005, 7:55 am
They gonna be nerfed or what? I don't have much of a problem with them, but I know alot do (especially in here). I can see them being overused and abused in their current state.
Cold Fusion experimented a little, as he does, and found a damage of 185 was pretty cool. 3 shot kills, or two shot with a headshot.
I personally prefer my own experimentation (naturally), and like 'em at 170 damage. Pretty much 3 hit kills no matter where you hit at medium range, but 4 hit kills from quite afar.
You guys tried anything? What do you think?
July 9, 2005, 9:11 am
I think i'd like 3 hit kills from anywhere but 4 hit kills from quite afar, but wouldn't the ruger beat it in close combat if it got a headshot? I wouldn't mind the ROF being a bit longer, but I haven't tried anything yet.
July 9, 2005, 11:49 am
3 hits would be ok for me. But I guess then the Deagles would be completely useless on higher distances. It's already pretty hard to hit enemies that are on the other end of the screen. If you needed 1 shot more then, this could be very critical..
July 9, 2005, 1:11 pm
Either improvement would be fine with me, as long as they aren't kept as they are at the moment. I mean come on man, where is the challenge? (and this is a DE-wh*re speaking)
July 9, 2005, 1:17 pm
I'm mostly using Deagles as well, but I don't find them too strong compared to Ruger. I don't think the Ruger's aiming is harder than the Deagle's one.. But ok, Ruger is binked, Deagles aren't. But as I said, Deagles might be overpowered on lower distances, but it shouldn't be made weaker on longer distances, since hitting then IS a challenge.
July 9, 2005, 2:15 pm
How about take the average of both: 185 + 170 / 2 = 177?
Michal Marcinkowski
July 9, 2005, 2:24 pm
I made it slower, like in version 1.1.x. The fire rate and reload is a bit slower. I don't really want to make it a 3 hit kill weapon, it might become useless. It needs skill so I don't see it become THE weapon of choice. I for example am not really good at it. We neeed more testing.
July 12, 2005, 8:58 pm
Ruger and DE both kill at 2 shots on optimum by default. But DE has a bigger clip and a faster firing rate, while ruger only has its range, and it's binked too. I fail to see the balanced Desert Eagles here.
btw. Italy was awesome, if anyone cares.
July 12, 2005, 9:04 pm
I guess the damage was ok on the SK server or on Cold_Fusion's one with his mod. At least in my opinion it's ok when it only kills with 2 shots if you hit the enemies head twice. Any other hitzone: 3-4 hits.