June 26, 2005, 1:49 am
A load of us were just playing a game on some server which Chakra and I were a part of. Well, after a couple of rounds Chakra and I started to spectate and proceeded to be broadcasters. After the game (When it crashed) we started talking about it in the IRC channel and came up with the idea of adding names on top of people's heads when in Free Camera. This would also go hand in hand with live sound broadcasting of Official Leagues, etc, just like they do in Football.
The reason we want this implemented is because Soldat atm only allows you to follow one person, and even in Free Cam it's hard to tell who is who.
Ja, nein?
June 26, 2005, 2:06 am
I liked this idea from the beginning. Since "true" free camera mode doesn't have the "Following <name>" message at the bottom, it would be nice if players' names would appear above their heads while in "true" free camera mode. This would be the same as placing your cursor on a player and having his name appear above his head.
Not so sure about the voice commentary, though. :) That can be done manually via TeamSpeak / Ventrillo.
June 26, 2005, 8:53 am
While were talking about free camera, I'd like to ask for some speedier scrolling with it too ^^"
June 26, 2005, 11:27 am
How did you make the true free cam work?
I couldn't, at least not when watching demos :/
June 26, 2005, 12:11 pm
Try pressing left and right mousebutton at the same time, if you use default controls :o
June 26, 2005, 12:52 pm
that was the reason why it didnt work for me yet. I got flying on E, not on the mouse.
I can switch to free cam now, but holding E + left mouse to stay definitely sucks, as well as holding bouth mouse buttons to stay in free cam sucks aswell :p
There should be some kind of hotkey that makes you switch permanently to free cam without needing it to be pressed all the time. And as already mentioned: scrolling speed should be higher.
June 26, 2005, 12:55 pm
Grand_Diablo, in order to get to "true" free camera in demos, you have to watch them in free camera mode (the one where you click to get from player to player, just like if you're spectating).
You don't have to hold both buttons. I press them and hold them for about a second and then I let go after Free Camera appears on the bottom of my screen.
June 26, 2005, 1:38 pm
well, i watch demos with free camera option, it didnt work with both mousebuttons, because the mode is not assigned to the mousebutton itself, but more to fire+flying. But I fly using E on my keyboard, so in order make the true free cam work, i need to press Left Mouse (fire) + E (flying). But when "free cam" appears and I let them go, ill switch back to the player cams. So this is kinda broken for those, who dont use the default mousekey for flying
EDIT: I managed to get it working now, but it needs some timing and E pressed first :p
Id still prefer the hotkey :)
June 26, 2005, 2:48 pm
quote:Not so sure about the voice commentary, though. :) That can be done manually via TeamSpeak / Ventrillo.Obviously, Kaz, I know that. I'm not asking Michal to implement a live broadcasting system (lol), rather, I'm saying the names above the soldiers would go well with Broadcasting, making it easier for the Broadcasters.