October 11, 2005, 1:14 am
...We're not getting anywhere like this.. The weapon balance just seems like one huge equation that not even the likes of Albert Einstein could solve. Maybe it's because bink has complicated things so much.
Lets abolish the bink effect almost completely. Remove self bink, and regular bink.. That'll make things exactly how they were in 1.1.5.
As for the barret and m79.... We could add loads of movement bink on them. So basically you'd have to stand quite still to aim properly. This might promote camping with the barret, but camping can be delt with in other ways (team work, etc).. And at least you wont be able to just rush in with weapons like m79 and barret. I'm not saying make it impossible to aim while running / jetting.. Just make it hard.
October 11, 2005, 1:23 am
Removing all the bink? Great, we could as well set all the weapon stats to zero and start over again. What about that? I don't mean to be offensive, but I don't think this would help us in any way. I also don't think it did make things more complicated than they were before.
About the movement bink: Perhaps for the M79, so the M79 user would be the one who would need to move slower in CTF games, rather than anyone else.. For the Barret, ok, but not too much. I'd like an assaulting barreter who doesn't hit all the time better than a camping barreter with a hit ratio somewhere near 100%..
Bugs Revenge
October 11, 2005, 2:39 am
Nah, I don't think that's a good idea..
In this way you would just ruin the M79 completly (yeah, I'm saying it as m79 user) but I'm saying it as someone who don't like the barret, u just wouldn't let this weapon any chance this way.
I think the bink is just fine, but we'r not connected all in the same time so it's kinda problem testing the settings + when we were, we had no server ---> **ATTENTION, WE STILL DON'T HAVE ANY EUROPEAN SERVER. ** (Knoxy used to be in Germany but my ping at least is 250 there so ^_^)
October 11, 2005, 4:54 am
Taking a step back to take two forward isn't always a bad thing. Some people say 1.2.0 was the perfect one, were it not for the barret...
October 11, 2005, 5:24 am
remove barret and use 1.2 just kidding.
October 11, 2005, 6:31 am
I hate bink. It reminds me of Counter-Strike, and I play Soldat to get away from Counter-Strike.
October 11, 2005, 10:06 pm
i always thought everyone liked the 1.1.5b weapon settings...
Bugs Revenge
October 11, 2005, 10:44 pm
Meh.. We need server for testing the stuff.. we have no server atm :\
Michal Marcinkowski
October 12, 2005, 4:32 pm
// i always thought everyone liked the 1.1.5b weapon settings...
Hahaha you have a short memory :).
Btw. what's going on in clan and league games? What's the main weapon, anybody got some info?
October 12, 2005, 4:47 pm
mp5 from lame clans...and im seeing a lot of ruger...then theres pretty much anything...
October 12, 2005, 4:56 pm
publics are also swamped by barrets and m79. More so than before.
October 12, 2005, 5:55 pm
Yeah, amagine what would happen without bink :o
No way :)
October 12, 2005, 8:06 pm
quote:Originally posted by Michal Marcinkowski// i always thought everyone liked the 1.1.5b weapon settings...
Hahaha you have a short memory :).
Btw. what's going on in clan and league games? What's the main weapon, anybody got some info?
Depends on a clan's playing style. I guess the weapon choice generally is pretty balanced. So I think Deagle, Ruger, Steyr, AK, all of them are used pretty often. But especially on maps like Voland M79 and MP5 are the #1 weapons. Even Barret doesn't seem to be used that often anymore. From what I've seen so far mostly there's either 1 barret or none at all. I guess the balance overall is at a really good point atm, although there's still stuff to do for sure :)
October 12, 2005, 8:31 pm
quote:Originally posted by Michal Marcinkowski// i always thought everyone liked the 1.1.5b weapon settings...
Hahaha you have a short memory :).
Btw. what's going on in clan and league games? What's the main weapon, anybody got some info?
Spas is almost never used in league games, Deagles are used as often as Rugers, AK and Mp5 are used more than steyr or minimi, Barret and M79 are used almost all the time on the "alternate routes", especially on laos. M79 is used almost by everyone playing Voland. Minigun is also never used. Almost everyone uses knife or socom, LAW is barely used anymore.
Oh, and this is gathered mostly from Gather's and friendly clan wars between my clan and other American clans.
October 12, 2005, 9:11 pm
Funny thing is that Spas is a powerfull opponent on closed maps such as Voland, but M79 whoring übers it easily. Minigun is never taken seriously, but it is a real tool of destruction now, if used correctly. LAW usage has been cut back, because events happen faster in most situations than you could whip out and shoot with it.
October 12, 2005, 9:17 pm
Dude, über is not a verb, and hopefully never will be.
October 12, 2005, 9:20 pm
I think n00bface got it pretty good. I guess that's simply the way it is :) But I think it's not that Spas and LAW are rarely used because they are weak, I guess they are underestimated. LAW is also very powerful in situations when for example the enemy is out of range and there'd be nothing you could do in order to stop him :) But of course, knife is the best of all of the secondaries at the moment. Easy usage, great power, extremely fast usable. And Spas is also powerful, but the aiming is very different to the one of other weapons, so maybe that's why people don't like using it.
For the minigun - yes, never seriously taken. Though I've seen it being used for doing the last all-dominant cap for a match in the last seconds, which is in my opinion extremely cheap.
October 12, 2005, 9:44 pm
..I remember the first time I played soldat with bink added.. It changed the game completely for me. It made it more stressful somehow. Not that getting shot at should be orgasmic or anything..
I just... dont like bink i guess. It hasn't stopped me from being GODLIKE in soldat *cough* .. but still
October 13, 2005, 4:50 pm
über means "over", so its actually not a verb, in this case it just strenghtens one (="overwhoring") ;p
Bugs Revenge
October 14, 2005, 1:59 am
Hmm, look.. we can't take just one map for example since there are maps which the m79 is the most used weapon while in others (such Run or Viet) that the autoguns + barrets are being used.
Spas is a realy powerful weapon, especially in tunnels(alternate routes), it's realy hard beating a spas SPRAYER with the m79.. :\**bink**
Spas is more used for blocking then attcking.
About the LAW.. it's just like spas, if someone wanna block you, he would use LAW.. if he wanna attack, he would use succom \ knife.
That's just the way it works, that doesn't mean that the LAW isn't good enough..
People hardly use SPAS coz this weapon indeed need skills, and the skilled guys can pwn with it..
about the autoguns, AK and MP5 seems to be used the most..
DE \ Ruger -> ruger is being used more, that's why I think it's a bit overpowered on the DE..
Minigun?! people mostly using it in order to boost (yeah still) while it LAGS THE WHOLE SERVER.. I think this weapon should be remove \ be less laggy :(