Well, it's about time for another one of my appeal-and-a-sticky attempts. That said, I've compiled a list, hopefully helpful, of the 4 pages here in the Soldat Beta Testing forums. Off we go ...
Bug: Modded Weapons : Barrier
Description: Some modded weapons seem to hit a sort of barrier instead of hitting the actual polygons. Refer to screenshot.
Screenshot: Multiple Screenshots
Bug: Modded Weapons : Damage Values
Description: Quite simply, some damage values don't work out. They don't seem to be working the way that they should be. Is there a very specific formula that goes along with the weapons.ini file? (damage * speed / 1000 doesn't seem to work)
Screenshot: Single Screenshot
Bug: Modded Weapons : Kill Log
Description: When a weapon's bullet type is modified and that weapon is used to kill, the kill log shows that the kill was done with whatever the bullet type was.
Screenshot: Single Screenshot
Bug: Modded Weapons : No Splash Damage
Description: Quite simply, modded weapons do not have the splash damage effects that explosive weapons have.
Bug: Modded Weapons : Reload Problems
Description: It seems that when weapons are modified to have a larger clip, they still start out at their default clip at spawn. Some weapons also get stuck when reloading.
Screenshot: Multiple Screenshots
Bug: bow2-2.bmp and m2-2.bmp Not Included
Description: The files "bow2-2.bmp" and "m2-2.bmp" are not included in the Alpha patch.
Bug: Broken Cluster Grenades
Description: It seems that if cluster grenades are falling at a certain speed or from a certain height, they hit the ground and just sort of disappear without breaking into smaller grenades.
Demo: Single Demo
Bug: Double Throw Bug
Description: If you have two of the same weapon, you will throw them both away if you throw away only one of them. For example, if I have two Barrets, and I throw one away, the other one will be gone as well.
Bug: Invisible Bullets / Grenades
Description: Sometimes you might encounter invisible grenades, LAW projectiles, or any other type of bullet, but it will still cause damage if it hits you.
Bug: M79 Wall Bug
Description: When you have your back up against a wall and you fire an M79, the bullet will hit the wall behind you for some reason, causing you damage.
Screenshot: Single Screenshot
Bug: Minigun Reload Exploit
Description: Just like the LAW in 1.2.1, the Minigun can be dropped and picked up a few times in a row and it will be fully reloaded.
Bug: Repeatedly Choosing Secondary Weapon
Description: Some people are having a problem in which they have to keep choosing their secondary weapon every time they enter a game.
Bug: Secondary Weapon Stuck
Description: This reports that the LAW gets stuck a lot and only starts reloading when the player prones or throws a grenade.
Bug: Start w/o Secondary Weapon
Description: This reports that it is now possible to play without a secondary weapon.
Bug: /game <number>
Description: The command is overall very buggy. Please check the topic for details.
Bug: Access Violation in Survival + HTF
Description: Pretty self-explanitory. When a Hold the Flag mode is started with Survival Mode on, Access Violations start to pop up.
Bug: Inactive Infiltration Penalty
Description: The Infiltration penalty against Alpha team doesn't work. Alpha team can have many more players than Bravo, but every time they score, they will still get 30 points.
Bug: Realistic + Survival in Infiltration
Description: When playing Infiltration with both Survival Mode and Realistic Mode enabled, Team A kills off Team B and both teams are respawned just afterwards, yet no points are awarded to Team A.
Bug: Bullet Statistic Bugs
Description: When you kill someone, the statistics are shown at the bottom of the screen. However, when you shoot their dead body, the statistics update based on the corpse. Secondly, the distance is measured from where the bullet was shot to where it hit, not how much it actually traveled.
Bug: Distance & Airtime Bug
Description: When a player dies "naturally" (by a polygon or something like that), the Distance and Airtime still show up, but they are really messed up.
Screenshot: Single Screenshot
Bug: Vote Map Bug
Description: When voting for a map bug, Soldat asks you for a reason. If you change your mind and try to backspace out of it, the Type reason for vote: message still stays.
Screenshot: Single Screenshot
Bug: Vote Reason
Description: If too many characters are used to type in a reason for a vote, the reason will be displayed as "R" in the vote box.
Bug: Alt + F4 Does Not Close Soldat
Description: Pressing Alt + F4 does not close Soldat. Maybe this is because of the F4-Screenshot fix.
Bug: Boost When Opening Menu While Flying
Description: This is kind of confusing to explain, so please read the topic to get a better understanding.
Bug: Bot Flying Bug
Description: Remember the host flying bug? It's passed on to the bots. Apparently, bots now fly when they are being shot.
Bug: Bot Team Section Missing
Description: This is also quite confusing, so please read the topic and spare me an explanation. :P
Bug: Chat = Player's Action
Description: A lot of times, if you're typing quickly, whatever the last letter in your message was, your character will perform the action that is bound to that letter. For example, if you typed "wtf" then your character would drop his weapon because of the F button.
Bug: Dedicated Server Commands Not Working Properly
Description: There have been some issues with dedicated server commands not working the way that they should. For specific information, please check the topic.
Bug: Last-Shot Bug
Description: When you shoot a bullet right before your opponent kills you and that bullet hits him, it won't do any damage to him if you're already dead.
Bug: Random Bots in Team Games
Description: The Random Bots section in the Start Game screen doesn't work for team games, which include CTF, TM, Inf, and HTF.
Bug: Running Soldat Through a Batch File
Description: There seems to be a problem with the Soldat sounds when it is run with the "-mod" parameter. On the other hand, it could be all Stalky's fault. ;)
Bug: Sound Volume Bug
Description: When the sound volume is lowered in Soldat's option menu, the gunfire seems to lower so much that it can only be heard when you're right next to the person firing the gun.
Bug: Summertime / Wintertime Bug
Description: I really don't understand this bug myself, and what I can't understand, I can't explain. You'll have to check the topic for yourself. Sorry. D:
Bug: Time Runs When Game Is Paused
Description: Simply put, when the game is paused in a dedicated server, the timer doesn't stop.
Suggestion: Further Weapon Modifications
Description: Simply gives ideas for further customization of weapons.
Suggestion: Recoil in weapons.ini
Description: Gives the idea of having a recoil factor for all weapons in weapons.ini.
Suggestion: Weapon Modding Suggestion Clump
Description: Suggests many more customizations for weapon modifications. Check the topic for a list.
Suggestion: Flag Throwing
Description: Lists some ways to include flag throws, including using a different key combination and reducing the flag's flight.
Suggestion: Flag Drops When Carrier Leaves
Description: Suggests that if the flag carrier leaves, disconnects, or is kicked / banned, the flag drops where-ever he was instead of returning to the enemy base.
Suggestion: Airtime & Distance in Demos
Description: Suggests that the airtime and distance measurements be implemented into demos.
Suggestion: Backflip Modifications
Description: Suggests that the backflip be sort of "nerfed" so that it goes just a little bit higher and just a little bit less forward ( or backward, whichever way you wanna look at it ) .
Suggestion: Graphical Mods from Older Versions
Description: Because mods that were made for older Soldat versions don't have the <name>-2.bmp files, they should be loaded the same way that they were loaded in older versions of Soldat.
Suggestion: Map-Specific Respawn Time
Description: Suggests that maps have their own respawn time.
Suggestion: Modify Hit-Point Ratios
Description: Asks that the hit-point ratios between lower body, upper body, and head are changed back to they way they used to be.
Suggestion: Spawning at Beginning of Round
Description: Suggests that when players join the game or when the map changes, they have to wait a couple of seconds before spawning.
Suggestion: Specialist Mode
Description: Pitches a new game mode in which players specialize in various weapons. Read the thread for more information and less confusion.
Suggestion: True Free Camera
Description: Suggests that the free camera be controlled merely by moving the mouse around instead of being being bound to players.
Subject: /mercy and Shoot
Description: If you try to shoot during the /mercy command, you get this weird bug during which you squirt out blood for every shot you fire. This doesn't hurt you, it just looks cool.
Subject: Crouchfloat Bug
Description: I think we're all familiar with this one. It's been around for long, it would be sad to see it go.
Subject: Backflip Conflics w/ M79 Jump
Description: If you try M79 jumping while moving backwards, you'll probably do a backflip instead and won't be able to M79 jump. However, M79 jumping needs to be limited, and this is the perfect way to do it. Therefore, this doesn't need fixing.
Subject: Force Gun / ForceMatch
Description: Lapis had some fun with the weapon modifications and created a mini game mode of his own in which players try to push themselves off of "cliffs" using something called a Force Gun. See topic for details.
Subject: Weapon Mod Oddities
Description: Some more fun stuff involving weapon modifications provided by Lapis. ;) See topic for details.
Subject: weapons.ini from 1.2.1
Description: This is what is in the weapons.ini file in Soldat 1.2.1.
Subject: Grenading Should Cease Fire
Description: Suggests that a player should not be able to fire a weapon while throwing a grenade.
Subject: Weapon Balance Thread
Description: This is the place to talk about general weapon balance.
Ruger 77
FN Minimi
XM214 Minigun
The following information was provided by Chakra, Sekushi, and Sticky.
Weapon: Desert Eagles
Upper Body DMG: 57% of Total Health
Lower Body DMG: 43% of Total Health
Comments: Does more or equivelent damage per shot than even a Ruger does, but me and Sticky came up with this game where one of us throws a knife in the air, and when it lands we both start shooting while still. On most occasions, Desert Eagles vs Steyr died at the same time.
Weapon: HK MP5
Body DMG: 13% to 14% of Total Health
Headshot DMG: 16% DMG of Total Health
Weapon: AK74
Body DMG: 17% of Total Health
Headshot DMG: 21% of Total Health
Comments: Most damage per shot from any auto, yet an accurate MP5 or Steyr will beat it. However, AK74 is balanced out with a larger clip and higher damage per bullet.
Weapon: Steyr AUG
Body DMG: 12% of Total Health
Headshot DMG: 15% of Total Health
Comments: 8 - 10 shots for a kill!
Weapon: FN Minimi
Body DMG: 15% of Total Health
Headshot DMG: 17% of Total Health
Subject: HTF Maplist
Description: A complete maplist by Grand Diablo. :)
Subject: Max FireInterval
Description: Cold Fusion came out of the box to tell us that the max FireInterval is 255. If it is set any higher, it will loops around to 0 again.
Description: I hope to God that you don't need a description.
Well, that's it. :)
Bug: Modded Weapons : Barrier
Description: Some modded weapons seem to hit a sort of barrier instead of hitting the actual polygons. Refer to screenshot.
Screenshot: Multiple Screenshots
Bug: Modded Weapons : Damage Values
Description: Quite simply, some damage values don't work out. They don't seem to be working the way that they should be. Is there a very specific formula that goes along with the weapons.ini file? (damage * speed / 1000 doesn't seem to work)
Screenshot: Single Screenshot
Bug: Modded Weapons : Kill Log
Description: When a weapon's bullet type is modified and that weapon is used to kill, the kill log shows that the kill was done with whatever the bullet type was.
Screenshot: Single Screenshot
Bug: Modded Weapons : No Splash Damage
Description: Quite simply, modded weapons do not have the splash damage effects that explosive weapons have.
Bug: Modded Weapons : Reload Problems
Description: It seems that when weapons are modified to have a larger clip, they still start out at their default clip at spawn. Some weapons also get stuck when reloading.
Screenshot: Multiple Screenshots
Bug: bow2-2.bmp and m2-2.bmp Not Included
Description: The files "bow2-2.bmp" and "m2-2.bmp" are not included in the Alpha patch.
Bug: Broken Cluster Grenades
Description: It seems that if cluster grenades are falling at a certain speed or from a certain height, they hit the ground and just sort of disappear without breaking into smaller grenades.
Demo: Single Demo
Bug: Double Throw Bug
Description: If you have two of the same weapon, you will throw them both away if you throw away only one of them. For example, if I have two Barrets, and I throw one away, the other one will be gone as well.
Bug: Invisible Bullets / Grenades
Description: Sometimes you might encounter invisible grenades, LAW projectiles, or any other type of bullet, but it will still cause damage if it hits you.
Bug: M79 Wall Bug
Description: When you have your back up against a wall and you fire an M79, the bullet will hit the wall behind you for some reason, causing you damage.
Screenshot: Single Screenshot
Bug: Minigun Reload Exploit
Description: Just like the LAW in 1.2.1, the Minigun can be dropped and picked up a few times in a row and it will be fully reloaded.
Bug: Repeatedly Choosing Secondary Weapon
Description: Some people are having a problem in which they have to keep choosing their secondary weapon every time they enter a game.
Bug: Secondary Weapon Stuck
Description: This reports that the LAW gets stuck a lot and only starts reloading when the player prones or throws a grenade.
Bug: Start w/o Secondary Weapon
Description: This reports that it is now possible to play without a secondary weapon.
Bug: /game <number>
Description: The command is overall very buggy. Please check the topic for details.
Bug: Access Violation in Survival + HTF
Description: Pretty self-explanitory. When a Hold the Flag mode is started with Survival Mode on, Access Violations start to pop up.
Bug: Inactive Infiltration Penalty
Description: The Infiltration penalty against Alpha team doesn't work. Alpha team can have many more players than Bravo, but every time they score, they will still get 30 points.
Bug: Realistic + Survival in Infiltration
Description: When playing Infiltration with both Survival Mode and Realistic Mode enabled, Team A kills off Team B and both teams are respawned just afterwards, yet no points are awarded to Team A.
Bug: Bullet Statistic Bugs
Description: When you kill someone, the statistics are shown at the bottom of the screen. However, when you shoot their dead body, the statistics update based on the corpse. Secondly, the distance is measured from where the bullet was shot to where it hit, not how much it actually traveled.
Bug: Distance & Airtime Bug
Description: When a player dies "naturally" (by a polygon or something like that), the Distance and Airtime still show up, but they are really messed up.
Screenshot: Single Screenshot
Bug: Vote Map Bug
Description: When voting for a map bug, Soldat asks you for a reason. If you change your mind and try to backspace out of it, the Type reason for vote: message still stays.
Screenshot: Single Screenshot
Bug: Vote Reason
Description: If too many characters are used to type in a reason for a vote, the reason will be displayed as "R" in the vote box.
Bug: Alt + F4 Does Not Close Soldat
Description: Pressing Alt + F4 does not close Soldat. Maybe this is because of the F4-Screenshot fix.
Bug: Boost When Opening Menu While Flying
Description: This is kind of confusing to explain, so please read the topic to get a better understanding.
Bug: Bot Flying Bug
Description: Remember the host flying bug? It's passed on to the bots. Apparently, bots now fly when they are being shot.
Bug: Bot Team Section Missing
Description: This is also quite confusing, so please read the topic and spare me an explanation. :P
Bug: Chat = Player's Action
Description: A lot of times, if you're typing quickly, whatever the last letter in your message was, your character will perform the action that is bound to that letter. For example, if you typed "wtf" then your character would drop his weapon because of the F button.
Bug: Dedicated Server Commands Not Working Properly
Description: There have been some issues with dedicated server commands not working the way that they should. For specific information, please check the topic.
Bug: Last-Shot Bug
Description: When you shoot a bullet right before your opponent kills you and that bullet hits him, it won't do any damage to him if you're already dead.
Bug: Random Bots in Team Games
Description: The Random Bots section in the Start Game screen doesn't work for team games, which include CTF, TM, Inf, and HTF.
Bug: Running Soldat Through a Batch File
Description: There seems to be a problem with the Soldat sounds when it is run with the "-mod" parameter. On the other hand, it could be all Stalky's fault. ;)
Bug: Sound Volume Bug
Description: When the sound volume is lowered in Soldat's option menu, the gunfire seems to lower so much that it can only be heard when you're right next to the person firing the gun.
Bug: Summertime / Wintertime Bug
Description: I really don't understand this bug myself, and what I can't understand, I can't explain. You'll have to check the topic for yourself. Sorry. D:
Bug: Time Runs When Game Is Paused
Description: Simply put, when the game is paused in a dedicated server, the timer doesn't stop.
Suggestion: Further Weapon Modifications
Description: Simply gives ideas for further customization of weapons.
Suggestion: Recoil in weapons.ini
Description: Gives the idea of having a recoil factor for all weapons in weapons.ini.
Suggestion: Weapon Modding Suggestion Clump
Description: Suggests many more customizations for weapon modifications. Check the topic for a list.
Suggestion: Flag Throwing
Description: Lists some ways to include flag throws, including using a different key combination and reducing the flag's flight.
Suggestion: Flag Drops When Carrier Leaves
Description: Suggests that if the flag carrier leaves, disconnects, or is kicked / banned, the flag drops where-ever he was instead of returning to the enemy base.
Suggestion: Airtime & Distance in Demos
Description: Suggests that the airtime and distance measurements be implemented into demos.
Suggestion: Backflip Modifications
Description: Suggests that the backflip be sort of "nerfed" so that it goes just a little bit higher and just a little bit less forward ( or backward, whichever way you wanna look at it ) .
Suggestion: Graphical Mods from Older Versions
Description: Because mods that were made for older Soldat versions don't have the <name>-2.bmp files, they should be loaded the same way that they were loaded in older versions of Soldat.
Suggestion: Map-Specific Respawn Time
Description: Suggests that maps have their own respawn time.
Suggestion: Modify Hit-Point Ratios
Description: Asks that the hit-point ratios between lower body, upper body, and head are changed back to they way they used to be.
Suggestion: Spawning at Beginning of Round
Description: Suggests that when players join the game or when the map changes, they have to wait a couple of seconds before spawning.
Suggestion: Specialist Mode
Description: Pitches a new game mode in which players specialize in various weapons. Read the thread for more information and less confusion.
Suggestion: True Free Camera
Description: Suggests that the free camera be controlled merely by moving the mouse around instead of being being bound to players.
Subject: /mercy and Shoot
Description: If you try to shoot during the /mercy command, you get this weird bug during which you squirt out blood for every shot you fire. This doesn't hurt you, it just looks cool.
Subject: Crouchfloat Bug
Description: I think we're all familiar with this one. It's been around for long, it would be sad to see it go.
Subject: Backflip Conflics w/ M79 Jump
Description: If you try M79 jumping while moving backwards, you'll probably do a backflip instead and won't be able to M79 jump. However, M79 jumping needs to be limited, and this is the perfect way to do it. Therefore, this doesn't need fixing.
Subject: Force Gun / ForceMatch
Description: Lapis had some fun with the weapon modifications and created a mini game mode of his own in which players try to push themselves off of "cliffs" using something called a Force Gun. See topic for details.
Subject: Weapon Mod Oddities
Description: Some more fun stuff involving weapon modifications provided by Lapis. ;) See topic for details.
Subject: weapons.ini from 1.2.1
Description: This is what is in the weapons.ini file in Soldat 1.2.1.
Subject: Grenading Should Cease Fire
Description: Suggests that a player should not be able to fire a weapon while throwing a grenade.
Subject: Weapon Balance Thread
Description: This is the place to talk about general weapon balance.
Ruger 77
FN Minimi
XM214 Minigun
The following information was provided by Chakra, Sekushi, and Sticky.
Weapon: Desert Eagles
Upper Body DMG: 57% of Total Health
Lower Body DMG: 43% of Total Health
Comments: Does more or equivelent damage per shot than even a Ruger does, but me and Sticky came up with this game where one of us throws a knife in the air, and when it lands we both start shooting while still. On most occasions, Desert Eagles vs Steyr died at the same time.
Weapon: HK MP5
Body DMG: 13% to 14% of Total Health
Headshot DMG: 16% DMG of Total Health
Weapon: AK74
Body DMG: 17% of Total Health
Headshot DMG: 21% of Total Health
Comments: Most damage per shot from any auto, yet an accurate MP5 or Steyr will beat it. However, AK74 is balanced out with a larger clip and higher damage per bullet.
Weapon: Steyr AUG
Body DMG: 12% of Total Health
Headshot DMG: 15% of Total Health
Comments: 8 - 10 shots for a kill!
Weapon: FN Minimi
Body DMG: 15% of Total Health
Headshot DMG: 17% of Total Health
Subject: HTF Maplist
Description: A complete maplist by Grand Diablo. :)
Subject: Max FireInterval
Description: Cold Fusion came out of the box to tell us that the max FireInterval is 255. If it is set any higher, it will loops around to 0 again.
Description: I hope to God that you don't need a description.
Well, that's it. :)